Mikel Sanchez
App Dev Developer, I like Bike and Running, living in Bilbao
Mikel Sanchez's contributions
Automate your Git host key verification setup in Jenkins
Mikel Sanchez
This article explains how you can automate your Git host key verification setup using the Jenkins Source-to-Image process.
Subscription benefits for secure deployments
Mikel Sanchez
Follow this step-by-step guide to create secure deployments in Red Hat services using entitlements, certificate authority, configuration files, and BuildConfig.
Handling Angular environments in continuous delivery with Red Hat OpenShift
Mikel Sanchez
We show how to configure Angular environments for continuous delivery, so you can build an image once and then promote it to other environments.
Building a Node.js service using the API-first approach
Mikel Sanchez
This article demonstrates the API-first development approach. To do this, it shows how to set up a Node.js microservice based on TypeScript by first generating an OpenAPI Specification file and then focusing only on developing the business logic. All the validations of the API are managed by oas-tools, which saves development time.
Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP
Mikel Sanchez
Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP. In this Blog post entry I will try to cover, how to use Red Hat Mobile Application Platform with private npm modules from registry.npmjs.org.
How to debug your mobile hybrid app on iOS
Mikel Sanchez
Following the blog post series, today, finally we have Part 2, this chapter tries to explain in an easy way how to debug your hybrid app using the Safari web inspector. As you know sometimes debugging a mobile app on a mobile device can be hard work, for Android and Web pages we have the Chrome Developer tools, this has been an extended way to do it, Part 3 of the blog post series will cover this method, for iOS...
How to Setup your Apps to Target Locally on a Device
Mikel Sanchez
This blog post is Part 1 in a series of three blog posts, explaining how to prepare the app for debugging (setup) and how to debug on iOS and Android. How to setup your apps to target locally on device (Part 1) How to debug your mobile app on iOS (Part 2) How to debug your mobile app on Android (Part 3) How to debug your app locally on a device is going to be the first chapter and explained...

Automate your Git host key verification setup in Jenkins
This article explains how you can automate your Git host key verification setup using the Jenkins Source-to-Image process.

Subscription benefits for secure deployments
Follow this step-by-step guide to create secure deployments in Red Hat services using entitlements, certificate authority, configuration files, and BuildConfig.

Handling Angular environments in continuous delivery with Red Hat OpenShift
We show how to configure Angular environments for continuous delivery, so you can build an image once and then promote it to other environments.

Building a Node.js service using the API-first approach
This article demonstrates the API-first development approach. To do this, it shows how to set up a Node.js microservice based on TypeScript by first generating an OpenAPI Specification file and then focusing only on developing the business logic. All the validations of the API are managed by oas-tools, which saves development time.

Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP
Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP. In this Blog post entry I will try to cover, how to use Red Hat Mobile Application Platform with private npm modules from registry.npmjs.org.

How to debug your mobile hybrid app on iOS

How to Setup your Apps to Target Locally on a Device