Red Hat OpenShift

.NET Core

Improving .NET Core Kestrel performance using a Linux-specific transport

Tom Deseyn

Kestrel, the web server in the .NET Core, supports replacing the network layer. This article benchmarks Kestrel’s networking layer with a Linux-specific implementation to achieve measurable performance gains compared to the out-the-box implementation.

Red Hat OpenShift

How to call the OpenShift REST API from C#

Takayoshi Tanaka

In this article, I show how you can call the Red Hat OpenShift REST API from your C# code, which is useful for automating tasks. Visual Studio is used to take the REST API definition and create a library you can use in your code. Also shown is how to handle the conversion needed for the JSONpath components.

Apache Kafka on OpenShift

Smart-Meter Data Processing Using Apache Kafka on OpenShift

Hugo Hiden +2

Learn how to process and aggregate huge streams of IoT data using Strimzi and Apache Kafka on Red Hat OpenShift. The data stream is processed using the Red Hat AMQ distributed streaming platform to perform aggregations in real time as data is ingested into the application.

Red Hat OpenShift

Using OpenShift to deploy .NET Core applications

Tom Deseyn

Containers are the new way of deploying applications. They are an efficient way to portably deploy applications across clouds and different OSes.This article looks at what OpenShift brings for .NET Core specifically and how OpenShift provides a DevOps platform on top of Kubernetes for building and deploying apps.

Kubernetes new application server

Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server

Rafael Benevides

Kubernetes and related technologies, such as Red Hat OpenShift and Istio, provide the non-functional requirements that used to be part of an application server and the additional capabilities described in this article. Does that mean application servers are dead?

Red Hat Summit 2018 demo

Using Red Hat Data Grid to power a multi-cloud real-time game

Galder Zamarreno

Red Hat Data Grid was used to power the multi-cloud real-time scavenger hunt game at Red Hat Summit 2018. In this article, you will learn how features of Data Grid were used to implement the games functionality, while replicating across three different cloud environments for high availability and resiliency.

Red Hat Summit Logo

Red Hat Data Grid on Three Clouds (the details behind the demo)

Sebastian Łaskawiec

Here are behind-the-scenes details on how the Red Hat Summit 2018 multi-cloud demo was configured to run Red Hat Data Grid in active-active-active mode for cross-site replication across three clouds to handle a large amount of globally routed traffic.

.NET Core

Announcing .NET Core 2.1 for Red Hat Platforms

Bob Davis +1

We are very pleased to announ ce the general availability of .NET Core 2.1 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift platforms! .NET Core is the open-source, cross-platform .NET platform for building microservices . .NET Core is designed to provide the best performance at scale for applications that use microservices and containers . Libraries can be shared with other .NET platforms, such as .NET Framework (Windows) and Xamarin (mobile applications). With .NET Core you have the flexibility of building and...

Red Hat Fuse

EDI Transformations with Fuse Ignite and Trace Transformer

Simon Green

Red Hat JBoss Fuse 7's new iPaaS feature, Fuse Ignite, is a platform on which citizen integrators and developers can coexist, collaborate, and contribute to an end-to-end integration. See how EDI analysts can use it to focus on their business mappings and transformations.

Eclipse Che

Eclipse Che 6.6 Release Notes

Dave Neary

Eclipse Che 6.6 is here, and since the release of Che 6.0, the community has added a number of new capabilities. In this article, learn about new features and how to get started using Che with Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift, and Docker.

Red Hat CDK

How to install Red Hat CDK 3.4 on Fedora 28

Robin Owen

Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) provides a single-node Red Hat OpenShift cluster that can assist with containerized application development. This environment is like a production OpenShift environment that works on a single user's computer. Follow these steps to install CDK 3.4 on Fedora 28.

JBoss User Group (JBug) Scotland

Application Modernization and Migration Tech Talk + Scotland JBug Meetup

Eric D. Schabell

At the June 6, 2018, Scotland JBoss User Group meeting, get hands-on experience in a workshop showcasing application development in the cloud using containers, JBoss middleware, services, business logic, and APIs. Also hear a tech talk on application modernization and migration.

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Using Ansible Galaxy Roles in Ansible Playbook Bundles

Siamak Sadeghianfar

[In case you aren't following the OpenShift blog , I'm cross posting my article here because I think it will be of interest to the Red Hat Developer commnity.] The Open Service Broker API standard aims to standardize how services (cloud, third-party, on-premise, legacy, etc) are delivered to applications running on cloud platforms like OpenShift. This allows applications to consume services the exact same way no matter on which cloud platform they are deployed. The service broker pluggable architecture enables...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Container Testing in OpenShift with Meta Test Family

Petr Hracek

Using Meta Test Family, writing tests for containers is really easy. Container testing helps you guarantee that a container is working properly just as an RPM package would.

Signage for the Red Hat Summit at Moscone West in San Francisco

Red Hat Summit: Functions as a Service with OpenWhisk and OpenShift

Doug Tidwell

Serverless computing (often called Functions as a Service, or FaaS) is one of the hottest emerging technologies today. The OpenWhisk project, currently in incubation at Apache, is an open-source implementation of serverless that lets you create functions that are invoked in response to events.

Moscone West graced with the Shadowman logo

Red Hat Summit: Containers, Microservices, and Serverless Computing

Doug Tidwell

You're in an IT department. How does the rest of the organization see you? As a valuable asset whose code and APIs make a difference in the marketplace, or as a necessary evil that should be trimmed wherever possible? Containers, microservices, and serverless computing can get you where you need to go.

Red Hat Summit: Developing .NET Core Apps on Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat Summit: Developing .NET Core Apps on Red Hat OpenShift

Rob Terzi

At Red Hat Summit 2018, Red Hat’s John Osborne and Microsoft’s Harold Wong gave a talk: Developing .NET Core Applications on Red Hat OpenShift. .NET Core 1.0 availability for Linux was announced two years ago, but many developers still have a number of questions about the differences between .NET Framework and .NET Core.

Istio logo

Getting Started with Istio and Jaeger on Your Laptop

Siamak Sadeghianfar

About a year ago Red Hat announced its participation as a launch partner of the Istio project. We are now introducing the istiooc command-line tool and a set of pre-built Istio and Jaeger example scenarios that would make it even easier to get started with these technologies.