Red Hat Enterprise Linux

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Build your first application using Python with Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK)


Get started building Python applications in docker formatted containers using the Red Hat Container Development CDK (CDK) 2 Introduction and Prerequisites In this tutorial, you will learn how to start building Python 3 applications in docker formatted containers using the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) 2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You need to have CDK 2 installed and should have downloaded the Red Hat Enterprise Linux vagrant box for your system. See the CDK 2 Installation Guide for...

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Build your first application using PHP with Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK)


Get started building PHP applications in docker formatted containers using the Red Hat Container Development CDK (CDK) 2. Introduction and Prerequisites In this tutorial, you will learn how to start building PHP applications in docker formatted containers using the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) 2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You need to have CDK 2 installed and should have downloaded the Red Hat Enterprise Linux vagrant box for your system. See the CDK 2 Installation Guide for more...

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Build your first application using Node.js with Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK)


Get started building Node.js applications in docker formatted containers using the Red Hat Container Development CDK (CDK) 2. Just 3 easy steps. Introduction and Prerequisites In this tutorial, you will learn how to start building Node.js applications in docker formatted containers using the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) 2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You need to have CDK 2 installed and should have downloaded the Red Hat Enterprise Linux vagrant box for your system. See the CDK 2...

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Getting Started with Microsoft SQL Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Takayoshi Tanaka

Microsoft announced SQL Server on Linux public preview , so now you can try SQL Server on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux server. I'll describe how to start SQL Server on RHEL. Install and connect with CLI on RHEL Microsoft publishes a step-by-step document how to Install SQL Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux . It's only 7 steps to install and run. # systemctl status mssql-server ● mssql-server.service - Microsoft(R) SQL Server(R) Database Engine Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mssql-server.service; enabled; vendor...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Configuring and Using Persistent Memory in RHEL 7.3

Jeff Moyer

Persistent memory, or pmem, is an exciting new storage technology that combines the durability of storage with the low access latencies and high bandwidth of DRAM. In this article, we'll discuss the types of pmem hardware, a new programming model for pmem, and how to get access to pmem through the OS. Persistent memory, sometimes called storage class memory, can be thought of as a cross between memory and storage. It shares a couple of properties with memory. First, it...

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Red Hat adds .NET Core 1.1 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Mike Guerette

Today, we’re pleased to announce that .NET Core 1.1 is now available and supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. This second .NET Core release shows Red Hat’s continued commitment to opening up platform choices for enterprises seeking to use .NET in Linux environments, including container-centric operating systems. We’re also pleased to lead the way in the Linux world yet again with our support for .NET, as Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the only commercial...

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November 2016 GNU Toolchain Update Part 2

Nick Clifton

(Part 2)The GNU Toolchain is a collection of  programming tools produced by the GNU Project. The tools are often packaged together due to their common use for developing software applications, operating systems, and low level software for embedded systems.

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Cockpit: Your entrypoint to the Containers Management World

Alessandro Arrichiello

Containers are one of the top trend today. Starting working or playing with them could be really hard also if you've well understood the theory at their base. With this article I'll try to show you some useful tips and tricks to start into containers world, thanks also to the great web interface provided by the Cockpit project. Cockpit overview Cockpit is an interactive server admin interface. You'll find below some a of its great features: Cockpit comes “out of...

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Container Orchestration Specification for better DevOps

Pradeepto Bhattacharya

The world is moving to microservices, where applications are composed of a complex topology of components, orchestrated into a coordinated topology. Microservices have become increasingly popular as they increase business agility and reduce the time for changes to be made. On top of this, containers make it easier for organizations to adopt microservices. Increasingly, containers are the runtimes used for composition, and many excellent solutions have been developed to handle container orchestration such as: Kubernetes/OpenShift ; Mesos and its many...

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What comes after 'iptables'? Its successor, of course: `nftables`

Florian Westphal

Nftables is a new packet classification framework that aims to replace the existing iptables, ip6tables, arptables and ebtables facilities. It aims to resolve a lot of limitations that exist in the venerable ip/ip6tables tools. The most notable capabilities that nftables offers over the old iptables are: Performance: Support for lookup tables - no linear rule evaluation required No longer enforces overhead of implicit rule counters and address/interface matching Usability: Transactional rule updates - all rules are applied atomically Applications can...

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Docker project: Can you have overlay2 speed and density with devicemapper? Yep.

Jeremy Eder

It's been a while since our last deep-dive into the Docker project graph driver performance. Over two years, in fact! In that time, Red Hat engineers have made major strides in improving container storage: Introduced the docker-storage-setup package to help make configuring devicemapper-based storage a snap . Introduced full support for overlay FS in RHEL7.2+ when used with containers Introduced overlay2 as Tech Preview mode Gotten SELinux support to both overlay and overlay2 merged into upstream kernel 4.9 Added a...

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Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 now beta

Mike Guerette

Today, Red Hat announced the beta availability of Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 , Red Hat’s newest installment of open source web development tools, dynamic languages, and databases. Delivered on a separate lifecycle from Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a more frequent release cadence, Red Hat Software Collections bridges developer agility and production stability by helping to accelerate the creation of modern applications that can then be more confidently deployed into production. New additions to Red Hat Software Collections 2.3...

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MACsec: a different solution to encrypt network traffic

Sabrina Dubroca

MACsec is an IEEE standard for security in wired ethernet LANs. This blog , will give an overview of what MACsec is, how it differs from other security standards, and present some ideas about how it can be used. MACsec is a Layer 2 protocol that relies on GCM-AES-128 to offer integrity and confidentiality, and operates over ethernet. It can secure all traffic within a LAN, including DHCP and ARP, as well as traffic from higher layer protocols. It is...

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Getting started with Red Hat Enterprise Linux development on Parallels Desktop

Earl R. Lapus

I've recently gotten hold of a developer subscription of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) . The following are the steps I took to have a minimal RHEL installation as a Parallels Desktop virtual machine guest. My simple goal is to have a local, ready-to-use RHEL box that I can use to try stuff out. The items below may be well suited for new RHEL developers like myself. Installation Preparing the Virtual Machine First thing to do is to prepare a...

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Tracing packets inside Open vSwitch

Flavio Bruno Leitner

Open vSwitch is a software switch responsible for providing network connectivity to virtual machines or containers. Since it is programmable, it brings a challenge to understand what is going on in the network. Open vSwitch (OVS) is an OpenFlow virtual switch, so before talking about OVS itself, it is necessary to introduce OpenFlow a bit. OpenFlow is an open standard protocol that allows separation of the packet forwarding (data plane) from the high level routing decisions (control plane). The control...

OpenShift Operator

Four creative ways to create an OpenShift/Kubernetes dev environment

Rafael Benevides

Developers have a lot of choices when deciding how to start using OpenShift and Kubernetes locally --- without going through a native OS installation. We all need to have a development environment as close as possible to production (to prevent defects caused by environmental differences), but ideally we need to do this without spending a lot of time to setup and a lot of computational resources (cpu, memory and disk space). This post will present four alternatives to create a...

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Migration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or 6 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with the Preupgrade Assistant

Petr Hracek

This article describes how an administrator can migrate Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 with the help of the Preupgrade Assistant. The Preupgrade Assistant is a tool which assesses your running system for anything that might adversely affect the success of your migration. As Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 will have only extended update support after March 2017, administrators will find a tool like that useful to help them...

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P/Invoke in .NET Core on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Takayoshi Tanaka

P/Invoke(Platform Invocation Service) is one of the features of CLI (Common Language Interface) on .NET Framework. P/Invoke enables managed code to call a native function in DLL (Dynamic Link Library). It's a powerful tool for .NET Framework to execute existing C-style functions easily. .NET Core also has a P/Invoke feature and it means we can call a native function in .so file (Linux) and . file (Max OSX). I will show you the short example P/Invoke in .NET Core on...

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Top 10 "Yum" installables to be productive as a developer on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Zachary Flower

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is not Ubuntu. Out of the box, it seems the default packages installed for developers are somewhat limited. To provide exceptional long-term stability, Red Hat takes a different approach to default packages and software repositories (repos). Development tools aren't installed unless specifically selected. The repos that are initially enabled only contain packages that Red Hat supports over the long term lifecycle of RHEL. Because RHEL’s default repos don’t have as large a selection of development...

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Debugging .NET on Red Hat Enterprise Linux from Visual Studio

Don Schenck

Being able to edit your C# (or F# for that matter) code on your Linux VM from Visual Studio in Windows is pretty great. As a Windows developer, you're able to work in an environment you know and trust while still being able to experiment -- and hopefully produce production code -- in Linux, where you may not be quite up to speed. Yet. Visual Studio, that familiar, productive and helpful IDE, is at your fingertips even though your code...

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How to install and configure Jenkins to build .NET apps on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Andrew Male

In the process of writing my posts ( #1 and #2 ) on . NET Core and RHEL , it was made clear to me by several friends that I had neglected to use the de facto standard for continuous integration on Linux, Jenkins . Always happy to try out new (to me) tools, I settled in for what I was assured would be a simple configuration to test out my previous work in this bastion of automation. What is...

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How to install and configure Ansible on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Keith Rogers

Note: This post is from 2016. For current instructions, reference the documentation. With DevOps taking hold in businesses ranging from small design agencies to large enterprises, there has been a real push to automate deployments and make them consistent. As part of this, maintaining configuration as code and utilizing a version control system such as Git or Subversion to house it is becoming more prominent. Tools like Puppet and Chef have been around for a number of years...

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Six popular incident management tools for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Zachary Flower

From a developer’s perspective, “incident management” can be a pretty ambiguous term. While the first thing that comes to mind is receiving and responding to alerts, most IT professionals know it is so much more than that. Effective incident management starts with data collection and continues through alerting, escalation, collaboration, and resolution. At the server level, the most important pieces of incident management are infrastructure monitoring and log management, the vast majority of which are easily configurable on a Red...