
Featured image for automating JBoss Web Server deployments with Ansible.

Deploy Infinispan automatically with Ansible

Romain Pelisse

A collection offered by Ansible Galaxy installs Infinispan in the background, making it easy to automatically add that datastore to Java applications.

Featured image for Best of Ansible and automation 2021

Ansible and automation: The best of 2021

Red Hat Developer Editorial Team

Find out which articles about Ansible, automation, CI/CD, GitOps, and API management most piqued developers' interest in 2021.

Featured image for How to design robust state machines

How to design state machines for microservices

Avishay Traeger +1

Design better state machines for microservices. Learn how to use the stateswitch Go lib to organize state transition logic and APIs to expose service states.

Four reasons developers should use Ansible

Four reasons developers should use Ansible

Don Schenck

Why should developers learn Ansible? Find out how this simple yet powerful DevOps tool makes automating environments and configuring systems easy.

Learning path featured image

Red Hat Interactive Learning Portal

No matter where you are in your software development career, from just starting, to re-training, to expert-level but needing a brush-up, the Red Hat Developer program can help with tutorials and learning.

2021 Summit card - updated

Red Hat Summit 2021

Red Hat Summit has been reimagined for 2021 into several different experiences, including a variety of must-see sessions for developers. Part 1 (April 27-28) features Burr Sutter's iconic demos, developer-focused sessions, and a virtual DevZone. Part 2 (June 15-16) features an entire track of developer-focused breakout sessions selected specifically for you, and even more resources in the virtual DevZone.

Summit 2022

Developers at Red Hat Summit

Red Hat® Summit is where ideas and innovation come together to shape the future of enterprise IT. With a variety of offerings for this year’s event, you have the opportunity to shape conversations around open cloud technology, digital transformation, and much more.

AnsibleP roduct Page_graphic

Operations by pull request: An Ansible GitOps story

GitOps is a means of accelerating and simplifying application deployments and operations tasks using Git version control as your system’s "source of truth" and pull requests to manage, automate, and track changes.