Mark Little

Jakarta EE: The future of Java EE | DevNation Tech Talk

In case you missed it, Java EE was given a new home at the Eclipse Foundation and on 26th February Jakarta EE was chosen as the new name for Java™ EE. Join this session to gain an understanding where Jakarta EE is heading and how customers and communities can help drive the future of enterprise Java. Java EE has been the dominant enterprise Java standard for well over a decade. However, in recent years there has been confusion and concern around its future promoting new efforts such as Eclipse MicroProfile to take just enough Java EE into the world of cloud and microservices. But all of that changed in 2017 when Oracle announced that, working with Red Hat and IBM, they were donating all of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation and to be rebranded as Jakarta EE. What does this mean for the future of enterprise Java and traditional Java application servers?

Dr. Mark Little, vice president, Engineering, Red Hat Mark Little leads the technical direction, research, and development for Red Hat® JBoss® Middleware. Prior to 2008, Mark served as the SOA technical development manager and director of standards. Additionally, he was a chief architect and co-founder at Arjuna Technologies, a spin-off from HP, where he was distinguished engineer. Mark has worked in the area of reliable distributed systems for more than 30 years.