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JGroups - An effective framework for cluster communication

Today, when microservices are widely used we often need a tool for sending messages throughout the cluster. During the presentation we will learn how to send information between nodes, invoke RPCs or even coordinate distributed task execution. Clustering might be fun!

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Java EE Microservices with WildFly Swarm

For this session we have Bob McWhirter talking about WildFly Swarm, which is a project he founded to bring microservices to the Java EE world. == Abstract == WildFly Swarm makes it possible to wade into the great ocean of microservices without abandoning your JavaEE knowledge and experience. In this talk, we’ll introduce you to what makes WildFly Swarm similar to and distinct from proper WildFly. We will explore how WildFly Swarm can enable a microservices architecture. We’ll also demonstrate how to weave together multiple services to have a non-trivial application composed of multiple, independently-deployable services.

Technical How-to Books for Developers - Microservices, Design Patterns, .NET, Reactive, Databases Open configuration options

Technical How-to Books for Developers - Microservices, Design Patterns, .NET, Reactive, Databases

Emily Parish

Within Red Hat knowledge sharing and collaboration are important. As a part of that many Red Hatters write books and we get the honor of sharing their knowledge with other developers. We have 7 more books in queue for the coming year and thought we would share the books you can currently download. Learn how to get started with a new technology. Learn why you would want to use new methodologies or technologies. Or just dive in a little deeper...

Red Hat Summit logo

18 Recorded Sessions on Cloud Native Development - from Red Hat Summit

Mike Guerette

As I mentioned prior to Red Hat Summit, there was a whole lot of activity around the complementary aspects of microservices, containers, open source, and cloud, so I've assembled this recorded set of sessions on the topic Cloud Native Development. Enjoy! Lessons Learned - From Legacy to Microservices - The Road to Success of Miles & More , by Torben Jaeger, Matthias Krohnen (Miles & More), Serge Pagop An introduction to OpenShift.io, an end-to-end OpenShift development platform in the cloud...

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio Maintenance Release for Eclipse Neon.3

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.4.4 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 10.4 for Eclipse Neon.3 are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon.3) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.6.3 Neon JEE Bundle since...

Kubernetes logo

Fighting Service Latency in Microservices with Kubernetes

Bilgin Ibryam

CPU and network speed have increased significantly in the last decade, as well as memory and disk sizes. But still one of the possible side effects of moving from a monolithic architecture to Microservices is the increase in the service latency. Here are few quick ideas on how to fight it using Kubernetes. It is not the network In the recent years, networks transitioned to using protocols that are more efficient and moved from 1GBit to 10GBit and even to...

Red Hat Logo

Riviera Dev/JUDCon: Riviera 2017 Recap

Lance Ball

I returned late Sunday night from a trip to the south of France, where I was privileged to speak about Microservices, OpenShift, and how to do it all on Node.js. The conference was RivieraDev/JUDCon: Riviera 2017 and took place in Sophia Antipolis, near Nice, Cannes, St. Tropez and other fabulous Mediterranean cities on the southeastern coast of France. This was a two-day conference, sponsored in part by Red Hat. It was great to see so many Red Hatters there and...

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It takes more than a Circuit Breaker to create a resilient application

Bilgin Ibryam

Topics such as application resiliency, self-healing, antifragility are my area of interest. I've been trying to distinguish, define , and visualize these concepts, and create solutions with these characteristics. Software characteristics"> However, I notice repeatedly, that there are various conference talks about resiliency, self-healing, and antifragility and often they lazily conclude that Netflix OSS Hystrix is the answer to all of that. It is important to remember that conference speakers are overly optimistic, wishful thinkers, and it takes more than...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

The CoolStore Microservices Example: DevOps and OpenShift

Alessandro Arrichiello

An introduction to microservices through a complete example Today I want to talk about the demo we presented @ OpenShift Container Platform Roadshow in Milan & Rome last week. The demo was based on JBoss team's great work available on this repo: https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/coolstore-microservice In the next few paragraphs, I'll describe in deep detail the microservices CoolStore example and how we used it for creating a great and useful example of DevOps practices. We made some edits to the original project...

Microservice architecture

The Truth about Microservices

Brian Atkisson

John Frizelle, a Mobile Platform Architect at Red Hat, gave a talk on microservices wherein he provided some great advice about microservices. Most importantly, he provided guidance on when, where, and why (or why not) you should deploy them. What are Microservices Microservices are a method of breaking down an application into a suite of small, lightweight services, and are processes that typically communicate over HTTP. Building a single microservice is easy, building a microservice architecture is extremely hard. It...

Red Hat OpenShift.io is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.

Achieving Deployment Excellence with Red Hat OpenShift.io

Rob Terzi

Recently, the focus on the continuous delivery of value has created a lot of interest in microservices, CI/CD, and containers. The idea is that microservices are small and well defined enough to enable rapid innovation, automated testing, and frequent deployments with minimal risk. This is made possible by adopting continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines. CI/CD requires the ability to quickly, easily, reliably, and automatically create and tear down complete execution environments. Linux containers address this need by creating lightweight...

Blueprint for Modern Application Architecture

Blueprint for Modern Application Architecture

Brian Atkisson

... with APIs, OpenID, and Microservices, Daria Mayorova and Mark Cheshire from Red Hat 3Scale shared their presentation on how to construct microservice-based applications with the benefits of API management. Some general characteristics of microservices include: componentization via service organized around business capabilities smart endpoints design for failure decoupling of components Typically, microservices are divided into to two general architectural buckets: Inner Architecture Any service communication with other microservices within a larger service boundary (think intra-application communication). Outer Architecture Border...

Red Hat OpenShift.io is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.

OpenShift.io The Gathering - Summit 2017 - Developer Tools, Overview and Roadmap Part I

Brian Atkisson

Yesterday, at Red Hat Summit , Red Hat announced OpenShift.io . OpenShift.io is the next generation OpenShift platform, based on OpenShift 3, for building and running applications in the cloud. It gives you complete control of your application's lifecycle, from build to production-- regardless of deploying from source or running a pre-built container. In the Developer tools, Overview and Roadmap Part I summit session, Todd Mancini, Peter Muir, and James Strachan take a packed house through an introduction to OpenShift.io...

Red Hat OpenShift.io is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.

7 Freaking Awesome things about OpenShift.io

Brian Atkisson

Today's announcement of Red Hat OpenShift.io was followed by a full day of developer toolset Summit sessions. These were presented by the OpenShift.io product development team and covered some truly amazing OpenShift.io features. While there are too many features to cover in a single blog post, these were my top 7 items. 1. A Kanban board that is actually useful OpenShift.io is built from the ground up for development teams to rapidly release software. This is one of the primary...

Red Hat OpenShift.io is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.

Red Hat OpenShift.io: An end-to-end, cloud-native, team development experience

Rob Terzi

Digital transformation is about evolving into a technology business to compete in the digital economy. Businesses can’t transform without relying on the developer to implement the transformation strategy and deliver value. Unfortunately, as developers look to adopt new approaches that let them deliver business value more quickly, they find it challenging to get started in a timely fashion. First, they have to pick a software stack to use as a foundation. In the world of open source, there is an...

Red Hat Summit logo

O'Reilly Authors are Heading to Summit - microservices, raspberry pi hacks, .NET and more.

Emily Parish

Red Hat Summit is just around the corner in Boston and we are preparing just a few of the many Red Hat authors for their book signings. We've given them 6 steps to signing books: Step 1: Get books ordered. Step 2: Get to Boston. Step 3: Bring a marker. Step 4: Bring a spare marker. Step 5: Show up at the right time. Step 6: Enjoy sharing your work with attendees! Ok - so we may be teasing them...

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

DevNation Federal - Washington, DC June 8, 2017

Adam Clater

It’s hard to believe that spring of 2017 is upon us, and with it, the preparation for our second DevNation Federal . Last year has seen a surge of innovation in open source communities, and now more than ever it’s imperative that government agencies equip themselves for the change that lies ahead. This year, digital transformation , microservices , containers and Kubernetes are hotter than ever. Function as a Service (FaaS) , hyper-converged , and serverless architecture are on the...

Red Hat Logo

7 Things to Worry About w/Microservices

Abdul Azeez Idris

So recently, the idea that Monoliths should be discouraged and that Microservices be embraced has taken over the Software Development space. A project made into a single code base is to be taken out and broken into manageable pieces. It is better to work with manageable sub-units than a whole bunch of one big stuff. Well, as the saying goes, small-scale always wins. Before you consider starting that project or breaking your current project into microservices, you have to fundamentally...

Eclipse Vert.X book cover
Cheat Sheet

Eclipse Vert.x Cheat Sheet

Clement Escoffier

Eclipse Vert.x applications are fast, responsive, resilient and elastic. Here are step-by-step details to create them.

WildFly Swarm Cheat Sheet Cover
Cheat Sheet

WildFly Swarm Cheat Sheet

Andrew Block

In this cheat sheet, learn how to develop a WildFly Swarm application, including how to customize the runtime and configure a WildFly Swarm application.

Getting started with OpenShift Java S2I

Getting started with OpenShift Java S2I

Thomas Qvarnström

Introduction The OpenShift Java S2I image, which allows you to automatically build and deploy your Java microservices, has just been released and is now publicly available. This article describes how to get started with the Java S2I container image, but first, let’s discuss why having a Java S2I image is so important. Why Java S2I? The Java S2I image enables developers to automatically build, deploy and run java applications on demand, in OpenShift Container Platform, by simply specifying the location...

Announcing Fuse for agile integration

Announcing Fuse for agile integration on the cloud - FIS 2.0 release

Christina Lin

Today, I am very pleased to announce the GA of Fuse Integration Service 2.0. This release will make integration applications more portable, flexible and allow agile developers to react faster to business needs by supporting microservice architectures. Developers will now be able to realize the benefits of microservices within integration projects and be able to leverage integration patterns while breaking up monolithic applications and reducing the size of services pushed onto older ESB technology. With FIS 2.0, developers can now...