Kubernetes and friends

Spend time getting to know your new friend - Kubernetes. Learn more about this open source container orchestration system and make notes on commands, tips, and tricks to bring it to life.

Kamesh Sampath provides an overview of Envoy and Istio, two open source projects that will change the way you write cloud-native Java applications on Kubernetes. We’ll show how to download and set up Istio on your local laptop, then deploy Java microservices as part of the Istio service mesh with Istio sidecar proxy.

Sail smoothly in the Cloud - An introduction to Istio by Kamesh Sampath

The first generation of microservices was primarily shaped by Netflix OSS and leveraged by numerous Spring Cloud annotations all throughout your business logic. The next generation of microservices will leverage *sidecars and a service mesh*. In this session, we will give you a taste of Envoy and Istio, two open source projects that will change the way you write *Cloud Native, Java Applications on Kubernetes*.

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Introducing Istio Service Mesh for Microservices
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Microservices for Java Developers: A Hands-on Introduction to Frameworks and Containers