jason meyer
jason meyer's contributions
Five OpenShift Development Environments in Five Minutes
jason meyer
It’s been over a month since I spoke at the Red Hat Summit in Boston and now that the dust has settled, I thought you might be interested in reading a brief summary of my Lightning Talk on Five OpenShift Development Environments in Five Minutes. In the presentation, I spoke about five different ways that you can create an OpenShift development environment within minutes. This included oc cluster up, Vagrant All in One Box, Minishift, a Fabric8 technology, and the...

Five OpenShift Development Environments in Five Minutes
jason meyer
It’s been over a month since I spoke at the Red Hat Summit in Boston and now that the dust has settled, I thought you might be interested in reading a brief summary of my Lightning Talk on Five OpenShift Development Environments in Five Minutes. In the presentation, I spoke about five different ways that you can create an OpenShift development environment within minutes. This included oc cluster up, Vagrant All in One Box, Minishift, a Fabric8 technology, and the...