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Microservice principles and Immutability - demonstrated with Apache Spark and Cassandra

jay vyas

Containerizing things is particularly popular these days. Today we'll talk about the idioms we can use for containerization, and specifically play with apache spark and cassandra in our use case for creating easily deployed, immutable microservices. Note: This post is done using centos7 as a base for the containers, but these same recipes will apply with RHEL and Fedora base images. There are a few different ways to build a container. For example, for beginners, you can build a container...

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Un module Puppet pour tuned-adm (Français)

Romain Pelisse

Il y a quelques mois, j'ai développé et publié une petite extension Puppet pour tuned-adm . En effet, cette commande est une fonctionnalité assez appréciable de RHEL , et il m'a semblé donc pertinent d'évoquer cette dernière sur Red Hat developer blog . Tour d'horizon de 'tuned-adm' Pour faire court, cette commande va s'occuper des nombreux fins réglages du système d'exploitation pour vous, selon l'usage que vous souhaitez faire de ce dernier. Par exemple, si vous utilisez le système comme...

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Creating custom Atomic trees, images, and installers - Part 2

Brent Baude

This blog is a continuation of " Creating custom Atomic trees, images, and installers - Part 1 ." In part one, we learned how to compose our own atomic trees and consume them in a guest. In part two, we will learn how to create our own disk images and installer media. Creating custom disk images As mentioned in the previous blog, the subcommand imagefactory can be used to create disk images. As of this writing, the imagefactory subcommand can...

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JBoss on Docker At a Glance

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

If one thing survived all the New Year parties, it is Docker. It was hot at the end of 2014 and it looks like it is getting even hotter in 2015. And Red Hat is one of the key drivers behind the adoption of this amazing container technology. This is a short summary blog post about a bunch of resources to get you started with Java EE, WildFly and Microservices on Docker mostly collecting resources and information from the JBoss...


Creating custom Atomic trees, images, and installers - Part 1

Brent Baude

Not too soon after people start using Atomic images, the question of customization soon follows. It is a natural progression for most people when they use Atomic. There are a number of different ways to accomplish using custom images not withstanding using docker and containers. The Atomic tool called ' rpm-ostree-toolbox ' is emerging as the best tool for customizing Atomic. The 'rpm-ostree-toolbox' main command is actually a wrapper (much like virsh) for three subcommands: treecompose, imagefactory, and installer. With...

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Running PHP FPM in Docker

Remi Collet

Use cases In Red Hat Enterprise Linux we support a variety of different versions of PHP. Sometimes users find they need to run a legacy application, requiring an older version of PHP, on a newer version of RHEL. Developers may want to develop an application on their Fedora Workstation and deploy it on a RHEL server or ensure it will be compatible with all available PHP versions in enterprise distributions. This example can be easily adapted for all PHP versions...

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Dockerfiles now available for Red Hat Software Collections

Joe Orton

We recently announced that we've made available a set of Dockerfiles for Red Hat Software Collections. We are making these available since we think they may be useful to customers looking to build more complex application containers on top of RHEL and RHSCL. We don't intend the Dockerfiles to produce useful standalone images which you'll immediately put in production - the Docker images which these create are very simple containers which give you RHEL plus the basic set of packages...

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Useful Dockerfiles for the RHEL-ecosystem

Langdon White

Like most programmers, I find it much easier to take some existing example of code and modify it to do what I want. Sometimes, I end up with nothing from the original source, but I still find it easier. I wonder if this is akin to writing where, I find, if you put the words down in a stream of consciousness manner, then " rewrite , rewrite , rewrite ." As such, I am really excited about the efforts from...

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Introducing a *Super* Privileged Container Concept

Daniel Walsh

Letting the containers out of containment I have written a lot about *Containing the Containers*, e.g. * Are Docker containers really secure? * and * Bringing new security features to Docker *. However, what if you want to ship a container that needs to have access to the host system or other containers? Well, let's talk about removing all the security! Safely? Packaging Model I envision a world where lots of software gets shipped in image format. In other words...

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Article - Bringing new security features to Docker

Daniel Walsh

In the first of this series on Docker security , I wrote "containers do not contain." In this second article, I'll cover why and what we're doing about it. Docker, Red Hat, and the open source community are working together to make Docker more secure. When I look at security containers, I am looking to protect the host from the processes within the container, and I'm also looking to protect containers from each other. With Docker we are using the...

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Article - Are Docker containers really secure?

Daniel Walsh

This article from is based on a talk I gave at DockerCon this year. It will discuss Docker container security, where we are currently, and where we are headed. Containers do not contain I hear and read about a lot of people assuming that Docker containers actually sandbox applications—meaning they can run random applications on their system as root with Docker. They believe Docker containers will actually protect their host system. I have heard people say Docker containers are...

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Repost: OpenShift V3 Deep Dive - The Next Generation of PaaS w/ Docker

Mike Guerette

By Ben Parees There have been a lot of announcements lately around Red Hat’s OpenShift v3 plans, specifically around Docker and Kubernetes. OpenShift v3 is being built around the central idea of user applications running in Docker containers with scheduling/management support provided by the Kubernetes project, and augmented deployment, orchestration, and routing functionality built on top. This means if you can run your application in a container, you can run it in OpenShift v3. Let’s dig in and see just...

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Beyond Microbenchmarks: breakthrough container performance with Tesla efficiency

Jeremy Eder

Back story As virtualization was beginning it's march to prominence, we saw a phased approach to adoption. This is common with any sort of game changing technology....let's take electric cars as an example. Early adopters are willing to make certain trade-offs (short range) to gain new capabilities (saving money at the gas station). In the meantime, engineers are off in the lab working hard to increase the possible consumer-base for electric cars by increasing range, decreasing charging cycle times, and...

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Containerize RHEL 6 Applications to Run on RHEL 7

Mike Guerette

Reposted from the RHEL blog and written by Bhavna Sarathy . What if you could run your existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 applications on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 without porting or making changes to your source code? Today, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 platform image, which allows for the creation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6-based application containers. Applications that have been developed, tested, and certified for Red...

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Comprehensive Overview of Storage Scalability in Docker

Jeremy Eder

Backstory First, a brief backstory on the storage situation for Docker since it was open-sourced in early 2013. At that time, Docker relied on a filesystem called AUFS (advanced multi layered unification filesystem). This Union filesystem provided the necessary features to support several of Docker's main selling points: container creation speed copy-on-write image->container Docker still supports the AUFS backend, but Ubuntu has disabled it and moved the AUFS kernel module to linux-image-extra. The fact that AUFS never made it into...

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Because Red Hatters are Rubyists too

Mike Guerette

If Ruby development is your thing, here at Red Hat we understand why. We make use of Ruby and Ruby on Rails in our products and provide a range of tools to get your Ruby applications up and running. Also, we offer you the opportunity to take your Ruby skills a little further, as we have projects you can get involved in. Read on to discover how we use Ruby in OpenShift by Red Hat® , our Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) portfolio...

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OpenCloud2014 slides: Linda Wang - Use Cases for Docker in Enterprise Linux Environment

Linda Wang

Abstract: Linux Container as a feature has been available for hobbyist usage for a while now; however, not only 'til recently where Docker, as a container deployment technolog, help built an open source community and gain wide adoption, has provided an easy way to deploy Linux Containers on the enterprise Linux. This talk will introduce and cover the various use cases and deployment models that are available and suited for enterprise devops work environment. By Linda Wang, Red Hat Sr...

Dr. Dobb

Dr. Dobb's: Containers for Development, by Red Hat's Langdon White

Mike Guerette

Red Hat's Langdon White wrote this informative Dr. Dobbs article: Containers for Development. "Containers provide a lightweight alternative to virtual machines and they enable developers to work with identical dev environments and stacks. They also facilitate DevOps by encouraging the use of stateless designs. Here's how these benefits play out in real life. "Two of the hottest buzzwords in IT, right now, are DevOps and containers. While both terms are emerging and so battling with varying meanings and unclear expectations...

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Performance Analysis of Docker on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Jeremy Eder +1

Containers introduce some intriguing usability, packaging and deployment patterns. These new patterns offer the potential to effect massive improvements to the enterprise application development and operations specialties. Containers also offer the promise of bare metal performance while offering some amount of isolation as well. But can they deliver on that promise ? Since earlier this year, the Performance Engineering Group at Red Hat has run huge amounts of microbenchmarks, benchmarks and application workloads in Docker containers. The output of that...

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Red Hat Developer Newsletter - August 2014

Mike Guerette

Welcome to the Red Hat® Developer Newsletter. As we're in the season for covering our arms and faces with sunscreen, here's another ARM for your attention. Last month, Red Hat announced the launch of the Red Hat ARM Partner Early Access Program to enhance partner collaboration and facilitate partner-initiated system designs — based on the 64-bit capable ARMv8-A architecture — that include Red Hat software. The program is aimed at silicon vendors, independent hardware vendors (IHVs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs)...

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Getting Started with Kubernetes / Docker on Fedora

Scott Collier

******* EDIT This entry is out of date, I have moved the instructions to the Google Kubernetes github repo. END EDIT ******* These are my notes on how to get started evaluating a Fedora / Docker / kubernetes environment. I'm going to start with two hosts. Both will run Fedora rawhide. The goal is to stand up both hosts with kubernetes / Docker and use kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment of a couple of simple applications. Derek Carr has already...

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How Red Hat's Inception DevOps team utilized Docker for the Release Engine

Ryan Cook

As we have discussed in the past , Team Inception has been working on a release engine to automate RPM code deployments within Red Hat IT. On July 8 we passed a significant milestone by successfully using Release Engine in our QA environment. This was an incredible achievement which included a number of feature requests, defect fixes, and collaboration between multiple teams to produce an open source application that will a ddress growing needs internally in Red Hat IT...

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Red Hatters to Find at Fedora Flock - Prague, 6-9 August

Mike Guerette

Flock 2014 (Editor's correction: Flock is a "new, larger and pre-scheduled conference" for North America and Europe) is just a few weeks away and will be hosted in Prague, Czech Republic. The entire list of sessions can be seen here , but below is the list of the 39 sessions delivered by Red Hatters. Have a great conference! WEDNESDAY Matthew Miller: Opening: Fedora Project Leader , Wednesday, August 6 • 08:45 - 09:00 Opening remarks from Fedora Project Leader. Amita...

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Repost: Red Hat and Google Collaborate on Kubernetes to Manage Docker Containers

Mike Guerette

Excerpts from the original announcement: "Red Hat and Google are both committed to open source and we were both early proponents of Docker as well as key contributors to the Docker project. We are now joining forces to drive a new open standard around orchestrating Docker containers at scale for the management of cloud application deployments. "Today, Red Hat is announcing that as part of Project Atomic, we are collaborating with Google to tackle the challenge of how to manage...