Istio’s multi-cluster features will be generally available in Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh 3. To help users prepare for these new features and assess potential use cases, the multi-primary deployment model has been made available for developer preview in OpenShift Service Mesh (OSSM) 2.6.
In addition to detailing how to enable multi-primary in OSSM 2.6, this article will provide an overview of multi-cluster topologies, touch on some security considerations, compare multi-cluster and mesh federation, and outline some key features and potential use cases of multi-cluster with OSSM.
Multi-cluster topologies and multi-primary
Istio’s multi-cluster service mesh topologies can be deployed using the multi-primary model, wherein multiple clusters contain a deployment of the Istiod control plane component, or the primary-remote model, wherein remote clusters do not contain a mesh control plane and instead connect to the Istiod instance running on the primary cluster.
If clusters reside on the same network, cross-cluster connections between service workloads can be established directly; otherwise, east-west gateways are exposed on each cluster dedicated to accommodating cross-cluster traffic, as shown in Figure 1.

To facilitate endpoint discovery on a remote cluster, the kube-apiserver
for the remote cluster must be accessible to the control plane on the primary cluster. This is achieved by generating a "remote secret" on the primary cluster containing the necessary credentials to access the remote cluster’s kube-apiserver
In multi-primary topologies, trust needs to be established between each primary cluster in the mesh. This can be achieved by, for example, configuring each cluster’s Istiod instance to use intermediate certificate authorities generated using a common root CA.
Security considerations
It is a requirement for Istio’s multi-cluster topologies that the kube-apiserver
for each remote cluster can be accessed by primary clusters’ control planes. For multi-cluster deployments on different networks, the kube-apiserver
must be exposed to the internet.
While istiod uses a ServiceAccount
configured with limited permissions to authenticate, and the connection to the remote cluster’s kube-apiserver
is encrypted, additional security measures may be worth considering when exposing a cluster’s kube-apiserver
to the internet. Such measures may include configuring network firewall rules that limit ingress to the API server to specific IP addresses/ranges. More general information about securely configuring the kube-apiserver
can be found in this article .
Federation and Istio’s multi-cluster topologies
OpenShift Service Mesh’s federation deployment model offers some comparable features to Istio’s multi-cluster topologies, such as allowing workloads to be shared across multiple clusters. However, while multi-cluster topologies enable primary clusters to discover all services on remote clusters, federation allows users to limit the services that get exported to each remote cluster, creating a stronger separation between administrative domains where minimal trust can be assumed between federated meshes. This stronger separation makes federation ideal for situations where each mesh may be managed by a different team, while Istio’s multi-cluster topologies will more often be managed by a common team.
With federation, trust bundles are shared between each federated mesh and traffic between meshes is always authenticated and encrypted using mTLS. However, clusters’ trust domains and SPIFFE information are not shared with requests, making it impossible to configure authorization for remote service accounts.
Unlike Istio’s multi-cluster topologies, exposing the kube-apiserver
to the internet is not required when federating meshes. This is because discovery of services on remote clusters is enabled by configuring dedicated ingress and egress gateways.
Both federation and multi-primary have some scalability implications that may need to be considered. With federation, each cluster requires dedicated ingress and egress gateways for each ServiceMeshPeer
in the federation. Assuming each peer must connect to all other peers, this means that n * (n - 1) ingress & egress gateways must be configured, where n is the count of peers in the federation. For large federations, this may introduce two scalability considerations:
- Operational complexity due to the large quantity of gateway configurations that must be managed.
- Increased running costs due to the requirement for each ingress gateway to be configured with a network load balancer.
With Istio’s multi-cluster topologies, for meshes that span many clusters, where each cluster may contain a large quantity of services, the service mesh may experience some performance issues due to the high count of services that need to be processed and propagated to each proxy.
Note that as mentioned in the blog post introducing a new operator for Istio, the migration of federation features to the upstream Istio community or a separate project is being planned, and thus the feature will evolve in OpenShift Service Mesh 3 and beyond.
Features and use cases
Traffic management rules can be configured for multi-cluster meshes based on cluster topology. By default, cross-cluster traffic for a service deployed on multiple clusters will be load balanced equally across all clusters. Traffic can be kept in-cluster by configuring MeshConfig.serviceSettings.settings.clusterLocal: true
for specified hosts. Additionally, the label can be referenced in DestinationRule
subsets and VirtualService
to define traffic management rules based on cluster topology.
Locality load balancing rules such as locality-based failovers and locality-weighted distribution can be configured for multi-cluster topologies. Locality failovers allow traffic destined for specified hosts to failover from one locality to another based on outlier detection rules. Locality-weighted distribution allows for traffic originating from one locality to be weighted across multiple localities.
Kubernetes’ well-known labels and can be referenced in a DestinationRule
’s spec.trafficPolicy.loadBalancer.localityLbSetting
to configure locality load balancing rules. Additionally, the label can be added to nodes and referenced in DestinationRule
s to provide more granular control over locality load balancing rules.
Kiali currently offers experimental multi-cluster features that can be used to offer observability into Istio’s multi-cluster deployment models, as shown in Figure 2. These features include unified graph visualizations of multi-cluster meshes, aggregated list views for applications, workloads, services and Istio configurations, and detailed views for applications on each mesh that include logs, metrics, traces, and Envoy config. See Kiali’s documentation for more information on multi-cluster features that will be coming to OSSM.

For authenticating cross-cluster traffic, each cluster’s mTLS policies will apply. These can be configured using PeerAuthentication
resources. Istio’s AuthorizationPolicy
resources can also be configured to control cross-cluster access from peer identities on remote clusters.
How to enable multi-primary in OpenShift Service Mesh 2.6
Info alert: Note
This guide is for dev preview purposes only. Multi-primary is not supported in OpenShift Service Mesh 2.6 and should not be used in production environments.
The commands in this guide have been verified using the Z shell (zsh) and a Fedora 39 system. While this guide should be compatible with other Unix-like systems such as macOS and shells such as Bash, this has not been verified.
- Access to two OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) clusters, both with the OpenShift Service Mesh operator installed.
- Install the
command-line interface.
Installation steps
Create a working directory for storing certificates and configuration files:
mkdir multi-primary-ossm cd multi-primary-ossm
Export locations of kubeconfig files:
export KUBECONFIG_WEST=<path_to_kubeconfig_file> export KUBECONFIG_EAST=<path_to_kubeconfig_file>
Create aliases for
commands:alias oc-west="KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG_WEST oc" alias oc-east="KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG_EAST oc"
Create root CA certificates:
root_ca_dir=cacerts/root mkdir -p $root_ca_dir openssl genrsa -out ${root_ca_dir}/root-key.pem 4096 cat <<EOF > ${root_ca_dir}/root-ca.conf [ req ] encrypt_key = no prompt = no utf8 = yes default_md = sha256 default_bits = 4096 req_extensions = req_ext x509_extensions = req_ext distinguished_name = req_dn [ req_ext ] subjectKeyIdentifier = hash basicConstraints = critical, CA:true keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, keyCertSign [ req_dn ] O = Istio CN = Root CA EOF openssl req -sha256 -new -key ${root_ca_dir}/root-key.pem \ -config ${root_ca_dir}/root-ca.conf \ -out ${root_ca_dir}/root-cert.csr openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 3650 \ -signkey ${root_ca_dir}/root-key.pem \ -extensions req_ext -extfile ${root_ca_dir}/root-ca.conf \ -in ${root_ca_dir}/root-cert.csr \ -out ${root_ca_dir}/root-cert.pem
Create intermediate CA certificates:
for cluster in west east; do int_ca_dir=cacerts/${cluster} mkdir $int_ca_dir openssl genrsa -out ${int_ca_dir}/ca-key.pem 4096 cat <<EOF > ${int_ca_dir}/intermediate.conf [ req ] encrypt_key = no prompt = no utf8 = yes default_md = sha256 default_bits = 4096 req_extensions = req_ext x509_extensions = req_ext distinguished_name = req_dn [ req_ext ] subjectKeyIdentifier = hash basicConstraints = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0 keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, keyCertSign subjectAltName=@san [ san ] DNS.1 = istiod.istio-system.svc [ req_dn ] O = Istio CN = Intermediate CA L = $cluster EOF openssl req -new -config ${int_ca_dir}/intermediate.conf \ -key ${int_ca_dir}/ca-key.pem \ -out ${int_ca_dir}/cluster-ca.csr openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 3650 \ -CA ${root_ca_dir}/root-cert.pem \ -CAkey ${root_ca_dir}/root-key.pem -CAcreateserial \ -extensions req_ext -extfile ${int_ca_dir}/intermediate.conf \ -in ${int_ca_dir}/cluster-ca.csr \ -out ${int_ca_dir}/ca-cert.pem cat ${int_ca_dir}/ca-cert.pem ${root_ca_dir}/root-cert.pem \ > ${int_ca_dir}/cert-chain.pem cp ${root_ca_dir}/root-cert.pem ${int_ca_dir} done
secrets to be used by the Istio control plane:oc-west create namespace istio-system oc-west label namespace istio-system oc-west create secret generic cacerts -n istio-system \ --from-file=cacerts/west/ca-cert.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/west/ca-key.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/west/root-cert.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/west/cert-chain.pem oc-east create namespace istio-system oc-east label namespace istio-system oc-east create secret generic cacerts -n istio-system \ --from-file=cacerts/east/ca-cert.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/east/ca-key.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/east/root-cert.pem \ --from-file=cacerts/east/cert-chain.pem
Deploy service mesh control planes:
for cluster in west east; do mkdir ${cluster}-config cat <<EOF > ${cluster}-config/smcp.yaml apiVersion: kind: ServiceMeshControlPlane metadata: name: basic spec: addons: kiali: enabled: false cluster: name: ${cluster}-cluster network: ${cluster}-network multiCluster: enabled: true meshNetworks: remote-network: endpoints: - fromRegistry: remote-cluster gateways: - address: remote-gateway port: 15443 general: logging: componentLevels: default: info mode: ClusterWide meshConfig: discoverySelectors: - matchLabels: istio-injection: enabled proxy: accessLogging: file: name: /dev/stdout security: dataPlane: mtls: true identity: type: ThirdParty manageNetworkPolicy: false techPreview: global: meshID: bookinfo-mesh tracing: type: None EOF done oc-west apply -n istio-system -f west-config/smcp.yaml oc-east apply -n istio-system -f east-config/smcp.yaml
Deploy east-west gateways with TLS mode
to enable cross-cluster communication:for cluster in west east; do cat <<EOF > ${cluster}-config/eastwest-gateway.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: istio-eastwestgateway annotations: nlb labels: istio: eastwestgateway app: istio-eastwestgateway ${cluster}-network spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: istio: eastwestgateway ports: - name: status-port port: 15021 targetPort: 15021 - name: tls port: 15443 targetPort: 15443 - name: tls-istiod port: 15012 targetPort: 15012 - name: tls-webhook port: 15017 targetPort: 15017 --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: istio-eastwestgateway labels: istio: eastwestgateway app: istio-eastwestgateway spec: selector: matchLabels: istio: eastwestgateway template: metadata: annotations: gateway labels: istio: eastwestgateway "true" spec: containers: - name: istio-proxy image: auto env: - name: ISTIO_META_REQUESTED_NETWORK_VIEW value: ${cluster}-network --- apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: istio-eastwestgateway spec: selector: istio: eastwestgateway servers: - port: number: 15443 name: tls protocol: TLS hosts: - "*.local" tls: mode: AUTO_PASSTHROUGH EOF done oc-west apply -n istio-system -f west-config/eastwest-gateway.yaml oc-east apply -n istio-system -f east-config/eastwest-gateway.yaml
files for remote clusters:mkdir kubeconfigs server=$(grep "server:" $KUBECONFIG_WEST | awk 'NR==1 { print $2 }') ca=$(grep "certificate-authority-data:" $KUBECONFIG_WEST | awk 'NR==1 { print $2 }') token=$(oc-west -n istio-system create token istio-reader-service-account) cat <<EOF > kubeconfigs/istio-reader-service-account-west-cluster.kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config clusters: - name: west-cluster cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${ca} server: ${server} contexts: - name: istio-reader-service-account@west-cluster context: cluster: west-cluster namespace: istio-system user: istio-reader-service-account users: - name: istio-reader-service-account user: token: ${token} current-context: istio-reader-service-account@west-cluster EOF server=$(grep "server:" $KUBECONFIG_EAST | awk 'NR==1 { print $2 }') ca=$(grep "certificate-authority-data:" $KUBECONFIG_EAST | awk 'NR==1 { print $2 }') token=$(oc-east -n istio-system create token istio-reader-service-account) cat <<EOF > kubeconfigs/istio-reader-service-account-east-cluster.kubeconfig apiVersion: v1 kind: Config clusters: - name: east-cluster cluster: certificate-authority-data: ${ca} server: ${server} contexts: - name: istio-reader-service-account@east-cluster context: cluster: east-cluster namespace: istio-system user: istio-reader-service-account users: - name: istio-reader-service-account user: token: ${token} current-context: istio-reader-service-account@east-cluster EOF
Create remote secrets from generated
s.Remote secrets are created so that each cluster can authenticate to the
of the other cluster.oc-west create secret generic istio-remote-secret-east-cluster \ -n istio-system \ --from-file=east-cluster=kubeconfigs/istio-reader-service-account-east-cluster.kubeconfig \ --type=string oc-west annotate secret istio-remote-secret-east-cluster -n istio-system \'east-cluster' oc-west label secret istio-remote-secret-east-cluster -n istio-system \ istio/multiCluster='true' oc-east create secret generic istio-remote-secret-west-cluster \ -n istio-system \ --from-file=west-cluster=kubeconfigs/istio-reader-service-account-west-cluster.kubeconfig \ --type=string oc-east annotate secret istio-remote-secret-west-cluster -n istio-system \'west-cluster' oc-east label secret istio-remote-secret-west-cluster -n istio-system \ istio/multiCluster='true'
on the west cluster and sleep on the east cluster:oc-west new-project bookinfo oc-west label namespace bookinfo istio-injection=enabled oc-west apply -f -n bookinfo oc-east new-project sleep oc-east label namespace sleep istio-injection=enabled oc-east apply -f -n sleep
Bookinfo is a simple example application and sleep is a curl
client that will send traffic to bookinfo
Update mesh networks in the east cluster’s control plane.
The mesh networks in the east cluster’s control plane need to be updated to include the load balancer endpoint of the east-west gateway for the west cluster.
# On AWS: west_hostname=$(oc-west get services istio-eastwestgateway \ -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}') # On GCP or Azure: west_hostname=$(oc-west get services istio-eastwestgateway \ -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') sed -i.tmp -e "s/remote-network/west-network/" \ -e "s/remote-cluster/west-cluster/" \ -e "s/remote-gateway/${west_hostname}/" east-config/smcp.yaml && rm east-config/smcp.yaml.tmp oc-east apply -n istio-system -f east-config/smcp.yaml
Verify connectivity between east and west clusters:
oc-east exec $(oc-east get pods -l app=sleep -n sleep \ -o jsonpath='{.items[]}') \ -n sleep -c sleep -- curl -v "productpage.bookinfo:9080/productpage"
Update mesh networks in west cluster’s control plane.
The mesh networks in the west cluster’s control plane need to be updated to include the load balancer endpoint of the east-west gateway for the east cluster.
# On AWS: east_hostname=$(oc-east get services istio-eastwestgateway \ -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}') # On GCP or Azure: east_hostname=$(oc-east get services istio-eastwestgateway \ -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}') sed -i.tmp -e "s/remote-network/east-network/" \ -e "s/remote-cluster/east-cluster/" \ -e "s/remote-gateway/${east_hostname}/" west-config/smcp.yaml && rm west-config/smcp.yaml.tmp oc-west apply -n istio-system -f west-config/smcp.yaml
on the east cluster:oc-east new-project bookinfo oc-east label namespace bookinfo istio-injection=enabled oc-east apply -f -n bookinfo
Send a number of requests from sleep to the
service.oc-east exec $(oc-east get pods -l app=sleep -n sleep \ -o jsonpath='{.items[]}') \ -n sleep -c sleep -- /bin/sh -c \ 'for i in `seq 1 10`; do curl -I "productpage.bookinfo:9080/productpage"; done'
Verify that requests are load balanced between workloads on both clusters.
oc-east logs -n bookinfo $(oc-east get pod -n bookinfo \ -l app=productpage -o jsonpath='{.items[]}') oc-west logs -n bookinfo $(oc-west get pod -n bookinfo \ -l app=productpage -o jsonpath='{.items[]}')
service on east cluster and details service on west cluster.oc-east delete service -n bookinfo productpage oc-east delete deployment -n bookinfo productpage-v1 oc-west delete service -n bookinfo details oc-west delete deployment -n bookinfo details-v1
Verify that
and details remain reachable.Requests from sleep on the east cluster will now all reach
on the west cluster, while traffic fromproductpage
on the west cluster to the details service will now go to the east cluster.oc-east exec $(oc-east get pods -l app=sleep -n sleep \ -o jsonpath='{.items[]}') \ -n sleep -c sleep -- curl -v "productpage.bookinfo:9080/productpage"
Next steps
Upstream Istio’s website provides more information on multi-cluster tasks such as multi-cluster traffic management and locality load balancing. Additional tasks that could be carried out include configuring PeerAuthentication
resources to enforce strict mTLS for cross-cluster traffic, or creating AuthorizationPolicy
resources to define access policies for peer identities on remote clusters.