Don Schenck profile picture on GitHub

Digital Evangelist

Don Schenck

Polyglot with a focus on OpenShift. Speaker and author (books, blogs, cheat sheets). Microsoft MVP.

Don Schenck's contributions

Introduction to Istio Service Mesh series

Istio Smart Canary Launch: Easing Into Production

Don Schenck

This is part eight of a ten-week series and covers using the Canary Deployment pattern to ease code into production. Istio makes this easy while giving you several good options for intelligent routing. And you can do it all without changing your source code.

Istio Chaos Engineering

Istio Chaos Engineering: I Meant to Do That

Don Schenck

Testing software is challenging and very important. Testing for correctness is one thing, but testing for failures in network reliability is quite another task. This article will demonstrate how Istio makes this oh so easy.


Istio Circuit Breaker: When Failure Is an Option

Don Schenck

The phrase "Failure is not an option" is tossed about with much bravado, with Istio Circuit Breaker. But the fact remains, things eventually fail. Everything. How, then, do you handle the inevitable failure of your microservices? This article will show you how.

Istio Circuit Breaker: How to Handle (Pool) Ejection

Istio Circuit Breaker: How to Handle (Pool) Ejection

Don Schenck

This is week three of a ten-week series about Istio, kubernetes and OpenShift. The series started with an introduction to Istio, and this week covers Istio Circuit Breaker: How To Handle (Pool) Ejection.

Intro to Istio blog series

Istio Route Rules: Telling Service Requests Where to Go

Don Schenck

This article covers Istio Route Rules and telling Service Requests Where To Go. OpenShift and Kubernetes do a great job of working to make sure calls to your microservice are routed to the correct pods. What if, however, you want to customize the routing?

Intro to Istio blog series

Istio: It makes a mesh of things

Don Schenck

this is an introduction to Istio. Istio helps automate the developer time to implement a feature. The combination of code complexity and code heft (i.e. number of lines of code) can put a drag on an implementation. Istio is a better way.