In this Blog post entry I will try to cover, how to use Red Hat Mobile Application Platform with private npm modules from
Private npm modules
With npm private modules, you can use the npm registry to host your own private code and use the npm command line to manage it. This makes it easy to use public modules like Express and Browserify side-by-side with your own private code.
- Upgraded account with private packages
- Npm v 2.7.0 or greater
Setup the package
First log in with your username:
npm login
All private packages are scoped if the package name begins with @
. The scope is everything in between the @
and the slash.
Packages for an individual user should be specified as follows:
To publish a package:
npm publish
Setup Client and Cloud Apps/MBaaS Services
First of all we need to change the package.json file and add the new private modules:
"dependencies" : {
"@username/project-name" : "1.0"
When the Client or Cloud apps are being deployed, the server needs a way to download the private modules. This can be solved using the .npmrc
file. The .npmrc
file will authenticate your server with npm.
Npm uses auth tokens to authenticate in the cli, to generate the token:
npm login <username> <password>
This will generate the token in the following file:
With the following information:
Copy the .npmrc
file generated and paste it to your root project(Cloud App/MBaaS or Mobile) folder.
Add the .npmrc
to the git repository:
git add .npmrc
git commit -am “added .npmrc file”
git push
Note: The token is not derived from your password, but changing the password will invalidate all tokens, the token will be valid until the password is changed. Tokens can also be invalidated by logging out of a machine or revoking them from the npm portal.
Note 2: The token generated has write/read permissions, if someone gets the token, they could do malicious things, to prevent this, we can also create a read only permissions token and update the.npmrc
npm token create --read-only
Additional Step for Cloud Apps/MBaaS Services
The Studio uses fh-npm to download the packages, this ignores the .npmrc
file, if we want to force the studio to use npm, we need to use shrinkwrap:
npm shrinkwrap
npm shrinkwrap lets you lock down the version numbers for all the packages and their descendant packages in your node_modules directory. It will generate an npm-shrinkwrap.json file.
git add npm-shrinkwrap.json
git commit -am “Added npm-shrinkwrap.json”
git push
Note: The file created and updated by this command will then take precedence over any other existing or future package-lock.json
Deploy Cloud App / MBaaS Service
Deploy Cloud App / MBaaS Service
When the Cloud App is deployed, you will be able to see in the console logs how the private modules are resolved automatically and downloaded.
Thanks to Darach Cawley for providing the information required to write this post.
Last updated: October 31, 2023