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Digital Evangelist

Don Schenck

Polyglot with a focus on OpenShift. Speaker and author (books, blogs, cheat sheets). Microsoft MVP.

Don Schenck's contributions

Versions in Versions in Versions, AKA The .NET Core Russian Doll

Versions in Versions in Versions, AKA The .NET Core Russian Doll

Don Schenck

Version One Point What? Ever wonder what version of .NET Core you are running? Well, that’s simple enough to figure out; simply drop to the command line and type dotnet. You'll see something like this: Okay, I have version 1.1.0 installed easy enough. Another way to show this is to type, dotnet --version and see something like this: Wait … what? “Preview”? But I didn’t download a preview. A quick check at the download page on the web proves that...

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Edit, Compile and Debug .NET on Linux using VS Code

Don Schenck +1

One of the best features of Visual Studio is the ability to launch and debug an application from within the IDE. This is not an uncommon feature nowadays. When running .NET on Linux, however, you can't use Visual Studio as your IDE. What to do? The answer is Visual Studio Code , a free IDE that will allow you to edit, compile, launch, and debug your application from within your IDE. This post will guide you through this cycle. Note...

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PowerShell on RHEL in One Minute

Don Schenck

While not specifically related to .NET on Linux, PowerShell on Linux is available and -- let's face it -- if you're a Windows developer you're using PowerShell. If you're not using PowerShell, now is the time to start. While bash is the traditional Linux shell, PowerShell gives you the advantage of objects. In PowerShell, everything is an object, with properties you can directly access. It's also a very powerful object-oriented scripting language, with classes and methods, much like any OOP...

A Practical Introduction to Docker Container Terminology

The Evolution of a Linux Container

Don Schenck

(Probably, a more accurate title would be "The Evolution of a Linux Container Developer") Since .NET now runs on Linux (as well as Windows and macOS), the whole world of Linux containers and microservices has opened up to .NET developers. With a large pool of developers, a long track record of success, and performance numbers that are impressive, .NET offers a great opportunity to expand the world of Linux containers to formerly Windows-centric developers. While it’s tempting to rush in...

Creating your first ASP.NET MVC web site on RHEL

Creating your first ASP.NET MVC web site on RHEL

Don Schenck

Follow this blog post, and within minutes you will have an ASP.NET MVC website running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Yes, I'm talking to you, Windows .NET developer; you're about to double your OS skillset. Let's do this. I'm going to start with some assumptions: You are running Windows. You are not running Linux. Based on those two assumptions, we're going to: Install a RHEL Virtual Machine (VM) on your Windows PC. Start and run the VM. Install .NET...

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Debugging .NET on Red Hat Enterprise Linux from Visual Studio

Don Schenck

Being able to edit your C# (or F# for that matter) code on your Linux VM from Visual Studio in Windows is pretty great. As a Windows developer, you're able to work in an environment you know and trust while still being able to experiment -- and hopefully produce production code -- in Linux, where you may not be quite up to speed. Yet. Visual Studio, that familiar, productive and helpful IDE, is at your fingertips even though your code...

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Using Visual Studio with Linux (Hint: Windows is still required)

Don Schenck

Running .NET on Linux, using the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK), means your Linux VM is running "headless" -- you don't have a desktop UI. You have a command line, and that's it. Note: If you aren't running .NET on Linux, hop over to the Red Hat Developer's web page and download the CDK to get started. Red Hat Enterprise Linux's built-in editor, VIM, which is launched by the command vi , is not a full-featured development environment. Not...

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Gems: A Few Helpful dotnet commands

Don Schenck

This post may be short, but if you're new to .NET Core, it's valuable. After installing .NET on RHEL, you want to get up and running as quickly as possible. After all, what good is a framework without anything to show for it? Well, fearless developer, wait no more; here are a few dotnet commands that will take you from a command prompt to a web site, and beyond: By now, you might know this basic command to create a...