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Digital Evangelist

Don Schenck

Polyglot with a focus on OpenShift. Speaker and author (books, blogs, cheat sheets). Microsoft MVP.

Don Schenck's contributions

.NET Core

Using .NET Core 2.0 and RHEL in Linux Containers

Don Schenck

.NET Core 2.0 represents the maturation of the .NET Core development effort. This, the third release (previous releases being version 1.0 and 1.1), brings nearly 20,000 more APIs and a much richer and deeper developer experience. To put it in the vernacular, .NET Core is ready for prime time. This blog post will show you the critical steps and configurations necessary to use .NET Core 2.0 running on RHEL inside your Linux containers. The Challenge Beginning with .NET Core 2.0...

.NET Core

Quick Introduction of .NET Core 2.0

Don Schenck

If you've been in IT for more than just a few years, you've probably heard the phrase "Wait until the third release" before jumping into a new technology or product. Well, .NET Core had version 1.0 and version 1.1. So here it is, the third release: Introducing .NET Core 2.0. And believe me, now is the time to jump on this bandwagon. You Get An API, Everyone Gets An API What's the big deal about .NET Core 2.0? Well for...

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The Perils Of The Bleeding Edge in .NET Core

Don Schenck

Let's face it: As developers, many of us enjoy being on the leading -- or, better -- the bleeding edge of technology. Whether it's because it's fun to learn new things, or for bragging rights at the local user group, or because we want to keep our "career sword" sharpened, the bleeding edge is guaranteed to bring excitement to our days. Sure beats maintaining VB6 code. But with that excitement comes the reason for the term "bleeding edge"; death by...

Advanced Microservices with .NET

Advanced Microservices with .NET

Don Schenck

During Red Hat Summit, this past May I along with Scott Hunter from Microsoft took part in a session titled Microservices and OpenShift with .NET Core and .NET Standard 2.0. I went first and talked about building microservices. This was an overview demonstrating the evolution through running a program at a command line, a .NET Core program in RHEL. Once completed I then showed just how easy it was to take the image and put into OpenShift and scale it...

DotNET Core process image

.NET Core Magic: Develop on one OS, run on another

Don Schenck

I recently attempted to write a blog post about Angular and .NET Core 2.0 [Note: It will be posted as soon as the .NET Core 2.0 RPMs are released], using my Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) VM as the operating system. Even though the .NET Core 2.0 bits are not available yet from Red Hat, I gave it a shot by using a daily build. When I tried to run the code, however, I got an error related to the...

DotNET Core process image

Creating Your First .NET Program on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Don Schenck

Sometimes things are really easy. This is one of those cases. There are only six steps to creating and running your first .NET program on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Install dotnet What's that? You don't have RHEL installed on your Windows PC in a Virtual Machine (VM). That's okay ... I'll wait while you install it. Just follow this video to download and install the Red Hat Development Suite . Okay, now that you have a VM, open PowerShell...

Remote debug your ASP

What's .NEW in .NET, Volume 1

Don Schenck

.NET Core continues to move forward at a rapid pace; this includes not only the framework but also the knowledge and tools related to it. Here are three recent highlights: LibYear, a "dotnet CLI tool for managing dependency freshness" Quicklink: LibYear ( blog post here ), written by Steve Desmond, uses your .csproj or project.json file as input and compares it to, producing a list of your dependencies and their freshness. That is, it checks to see if...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Sharing between Windows 10 and your VM

Don Schenck

If you're are anything like me, you find the easiest -- yet still best -- way to get things done. After all, life is too short to write programs using Edlin, so give me Visual Studio Code (VS Code). So, what's an easy way for a Windows .NET developer to write code for Linux? Enter the Red Hat Development Suite, a zero-cost bundle for running Linux on your Windows PC, including running .NET Core. After installing the Red Hat Development...