Run the Canary Deployment pattern on Kubernetes

One of the benefits of using containers to develop applications is the ease and speed with which you can deploy new versions. In this learning path, you will use basic Kubernetes skills to understand and implement the Canary Deployment.

Overview: Run the Canary Deployment pattern on Kubernetes

One of the benefits of using containers to develop applications is the ease and speed with which you can deploy new versions. A rolling update can be performed in seconds, after which your new version will be available.

The downside is that it’s quite easy to quickly introduce a buggy version of your application. This double-edged sword can be threatening, but there are deployment methodologies that can help mitigate the danger. One such deployment pattern is called the Canary Deployment.

In this learning path, you will use basic Kubernetes skills to understand and implement the Canary Deployment.


Learning path environments

  • An OpenShift-based service
  • A command-line client

What you will do

  • Log in to your Developer Sandbox at the command line
  • Spin up a host service
  • Run a curl command loop
  • Set a pod count
  • Spin up a different version
  • Patch both versions to use the same route  
  • Change the pod counts
  • Observe the results

Programming languages

  • Java
  • Quarkus
  • Bash PowerShell

How long will this learning path take?

  • About 30-45 minutes

Need help?

  • If you need help, if you get stuck, if something isn’t working, or you simply have questions, you can easily contact us via email at