
Observability is a crucial aspect of efficiently maintaining complex environments. It provides the capability to understand the internal state of the system by scraping runtime data. The collected data gives better view of the system at runtime and can be used to configure alerts and identify trends and insights about the element being monitored.

Prometheus is a widely used monitoring tool that scrapes data from configured targets using a pull-based approach. Prometheus expects the metric to be exposed in specific data exposition format. There are also projects like OpenMetrics, which aims to convert the Prometheus exposition format into a standard to help transmit metrics at scale.

In this article, we will see how we can scrape metrics from the newly released Red Hat build of Keycloak deployed on Red Hat OpenShift.

Install the Keycloak Operator

The Red Hat build of Keycloak is packaged as an Operator that can be deployed on OpenShift. We can deploy the Keycloak Operator using Operator Hub. The Keycloak Operator is built with the quarkus operator-sdk library.

In Operator Hub we will search for Red Hat Build of Keycloak Operator
Search for Keycloak Operator in Operator Hub
Figure 1: Search for Keycloak Operator in Operator Hub.


Configure the Subscription to install Keycloak Operator. In this section we are configuring the channel, approval and namespace where Keycloak operator will be installed.
Configure the Subscription to install Keycloak Operator
Figure 2: Configure the Subscription to install Keycloak Operator.


Keycloak Operator is installed successfully
Keycloak Operator Installed Successfully
Figure 3: Keycloak Operator installed successfully.


Deploy the Keycloak Custom Resource

Now that the Keycloak Operator is installed, we can utilize the installed Keycloak Operator to start an instance of Red Hat build of Keycloak. This instance can be created using Keycloak Custom Resource.

To be able to create Keycloak custom resource, we need to have a database running (I have used PostgreSQL database) and the certificates along with private key to start the https port of Keycloak.

Create the database credential secret

We will first create a secret that will hold the username and password to connect with the database:

$ oc create secret generic keycloak-db-secret \
  --from-literal=username=postgres \

Create the TLS secret

Next, we need to create a secret which will hold the certificates and the key that will be utilized to start https port of Keycloak.

Below are the steps to create a self-signed certificate. If this is a production setup, the certificate might need to be issued by a Certificate Authority.

Info alert: Note

The Prometheus metrics will be scraped from https endpoint; hence while generating certificate, add the Subject Alternative Name covering the service host (either through regex or exact service hostname). Alternatively, you can use the route host to scrape the metrics.

In the snippet below, I have created request.conf to generate the certificate with Subject alternative name:

# Created a configuration file with my requirements 
$ cat request.conf
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no

C = IN
O = Company
OU = Division
CN = ${rhbk_hostname}

keyUsage = keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = ${service_name}.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local

# Generating the certificate and key using above created request.conf
$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key -out tls.crt -config request.conf -extensions 'v3_req'
$ ls
tls.key tls.crt

Replace ${rhbk_hostname} , ${service_name} , and ${namespace} with your Red Hat build of Keycloak hostname, service name, and the namespace.

Create the TLS secret using the above generated certificate and key:

$ oc create secret tls rhbk-tls-secret --cert tls.crt --key tls.key
secret/rhbk-tls-secret created

Create Keycloak CR

Now that we have created 2 secrets—one for the database credential and other for enabling https port—we can now create our Keycloak Custom Resource using the YAML provided below:

$ cat keycloak.yaml 
kind: Keycloak
  name: rhbk-keycloak
    app: sso
  namespace: rhbk-operator
    database: rhbk_operator
    host: postgres.db.server
      key: password
      name: keycloak-db-secret
    port: 5432
    schema: public
      key: username
      name: keycloak-db-secret
    vendor: postgres
    tlsSecret: rhbk-tls-secret
  instances: 1
    xaEnabled: false

The above example YAML would be useful as a skeleton for you; the specific value has to be filled as per the database configuration, secrets created, hostname expected, etc.

Checking status of Keycloak pod

The Keycloak pod should transition to Running status:

$ oc get pods
NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
rhbk-keycloak-0                 1/1     Running   0          1h
rhbk-operator-5b97fdfd6-jb2d7   1/1     Running   0          1h

Enabling user monitoring in OpenShift cluster

To enable Prometheus scraping metrics from user defined project, we need to configure enableUserWorkload to true in cluster-monitoring-config configmap within openshift-monitoring namespace.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: cluster-monitoring-config
  namespace: openshift-monitoring
  config.yaml: |
    enableUserWorkload: true

Adding ServiceMonitor

So now that we have our Keycloak server up and running and user monitoring enabled, we can create the ServiceMonitor object to scrape metrics exposed by the Keycloak service.

Before we create a ServiceMonitor, we have to update Keycloak custom resource to enable metrics endpoint. It can be done by updating metrics-enabled to true under spec.additionalOptions.

Update keycloak.yaml to enable metrics endpoint:

kind: Keycloak
    - name: metrics-enabled
      value: 'true'

After the metrics-enabled is set to true, we can check if the metrics endpoint is exposed successfully using the route URL: https://keycloak-route-url/metrics

To create ServiceMonitor, we need to identify :

  • The service port we need to monitor
  • Secret with server certificate (required to enable SSL connection)

In current case we can utilize the tls.crt stored within rhbk-tls-secret in initial section.

Create ServiceMonitor

With the https port, Service URL and /metrics of Keycloak, along with the server certificate available in rhbk-tls-secret we can create a ServiceMonitor like following:

kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: rhbk-service-monitor
  namespace: rhbk-operator
    - interval: 30s
      path: /metrics
      port: https
      scheme: https
            key: tls.crt
            name: rhbk-tls-secret
        serverName: ${service_name}.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local
      app: keycloak

Observing the target

With ServiceMonitor created and its required element in place, as shown in Figure 4, we can see our Keycloak target Up under Observe Targets. The Up status is crucial, as any other status signifies missing configuration.

The target should be in "Up" status once the ServiceMonitor is configured successfully. Any other status signifies issue in scraping Prometheus metrics.
Target associated with ServiceMonitor is in "Up" status
Figure 4: Target associated with ServiceMonitor is in "Up" status.

Querying metrics

We can now query for specific metrics under Observe Metrics in the OpenShift Console. Below is an example query:

sum(jvm_threads_peak_threads{namespace=’rhbk-operator’}) BY (pod, namespace)
Sample Prometheus query execution to check if the scraped data is parsed successfully by Prometheus query language. In this screenshot we are querying for jvm_threads_peak_threads metric of Keycloak
Querying jvm_threads_peak_threads metric in data scraped from Keycloak
Figure 5 : Query jvm_threads_peak_threads metric in data scraped from Keycloak

Keycloak exposes metrics about the System, JVM, Database, HTTP, and Cache.


This article walked you through how to install the Keycloak Operator, create a Keycloak CR, and ultimately expose Keycloak metrics. Metrics empower us to effectively maintain our Keycloak installation by helping us peek behind the curtain to gain insights, identify bottlenecks, and more, for a more reliable Keycloak environment.