I'm very happy to announce that Docker images based on collections from Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL) 2.0 are in beta testing. The images are available from the Red Hat Container Registry, and we've got the set of collections for language, databases and web servers covered - a complete list is below.
If you've not tried out the Docker package from RHEL7 Extras, you need to enable the Extras channel, install the docker page, and start the docker service; an extended guide for RHEL Docker is available here. Once you are set up, pulling the RHSCL Docker images is very simple... for example, you can fetch the Python 3.4 image as follows:
# docker pull registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl_beta/python-34-rhel7
Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl_beta/python-34-rhel7:latest
# docker run rhscl_beta/python-34-rhel7 python -V
Python 3.4.2
Each of the images has a set of different configuration options - these are documented in the Customer Portal. Let us know in the comments, or in Bugzilla, how you get on.
These images run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Red Hat Atomic Host, and Red Hat Atomic Enterprise.
List of RHSCL Docker images available
Component | Description |
Language images | |
rhscl_beta/php-56-rhel7 |
PHP 5.6 platform for building and running applications |
rhscl_beta/python-34-rhel7 |
Python 3.4 platform for building and running applications |
rhscl_beta/python-27-rhel7 |
Python 2.7 platform for building and running applications |
rhscl_beta/perl-520-rhel7 |
Perl 5.20 platform for building and running applications |
rhscl_beta/ruby-22-rhel7 |
Ruby 2.2 platform for building and running applications |
rhscl_beta/ror-41-rhel7 |
Ruby on Rails 4.1 platform for building and running applications |
rhscl_beta/passenger-40-rhel7 |
Phusion Passenger 4.0 web server and application server |
HTTP server images | |
rhscl_beta/httpd-24-rhel7 |
Apache HTTP 2.4 Server |
rhscl_beta/nginx-16-rhel7 |
Nginx 1.6 server and a reverse proxy server |
Database images | |
rhscl_beta/mysql-56-rhel7 |
MySQL 5.6 SQL database server |
rhscl_beta/mariadb-100-rhel7 |
MariaDB 10.0 SQL database server |
rhscl_beta/postgresql-94-rhel7 |
PostgreSQL 9.4 SQL database server |
rhscl_beta/mongodb-26-rhel7 |
MongoDB 2.6 NoSQL database server |