Michele Naldini
Michele Naldini, Cloud Sales Specialist Italy, built a strong business and technical know-how on enterprise and cutting edge technologies working for many corporations on different verticals and roles in the last 15 years.
He loves Open Source in all it's shades and enjoy sharing ideas and solutions with customers, colleagues and community members with blog post too !
Michele Naldini's contributions

Red Hat OpenShift 4.2 IPI on OpenStack 13: All-in-one setup
Michele Naldini
Learn how to test OpenShift 4.2 setup on OpenStack 13, and take advantage of OpenStack's programmatic API-driven approach.

How to install Ansible Tower on Red Hat OpenShift
Michele Naldini
How to set up Red Hat Ansible Tower on OpenShift and have it running as a container in minutes. Ansible Tower helps you scale IT automation, manage complex deployments, and improve productivity.

How to customize OpenShift RBAC permissions
Michele Naldini
Recently I've received a question from a customer who would like to restrict user permission in OpenShift Container Platform in order to be compliant with his company's security policies. OpenShift has rich and fine-grained RBAC capabilities out of the box, which gives you the possibility to setup exactly who can do actions (verbs in OpenShift word) on every kind of resource. Before we begin to dive deep into this topic, I have provided links to some resources I think will...

Build your Software Defined Data Center with Red Hat CloudForms and Openstack - part 2
Michele Naldini
Welcome back, here we will continue with the second part of my post, where we will work with Red Hat Cloudforms. If you remember, in our first post we spoke about Red Hat OpenStack Platform 11 (RHOSP). In addition to the blog article, at the end of this article is also a demo video I created to show to our customers/partners how they can build a fully automated software data center. Hands-on - Part 2 Well, now we need something...

Build your Software Defined Data Center with Red Hat CloudForms and Openstack - part 1
Michele Naldini
In this blog, I would like to show you how you can create your fully software-defined data center with two amazing Red Hat products: Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Red Hat CloudForms . Because of the length of this article, I have broken this down into two parts. As you probably know, every organization needs to evolve itself becoming a Tech Company, leveraging its own Digital Transformation, embracing or enhancing existing processes, evolving people's mindset, people’s soft/hard skills and of...