Technical Marketing Manager

Technical Marketing Manager

Bruno Meseguer

Bruno Meseguer is a Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Integration Products. Before becoming a Red Hatter in 2015, he worked in the integration space for over 15 years in various industries as a developer and architect, designing and building large throughput integration platforms, combining various middleware products. As a Red Hatter applying his technical experience, he guides customers in adopting best practices & technologies and helps to raise global awareness about Red Hat integration capabilities.

Bruno Meseguer's contributions

Featured image for ML with OpenShift

Implement AI-driven edge to core data pipelines

Bruno Meseguer

The Edge to Core Pipeline Pattern automates a continuous cycle for releasing and deploying new AI/ML models using Red Hat build of Apache Camel and more.

A code editor with four icons symbolizing DevOps, developers, a gear, and a cluster.

Which Camel DSL should you use?

Bruno Meseguer

This article explains the benefits of domain-specific languages and compares Camel's Java, XML, and YAML DSLs to help you choose the right one for your team.