Samir Dash
Samir is Principal Software Engineer and a RedHat UXD team member working mostly on Information Architecture (IA) and Interaction Design (IxD) aspects of various RedHat products.
Samir Dash's contributions
DesOps is "DevOps 2.0"
Samir Dash
This article describes the key principles of DesOps and how DesOPs processes should be structured so that products delight customers and deliver value.
DesOps - The Next Wave in Design
Samir Dash
DesignOps (or DesOps) is an approach to design that is inspired by and is complementary to the culture of DevOps. Like DevOps, it involves a cultural shift, collaboration, and automation. Learn practical approaches for how to prepare for this next wave in design.
Beta Testing in the Ever-Changing World of Automation
Samir Dash
Beta testing is fundamentally all about the testing of a product performed by real users in a real environment. The Beta stage in the product lifecycle management (PLM) is the ideal opportunity to hear from the target market and to plan for the road ahead.
The Evolution of Technology in the Context of Software Development & Design Process: Take-away from PatternFly Conference
Samir Dash
Last Sunday, I returned home, India, after attending a series of collaborative sessions in Raleigh, NC, with many designers and developers across Red Hat and the open-source community, at the UX Summit and the PatternFly Conference. The whole experience was inspiring, informative and at the same time thought provoking with many takeaways, out of which the most interesting for me was that cumulatively all the inspiring talks from the speakers of the conference were implicitly hinting towards a clue. How...
DesOps is "DevOps 2.0"
This article describes the key principles of DesOps and how DesOPs processes should be structured so that products delight customers and deliver value.
DesOps - The Next Wave in Design
DesignOps (or DesOps) is an approach to design that is inspired by and is complementary to the culture of DevOps. Like DevOps, it involves a cultural shift, collaboration, and automation. Learn practical approaches for how to prepare for this next wave in design.
Beta Testing in the Ever-Changing World of Automation
Beta testing is fundamentally all about the testing of a product performed by real users in a real environment. The Beta stage in the product lifecycle management (PLM) is the ideal opportunity to hear from the target market and to plan for the road ahead.
The Evolution of Technology in the Context of Software Development & Design Process: Take-away from PatternFly Conference