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Quarkus Renarde : An old-school Web framework with today's touch

   DevNation Day @ Devoxx UK | May 12, 2022

  Sebastien Blanc, Stephane Epardaud

Quarkus Renarde is a new Web framework based on Quarkus. This time we're not doing microservices, but a Web application, by making Quarkus even easier to use for that:

  • Endpoints based on convention, even easier than RESTEasy Reactive and JAX-RS
  • Templating (server-side) with Qute
  • Validation with Hibernate Validation
  • Data with Hibernate ORM or Reactive with Panache
  • Authentication with Open ID Connect or Webauthn, fingers in the nose

And all this while keeping the joy of developing with Quarkus (live reload, continuous testing, DEV UI, etc.) We will show you all these foxy features thanks to a sample but complete application: a Todo with users, registration/login/OIDC/Webauthn, validation, emails, and more.