Don Schenck profile picture on GitHub

Digital Evangelist

Don Schenck

Polyglot with a focus on OpenShift. Speaker and author (books, blogs, cheat sheets). Microsoft MVP.

Don Schenck's contributions

Red Hat Developer image

The evolution of serverless and FaaS: Knative brings change

Don Schenck

The terms "serverless" and "Function as a Service" (FaaS) often are used interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. This article describes the terms and how Knative is speeding the evolution of both by enabling any service to be available as a function.


Knative: What developers need to know

Don Schenck

Knative is changing the world of microservices and serverless functions; here's what you need to know to take advantage of this cutting-edge technology.

Python Flask logo

How to install Python Flask on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Don Schenck

If you need to build some Python-based microservices, one way to do it is to install Python in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux virtual machine and use Flask, a microframework that makes building RESTful services easy.

Introduction to Istio blog series

Istio Service Mesh Blog Series Recap

Don Schenck

The past nine weeks of blog posts have introduced, explained, and demonstrated some of the many features of the Istio service mesh when combined it is with Red Hat OpenShift and Kubernetes. This, the final post in this series, is a recap.

Introduction to Istio Service Mesh series

Istio Egress: Exit Through the Gift Shop

Don Schenck

Using Istio with Red Hat OpenShift and Kubernetes makes life with microservices easier. But what if you want your microservice to talk to another service that is outside of your OpenShift/Kubernetes/pods environment? Enter Istio Egress.