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Red Hat Developers Newsletter - August 2015
Welcome to the Red Hat® Developers Newsletter.
This month, many of you are getting your kids ready to go back to school. Learning can be a lot of fun, and we Red Hatters wish them (and you) good luck for the new year.
By the way, have you learned something new lately? How about containers or Red Hat Enterprise Linux® Atomic Host, Red Hat JBoss® Fuse, Red Hat Software Collections, OpenShift 3 by Red Hat, or something else? The Red Hat Developers Program is a free program to visit and learn all of these and more—take a look today at developers.redhat.com.
In today’s newsletter, we report on a Red Hat survey about mobile developers—maybe you’re one, but didn’t know it! And Red Hat VP of engineering, Mark Little, talks about microservices. Read more below.
If you have any questions or requests for topics, please reply to this email. Enjoy the articles, and happy coding.
The Red Hat Developer Relations Team
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Featured news item
Enterprise Mobility Hiring Demand Favors Developers
Are you a mobile developer? If so, it may be time to update your resume.
Mobile developers who are looking to land a new job have chosen their career path wisely, suggests a new study from Red Hat. 50% of the 112 IT decision makers polled by TechValidate for Red Hat plan to take on new hires to support their mobile IT initiatives. Of those, 32% are seeking front-end development experts while 27% are on the lookout for back-end integration specialists. Fittingly, 15% of organizations are seeking candidates with DevOps skills for a quick turnaround on their mobile projects. Read the whole article.
Featured topicFeatured topic
Microservices 101: The good, the bad and the ugly - from ZDNet
In this interview, Mark Little, Red Hat VP of engineering, discusses microservices architectures: Apps are built as a suite of small, semi-autonomous processes that perform specific tasks and use APIs to communicate with each other. Microservices are meant to be easy to use and scalable, and increasingly figure in web, mobile, and Internet-of-Things apps. However, just because a number of factors and technologies have come together to make microservices the architecture of the moment, it doesn't make it plain sailing. If you are considering microservices, the best place to begin is with good software engineering practice. Read the entire article.
Some recent happeningsSome recent happenings
In case you missed it—Red Hat and Internet of Things (IoT)—see this fascinating demo from Craig Muzilla’s Red Hat Summit 2015 keynote that shows Red Hat Middleware working in real time with IoT devices.
Some recent blog articlesSome recent blog articles
How to Create an S2I Builder Image, by Maciej Szulik
Source-To-Image (S2I) is a very useful standalone tool for creating builder images. It also happens that S2I is the major strategy used for building applications in OpenShift 3 by Red Hat. The main reasons one might be interested in using source builds are speed, patchability, user efficiency, and ecosystem. This article is about creating a simple S2I builder image. Read the entire article.
Tuned: the tuning profile delivery mechanism for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, by Jeremy Eder
Tuned (pronounced “tune-d”) is a tuning profile delivery mechanism included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. As demonstrated by D.John Shakshober (a.k.a. Shak) at Red Hat Summit, tuned improves performance for most workloads by quite a bit. “What’s a tuning profile?” you ask. Red Hat delivers tuned profiles for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, KVM, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack® Platform, and much more. Read the entire article.
More Red Hat blogs and resources:More Red Hat blogs and resources:
If you're not aware of it, Red Hat has a developer blog: https://developers.redhat.com/blog. Be sure to visit it often to get the latest technical scoop on all sorts of developer-related topics.
If you'd like to track more focused blogs, see these 2 popular ones for JBoss and OpenShift. In addition, there's JBoss Weekly to keep in touch with recent events related to the Red Hat JBoss Middleware portfolio.
Upcoming events and webinarsUpcoming events and webinars
Find Red Hat and Red Hatters at these upcoming events:
LinuxCon NA and ContainerCon, August 17-19, 2015, Seattle, Washington, USA
This is the ideal place for developers, sys admins, and architects to discuss and learn about the Linux platform, and contribute to Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and more.
VMWorld, August 30-September 3, 2015, San Francisco, California, USA
Learn about how VMware works with Red Hat products and be sure to stop by the Red Hat booth.
NodeConf EU, September 6-9, 2015, Dublin, Ireland
NodeConf EU is the premier Node.js conference in Europe.
A listing of additional events is also available for JBoss and OpenShift.
For Red Hat developer tools product information, visit developers.redhat.com.