Heinz Windzio
Heinz Windzio's contributions
Start evaluating Red Hat JBoss EAP 7 in less than 1 minute
Heinz Windzio
Wouldn’t it be great if you could try out a new product within minutes, or even seconds? As a developer your time is limited, and the last thing you want is to spend large amounts of effort downloading, installing, or configuring a product just to try it out. Or even worse, .. get stuck troubleshooting the process of getting a product up and running that you’re not even sure you want to use. Red Hat is working with Codenvy to...
What’s new with the Red Hat Developer Program?
Heinz Windzio
The Red Hat Developer Program was introduced to make it easier for any developer to create quality software. The program began with great developer tools and content provided through our developers.redhat.com website, which allows developers to download and use our enterprise products for development purposes through a free membership. This enables you to develop, prototype, test, and demo your software on the enterprise products that can be trusted to run the most demanding of enterprise production environments. Here are the...
Sign up for the Stack Overflow Assistance pilot
Heinz Windzio
We want to assist developers wherever they may look for help using Red Hat products, and we know they love Stack Overflow. For a limited time, as a member of the Red Hat Developer Program you can sign up for our Stack Overflow Assistance pilot. As part of this pilot, we will try to respond within 24 hours to your developer questions on Red Hat products within Stack Overflow, if they haven’t already been answered correctly. To sign up, click...

Start evaluating Red Hat JBoss EAP 7 in less than 1 minute
Heinz Windzio
Wouldn’t it be great if you could try out a new product within minutes, or even seconds? As a developer your time is limited, and the last thing you want is to spend large amounts of effort downloading, installing, or configuring a product just to try it out. Or even worse, .. get stuck troubleshooting the process of getting a product up and running that you’re not even sure you want to use. Red Hat is working with Codenvy to...

What’s new with the Red Hat Developer Program?
Heinz Windzio
The Red Hat Developer Program was introduced to make it easier for any developer to create quality software. The program began with great developer tools and content provided through our developers.redhat.com website, which allows developers to download and use our enterprise products for development purposes through a free membership. This enables you to develop, prototype, test, and demo your software on the enterprise products that can be trusted to run the most demanding of enterprise production environments. Here are the...

Sign up for the Stack Overflow Assistance pilot
Heinz Windzio
We want to assist developers wherever they may look for help using Red Hat products, and we know they love Stack Overflow. For a limited time, as a member of the Red Hat Developer Program you can sign up for our Stack Overflow Assistance pilot. As part of this pilot, we will try to respond within 24 hours to your developer questions on Red Hat products within Stack Overflow, if they haven’t already been answered correctly. To sign up, click...