Red Hat Developer Program

Case Studies in Testable Java EE Development

For this session we have Andrew Rubinger presenting examples from his O’Reilly book, "Continuous Enterprise Development in Java". Andrew has strong roots in testing and enterprise middleware, having implement the JBoss' EJB container and also co-founding the Arquillian project. Abstract This session pulls a variety of examples in testable development from O’Reilly's Continuous Enterprise Development in Java, including a review of the sections on: • RESTful services • UI verification • Transactions • Security ...and covers other areas of the Java EE platform that have historically been branded as “difficult to test.” The session spends a lot of time in the IDE, with examples that are freely available to fork and run. Presenter: Andrew Lee Rubinger (Open Source Software Engineer and Author) Open-source engineer; Developer Advocate and Program Manager at JBoss by Red Hat, author of the upcoming "Continuous Enterprise Development in Java" from O'Reilly Media. Founder of the ShrinkWrap project and recovering member of the JBoss Core Development Team.