Featured image for: SCTP over UDP in the Linux kernel.

Often, when troubleshooting Open vSwitch (OVS) in the field, you might be left wondering if the issue is really OVS-related, or if it's a problem with the kernel being overloaded. The kernel_delay.py tool can help you quickly identify if the focus of your investigation should be OVS or the Linux kernel.

About kernel_delay.py

kernel_delay.py consists of a Python script that uses the BCC framework to install eBPF probes.  The data the eBPF probes collect will be analyzed and presented to the user by the Python script. Some of the presented data can also be captured by the individual scripts included in the BBC framework.

kernel_delay.py has two modes of operation:

  • In time mode, the tool runs for a specific time and collects the information.
  • In trigger mode, event collection can be started and/or stopped based on a specific eBPF probe. Currently, we support the following probes:
    • USDT probes
    • Kernel tracepoints
    • kprobe
    • kretprobe
    • uprobe
    • uretprobe

In addition, the option --sample-count exists to specify how many iterations you would like to do. When using triggers, you can also ignore samples if they are less than a number of nanoseconds with the --trigger-delta option. The latter might be useful when debugging Linux syscalls that take a long time to complete. (More on this later.) Finally, you can configure the delay between two sample runs with the --sample-interval option.

Before getting into more details, let's just run the tool without any options to see what the output looks like. Notice that it will try to automatically get the process ID of the running ovs-vsdwitchd. You can overwrite this with the --pid option.

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py
# Start sampling @2023-06-08T12:17:22.725127 (10:17:22 UTC)
# Stop sampling @2023-06-08T12:17:23.224781 (10:17:23 UTC)
# Sample dump @2023-06-08T12:17:23.224855 (10:17:23 UTC)
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     27090 ovs-vswitchd     [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                <EDIT: REMOVED DATA FOR ovs-vswitchd THREAD>

     31741 revalidator122   [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                NAME                 NUMBER       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                poll                      7           5       184,193,176       184,191,520
                recvmsg                  47         494       125,208,756           310,331
                futex                   202           8        18,768,758         4,023,039
                sendto                   44          10           375,861           266,867
                sendmsg                  46           4            43,294            11,213
                write                     1           1             5,949             5,949
                getrusage                98           1             1,424             1,424
                read                      0           1             1,292             1,292
                TOTAL( - poll):                     519       144,405,334

                [THREAD RUN STATISTICS]
                SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MIN ns            MAX ns
                     6       136,764,071             1,480       115,146,424

                SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                     7            11,334             6,636

                [HARD IRQ STATISTICS]
                NAME                       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                eno8303-rx-1                   1             3,586             3,586
                TOTAL:                         1             3,586

                [SOFT IRQ STATISTICS]
                NAME                 VECT_NR       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                net_rx                     3           1            17,699            17,699
                sched                      7           6            13,820             3,226
                rcu                        9          16            13,586             1,554
                timer                      1           3            10,259             3,815
                TOTAL:                                26            55,364

By default, the tool will run for half a second in time mode. To extend this, you can use the --sample-time option.

What will it report?

The above sample output separates the captured data on a per-thread basis. For this, it displays the thread's id (TID) and name (THREAD), followed by resource-specific data. Which are:


The following sections will describe in detail what statistics they report.


SYSCALL STATISTICS tell you which Linux system calls got executed during the measurement interval. This includes the number of times the syscall was called (COUNT), the total time spent in the system calls (TOTAL ns), and the worst-case duration of a single call (MAX ns).

It also shows the total of all system calls, but it excludes the poll system call, as the purpose of this call is to wait for activity on a set of sockets, and usually, the thread gets swapped out.

Note that it only counts calls that started and stopped during the measurement interval!


THREAD RUN STATISTICS tell you how long the thread was running on a CPU during the measurement interval.

Note that these statistics only count events where the thread started and stopped running on a CPU during the measurement interval. For example, if this was a PMD thread, you should see zero SCHED_CNT and TOTAL_ns. If not, there might be a misconfiguration.


THREAD READY STATISTICS tell you the time between the thread being ready to run and it actually running on the CPU.

Note that these statistics only count events where the thread was getting ready to run and started running during the measurement interval.


HARD IRQ STATISTICS tell you how much time was spent servicing hard interrupts during the threads run time.

It shows the interrupt name (NAME), the number of interrupts (COUNT), the total time spent in the interrupt handler (TOTAL ns), and the worst-case duration (MAX ns).


SOFT IRQ STATISTICS tell you how much time was spent servicing soft interrupts during the threads run time.

It shows the interrupt name (NAME), vector number (VECT_NR), the number of interrupts (COUNT), the total time spent in the interrupt handler (TOTAL ns), and the worst-case duration (MAX ns).

The --syscall-events option

In addition to reporting global syscall statistics in SYSCALL_STATISTICS, the tool can also report each individual syscall. This can be a useful second step if the SYSCALL_STATISTICS show high latency numbers.

All you need to do is add the --syscall-events option, with or without the additional DURATION_NS parameter. The DUTATION_NS parameter allows you to exclude events that take less than the supplied time.

The --skip-syscall-poll-events option allows you to exclude poll syscalls from the report.

Below is an example run; note that I have removed the resource-specific data to highlight the syscall events:

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py  --syscall-events 50000 --skip-syscall-poll-events
# Start sampling @2023-06-13T17:10:46.460874 (15:10:46 UTC)
# Stop sampling @2023-06-13T17:10:46.960727 (15:10:46 UTC)
# Sample dump @2023-06-13T17:10:46.961033 (15:10:46 UTC)
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   3359686 ipf_clean2       [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   3359635 ovs-vswitchd     [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   3359697 revalidator12    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   3359698 revalidator13    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   3359699 revalidator14    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   3359700 revalidator15    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]

       ENTRY (ns)           EXIT (ns)        TID COMM             DELTA (us)  SYSCALL
  ------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------------- ----------  ----------------
     2161821694935486    2161821695031201    3359699 revalidator14            95  futex
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x9 [kernel]
      do_syscall_64+0x68 [kernel]
      entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72 [kernel]
      __GI___lll_lock_wait+0x30 [libc.so.6]
      ovs_mutex_lock_at+0x18 [ovs-vswitchd]
      [unknown] 0x696c003936313a63
     2161821695276882    2161821695333687    3359698 revalidator13            56  futex
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x9 [kernel]
      do_syscall_64+0x68 [kernel]
      entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72 [kernel]
      __GI___lll_lock_wait+0x30 [libc.so.6]
      ovs_mutex_lock_at+0x18 [ovs-vswitchd]
      [unknown] 0x696c003134313a63
     2161821695275820    2161821695405733    3359700 revalidator15           129  futex
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x9 [kernel]
      do_syscall_64+0x68 [kernel]
      entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72 [kernel]
      __GI___lll_lock_wait+0x30 [libc.so.6]
      ovs_mutex_lock_at+0x18 [ovs-vswitchd]
      [unknown] 0x696c003936313a63
     2161821695964969    2161821696052021    3359635 ovs-vswitchd             87  accept
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode_prepare+0x161 [kernel]
      syscall_exit_to_user_mode+0x9 [kernel]
      do_syscall_64+0x68 [kernel]
      entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x72 [kernel]
      __GI_accept+0x4d [libc.so.6]
      pfd_accept+0x3a [ovs-vswitchd]
      [unknown] 0x7fff19f2bd00
      [unknown] 0xe4b8001f0f

As you can see above, the output also shows the stackback trace. You can disable this using the --stack-trace-size 0 option.

As you can see above, the backtrace does not show a lot of useful information due to the BCC toolkit not supporting dwarf decoding. To further analyze system call backtraces, you could use perf. The following perf script can do this for you (refer to the embedded instructions): https://github.com/chaudron/perf_scripts/blob/master/analyze_perf_pmd_syscall.py

Using triggers

The tool supports both start and stop triggers. This will allow you to capture statistics triggered by a specific event. First, let's look at what combinations of stop-and-start triggers we can use.

If you only use --start-trigger, the inspection start when the trigger happens and runs until the --sample-time number of seconds has passed. The example below shows all the supported options in this scenario.

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py --start-trigger up:bridge_run --sample-time 4 \
                         --sample-count 4 --sample-interval 1

If you only use --stop-trigger, the inspection starts immediately and stops when the trigger happens. The example below shows all the supported options in this scenario.

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py --stop-trigger upr:bridge_run \
                         --sample-count 4 --sample-interval 1

If you use both --start-trigger and --stop-trigger triggers, the statistics are captured between the two first occurrences of these events. The example below shows all the supported options in this scenario.

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py --start-trigger up:bridge_run \
                         --stop-trigger upr:bridge_run \
                         --sample-count 4 --sample-interval 1 \
                         --trigger-delta 50000

Now that we know how these triggers can be used, let's investigate what triggers are supported. What we call triggers, BCC calls events; these are eBPF tracepoints you can attach to. For more details on the supported tracepoints, check out the BCC documentation.

The list below shows the supported triggers and their argument format:

USDT probes:


Kernel tracepoint:










Here are a couple of trigger examples (more use case-specific examples can be found in the next section):

--start|stop-trigger u:udpif_revalidator:start_dump
--start|stop-trigger t:openvswitch:ovs_dp_upcall
--start|stop-trigger k:ovs_dp_process_packet
--start|stop-trigger kr:ovs_dp_process_packet
--start|stop-trigger up:bridge_run
--start|stop-trigger upr:bridge_run


This section will give some examples of how to use this tool in real-world scenarios. Let's start with the issue where Open vSwitch reports Unreasonably long XXXXms poll interval on your revalidator threads. Note that there is a blog available explaining how the revalidator process works in OVS.

First, let me explain this log message. It gets logged if the time delta between two poll_block() calls is more than 1 second. In other words, the process was spending a lot of time processing stuff that was made available by the return of the poll_block().

Do a run with the tool using the existing USDT revalidator probes as a start and stop trigger (note that I removed the resource-specific data from the none revalidator threads):

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py --start-trigger u:udpif_revalidator:start_dump --stop-trigger u:udpif_revalidator:sweep_done
# Start sampling (trigger@791777093512008) @2023-06-14T14:52:00.110303 (12:52:00 UTC)
# Stop sampling (trigger@791778281498462) @2023-06-14T14:52:01.297975 (12:52:01 UTC)
# Triggered sample dump, stop-start delta 1,187,986,454 ns @2023-06-14T14:52:01.298021 (12:52:01 UTC)
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1457761 handler24        [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 NUMBER       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            sendmsg                  46        6110       123,274,761            41,776
                            recvmsg                  47      136299        99,397,508            49,896
                            futex                   202          51         7,655,832         7,536,776
                            poll                      7        4068         1,202,883             2,907
                            getrusage                98        2034           586,602             1,398
                            sendto                   44           9           213,682            27,417
                            TOTAL( - poll):                  144503       231,128,385

                            [THREAD RUN STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MIN ns            MAX ns

                            [THREAD READY STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                                     1             1,438             1,438

                            [SOFT IRQ STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 VECT_NR       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            sched                      7          21            59,145             3,769
                            rcu                        9          50            42,917             2,234
                            TOTAL:                                71           102,062
   1457733 ovs-vswitchd     [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   1457792 revalidator55    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 NUMBER       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            futex                   202          73       572,576,329        19,621,600
                            recvmsg                  47         815       296,697,618           405,338
                            sendto                   44           3            78,302            26,837
                            sendmsg                  46           3            38,712            13,250
                            write                     1           1             5,073             5,073
                            TOTAL( - poll):                     895       869,396,034

                            [THREAD RUN STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MIN ns            MAX ns
                                    48       394,350,393             1,729       140,455,796

                            [THREAD READY STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                                    49            23,650             1,559

                            [SOFT IRQ STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 VECT_NR       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            sched                      7          14            26,889             3,041
                            rcu                        9          28            23,024             1,600
                            TOTAL:                                42            49,913

You can see from the start of the output that the trigger took more than a second (1,187,986,454 nanoseconds), which we would already know by looking at the output of the ovs-vsctl upcall/show command.

From the revalidator55's SYSCALL STATISTICS statistics, we can see it spent almost 870 milliseconds handling syscalls, and there were no poll() calls being executed. The THREAD RUN STATISTICS statistics here are a bit misleading, as it looks like we only spent 394 milliseconds on the CPU. But earlier, we learned that this time does not include the time being on the CPU at the start or stop of an event. What is exactly the case here because we are using USDT probes.

From the above data and maybe some top output, we can determine that the revalidator55 thread is taking a lot of CPU time, probably because it has to do a lot of revalidator work by itself. The solution is to increase the number of revalidator threads, so more work could be done in parallel.

Let's do another run of the same command in another scenario:

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py --start-trigger u:udpif_revalidator:start_dump --stop-trigger u:udpif_revalidator:sweep_done
# Start sampling (trigger@795160501758971) @2023-06-14T15:48:23.518512 (13:48:23 UTC)
# Stop sampling (trigger@795160764940201) @2023-06-14T15:48:23.781381 (13:48:23 UTC)
# Triggered sample dump, stop-start delta 263,181,230 ns @2023-06-14T15:48:23.781414 (13:48:23 UTC)
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   1457733 ovs-vswitchd     [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   1457792 revalidator55    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 NUMBER       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            recvmsg                  47         284       193,422,110        46,248,418
                            sendto                   44           2            46,685            23,665
                            sendmsg                  46           2            24,916            12,703
                            write                     1           1             6,534             6,534
                            TOTAL( - poll):                     289       193,500,245

                            [THREAD RUN STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MIN ns            MAX ns
                                     2        47,333,558           331,516        47,002,042

                            [THREAD READY STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                                     3        87,000,403        45,999,712

                            [SOFT IRQ STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 VECT_NR       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            sched                      7           2             9,504             5,109
                            TOTAL:                                 2             9,504

Here you can see the revalidator run took about 263 milliseconds, which does not look odd; however, the THREAD READY STATISTICS information shows us we were waiting 87 milliseconds for a CPU to be run on. This means the revalidator process could have finished 87 milliseconds faster. Looking at the MAX ns value, we see a worst-case delay of almost 46 milliseconds, which hints at an overloaded system.

The following is one final example where we use a uprobe to get some statistics on a bridge_run() execution that takes more than 1  millisecond:

$ sudo ./kernel_delay.py --start-trigger up:bridge_run --stop-trigger ur:bridge_run --trigger-delta 1000000
# Start sampling (trigger@2245245432101270) @2023-06-14T16:21:10.467919 (14:21:10 UTC)
# Stop sampling (trigger@2245245432414656) @2023-06-14T16:21:10.468296 (14:21:10 UTC)
# Sample dump skipped, delta 313,386 ns @2023-06-14T16:21:10.468419 (14:21:10 UTC)
# Start sampling (trigger@2245245505301745) @2023-06-14T16:21:10.540970 (14:21:10 UTC)
# Stop sampling (trigger@2245245506911119) @2023-06-14T16:21:10.542499 (14:21:10 UTC)
# Triggered sample dump, stop-start delta 1,609,374 ns @2023-06-14T16:21:10.542565 (14:21:10 UTC)
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   3371035 <unknown:3366258/3371035> [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   ... <REMOVED 7 MORE unknown THREADS>
   3371102 handler66        [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   3366258 ovs-vswitchd     [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 NUMBER       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            futex                   202          43           403,469           199,312
                            clone3                  435          13           174,394            30,731
                            munmap                   11           8           115,774            21,861
                            poll                      7           5            92,969            38,307
                            unlink                   87           2            49,918            35,741
                            mprotect                 10           8            47,618            13,201
                            accept                   43          10            31,360             6,976
                            mmap                      9           8            30,279             5,776
                            write                     1           6            27,720            11,774
                            rt_sigprocmask           14          28            12,281               970
                            read                      0           6             9,478             2,318
                            recvfrom                 45           3             7,024             4,024
                            sendto                   44           1             4,684             4,684
                            getrusage                98           5             4,594             1,342
                            close                     3           2             2,918             1,627
                            recvmsg                  47           1             2,722             2,722
                            TOTAL( - poll):                     144           924,233

                            [THREAD RUN STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MIN ns            MAX ns
                                    13           817,605             5,433           524,376

                            [THREAD READY STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                                    14            28,646            11,566

                            [SOFT IRQ STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 VECT_NR       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            rcu                        9           1             2,838             2,838
                            TOTAL:                                 1             2,838

   3371110 revalidator74    [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
   ... <REMOVED 7 MORE NEW revalidator THREADS>
   3366311 urcu3            [SYSCALL STATISTICS]

We removed some of the threads and their resource-specific data, but based on the <unknown:3366258/3371035> thread name, you can see that some threads no longer exist. In the ovs-vswitchd thread, you can see some clone3 syscalls, indicating threads were created. In this example, it was due to the deletion of a bridge, which resulted in the recreation of the revalidator and handler threads.

Using kernel_delay.py with OpenShift

This section describes how you would use the tool on a node in an OpenShift cluster. It assumes you have console access to the node, either directly or through a debug container.

We will use a base Fedora Linux 38 container through Podman, as this will allow us to install some additional tools and packages we need.

The first thing we need to do is to start the container:

[core@sno-master ~]$ sudo podman run -it --rm \
   -e PS1='[(DEBUG)\u@\h \W]\$ ' \
   --privileged --network=host --pid=host \
   -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro \
   -v /sys/kernel/debug:/sys/kernel/debug \
   -v /proc:/proc \
   -v /:/mnt/rootdir \

[(DEBUG)root@sno-master /]#

Next, add the linux_delay.py dependencies:

[(DEBUG)root@sno-master /]# dnf install -y bcc-tools perl-interpreter \
     python3-pytz  python3-psutil

You need to install Devel, debug, and source RPMs for your OVS and kernel version:

[(DEBUG)root@sno-master home]# rpm -i \
    openvswitch2.17-debuginfo-2.17.0-67.el8fdp.x86_64.rpm \
    openvswitch2.17-debugsource-2.17.0-67.el8fdp.x86_64.rpm \

Now we can run the tool. Here we use the above bridge_run() example:

[(DEBUG)root@sno-master home]# ./kernel_delay.py --start-trigger up:bridge_run --stop-trigger ur:bridge_run
# Start sampling (trigger@75279117343513) @2023-06-15T11:44:07.628372 (11:44:07 UTC)
# Stop sampling (trigger@75279117443980) @2023-06-15T11:44:07.628529 (11:44:07 UTC)
# Triggered sample dump, stop-start delta 100,467 ns @2023-06-15T11:44:07.628569 (11:44:07 UTC)
---------- ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
      1246 ovs-vswitchd     [SYSCALL STATISTICS]
                            NAME                 NUMBER       COUNT          TOTAL ns            MAX ns
                            getdents64              217           2             8,560             8,162
                            openat                  257           1             6,951             6,951
                            accept                   43           4             6,942             3,763
                            recvfrom                 45           1             3,726             3,726
                            recvmsg                  47           2             2,880             2,188
                            stat                      4           2             1,946             1,384
                            close                     3           1             1,393             1,393
                            fstat                     5           1             1,324             1,324
                            TOTAL( - poll):                      14            33,722

                            [THREAD RUN STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MIN ns            MAX ns

                            [THREAD READY STATISTICS]
                            SCHED_CNT           TOTAL ns            MAX ns


By incorporating the kernel_delay.py utility into your development toolkit, you can swiftly pinpoint the problem's source and initiate focused debugging efforts.

Last updated: September 19, 2023