
Red Hat OpenShift

Building Java 11 and Gradle containers for OpenShift

Michael Vorburger

This article discusses a fast and easy way to get Java apps running in a cloud by using OpenShift’s Source-to-Image (S2I) builder with Maven, Gradle,or Java 11.

Eclipse Vert.x

Processing CloudEvents with Eclipse Vert.x

Matthias Wessendorf

How to generate or process CloudEvents using Vert.x. CloudEvents describe event data in a common, standardized way based on a spec from CNCF

Red Hat Learning Subscription

Red Hat Application Development I: Programming Java EE (JB183) course now available

Zachary Gutterman

A new video classroom training course, Red Hat Application Development I: Programming Java EE (JB183), is now available. This course covers modern enterprise Java development using easy-to-follow lectures and demonstrations, and it is the preparatory course for the Red Hat Certified Enterprise Application Developer Exam.

Auto-generating news and publishing it to WordPress

Auto-generating news and publishing it to WordPress with Apache Camel

Ricardo Zanini

This article contains a demo of how to use the new Camel WordPress component to auto-generate news posts and publish them to a WordPress blog. A soccer statistics API is used as the source and converted into text via a natural language generation (NLG) library.

Red Hat Developer

Natively compile Java code for better startup time

Faisal Masood

Serverless architectures can benefit from faster startup times. The configuration demonstrated in this article shows how GraalVM can reduce startup time and Docker image size for Java-based programs hosted on container platforms such as Red Hat OpenShift Containter Platform.

Article Thumbnail

What Does the New JBoss EAP CD Release Stream Mean for Developers?

Lucas Costi

A new release stream of Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform is now available: JBoss EAP continuous delivery (JBoss EAP CD). JBoss EAP CD provides rapid incremental releases of new JBoss EAP capabilities approximately every quarter and is delivered only in Red Hat OpenShift image format.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Announcing new product updates of CDK 3.4, DevStudio 11.3, DevSuite 2.3

Mike Guerette +1

We're extremely pleased to announce additions and updates to our suite of Red Hat Developers desktop tooling products, including Container Development Kit 3.4, JBoss Developer Studio 11.3, and our DevSuite 2.3 installer. These updates are a continuation of our efforts to increase developer usability, while adding new features that matter most for users of Red Hat platforms and technologies. New features in this release This release has the following updated tools: CDK 3.4 DevStudio 11.3.0 Developer Suite 2.3 Highlights Container...

Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 12.0.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.6.0.Final for Eclipse Photon

Announcing Developer Studio 11.3.0.GA, JBoss Tools 4.5.3 for Eclipse Oxygen.3a

Jeff Maury

The community editions of JBoss Tools 4.5.3 and JBoss Developer Studio 11.3 for Eclipse Oxygen.3a are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7.3a Oxygen JEE...

Jakarta EE

Jakarta EE is officially out

Mark Little

Jakarta EE is officially out! The number of Java developers globally is estimated at over 14 million. The Java EE market is estimated at a high multi-billion Dollar value to the industry.

Eclipse Vert.x logo

When Vert.x Meets Reactive eXtensions (Part 5 of Introduction to Vert.x)

Clement Escoffier

In the last post, we saw how Eclipse Vert.x can interact with a database. To tame the asynchronous nature of Vert.x, we used Future objects. In this post, we are going to see another way to manage asynchronous code: reactive programming. We will see how Vert.x combined with Reactive eXtensions gives you superpowers.

Eclipse Vert.x logo

Some REST with Vert.x (Part 3 of Introduction to Vert.x)

Clement Escoffier

This post is part of the Introduction to Eclipse Vert.x series. In the last post, we saw how this application became configurable and how we can use a random port in a test. Let’s go a bit further this time and develop a CRUD-ish / REST-ish application.