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One of the C dynamic memory allocation functions is realloc. Given a pointer, realloc will resize the memory block it points to. This sounds like a simple and useful mechanism to do memory management. But realloc has various gotchas that Valgrind Memcheck can check for to ensure you use the function correctly. Memory blocks should exist and have not yet been freed, blocks can be moved when resized, on failure to resize the memory block might leak, and what happens when a block is reduced to zero size might be undefined.

Introducing realloc

The realloc function is defined as void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);. Given a pointer to an existing memory block, it will try to resize that memory block to the given size, making the block larger or smaller. The current memory content of the block will be kept, but if the block increases in size, then the extra content will have undefined values (there is no calloc variant of realloc that would zero the extra content). If the block can be increased in place, then the given pointer will be returned. Otherwise, a new memory block will be allocated, the content moved, and the given pointer will be freed. On error, NULL is returned, and the existing pointer will be kept valid (this can result in subtle memory leaks; see below).

The memory block to resize should be valid

To resize a memory block, it should exist. That means it must have been allocated before and not yet freed. The exception is if the given pointer is NULL; in that case, realloc (NULL, size) will allocate a new block as if calling malloc (size). Tracking memory blocks is precisely what Valgrind Memcheck does, so it will catch such issues.

#include <stdlib.h>

int main ()
  char *p, *q, *r;
  p = malloc (127);
  q = realloc (p + 64, 128); /* address inside a block. */
  r = malloc (16);
  free (r);
  q = realloc (r, 32); /* pointer already freed. */
$ gcc -g -o badaddr badaddr.c
$ valgrind -q ./badaddr
==14094== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==14094==    at 0x4846A40: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1649)
==14094==    by 0x401170: main (badaddr.c:9)
==14094==  Address 0x4a49080 is 64 bytes inside a block of size 127 alloc'd
==14094==    at 0x484182F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:431)
==14094==    by 0x401157: main (badaddr.c:8)
==14094== Invalid free() / delete / delete[] / realloc()
==14094==    at 0x4846A40: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1649)
==14094==    by 0x40119F: main (badaddr.c:12)
==14094==  Address 0x4a49100 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 free'd
==14094==    at 0x48442AC: free (vg_replace_malloc.c:974)
==14094==    by 0x40118E: main (badaddr.c:11)
==14094==  Block was alloc'd at
==14094==    at 0x484182F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:431)
==14094==    by 0x40117E: main (badaddr.c:10)

Note that GCC since version 11 can also catch some realloc issues at compile time with the -Wfree-nonheap-object warning.

The memory block can move

To resize the memory block, it might have to be moved. This might happen both when expanding or when shrinking the memory block. The memory allocator might have different areas for different memory block chunk sizes. But the resized memory block doesn't have to move, as in this case on Fedora 38 with glibc 2.37 on x86_64:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct frob
  unsigned char key;
  unsigned char value;

int main ()
  struct frob *frobs;
  frobs = malloc (5 * sizeof (struct frob));
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      frobs[i].key = i;
      frobs[i].value = i + 40;
  struct frob *search = &frobs[2]; /* Should be redone after realloc */
  printf ("frobs @%p, search value: %d\n", frobs, search->value);

  frobs = realloc (frobs, 6 * sizeof (struct frob));
  printf ("frobs @%p, search value: %d\n", frobs, search->value);

  frobs = realloc (frobs, 4 * sizeof (struct frob));
  printf ("frobs @%p, search value: %d\n", frobs, search->value);

  free (frobs);
$ gcc -g -o search search.c
$ ./search
frobs @0x1a092a0, search value: 42
frobs @0x1a092a0, search value: 42
frobs @0x1a092a0, search value: 42

In the above example, the memory block wasn't moved when extending or when truncating the memory block. And even if the memory block moves, the old location might still be addressable and even have the old values in it. This means that in some cases dereferencing pointers into the old (now freed and invalid) memory block might still produce the original values. Making it look like your code works correctly.

Valgrind Memcheck will move the memory block on every realloc call and mark the old block as freed and unaddressable. So it is immediately clear when the code dereferences a pointer inside the original memory block. It won't crash the program, but it will produce an invalid read or write error.

$ valgrind -q ./search
frobs @0x4a47040, search value: 42
==15139== Invalid read of size 1
==15139==    at 0x4011F5: main (search.c:23)
==15139==  Address 0x4a47045 is 5 bytes inside a block of size 10 free'd
==15139==    at 0x4846A40: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1649)
==15139==    by 0x4011EC: main (search.c:22)
==15139==  Block was alloc'd at
==15139==    at 0x484182F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:431)
==15139==    by 0x401167: main (search.c:13)
frobs @0x4a474d0, search value: 42
==15139== Invalid read of size 1
==15139==    at 0x40122B: main (search.c:26)
==15139==  Address 0x4a47045 is 5 bytes inside a block of size 10 free'd
==15139==    at 0x4846A40: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1649)
==15139==    by 0x4011EC: main (search.c:22)
==15139==  Block was alloc'd at
==15139==    at 0x484182F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:431)
==15139==    by 0x401167: main (search.c:13)
frobs @0x4a47520, search value: 42

You can fix the above program by assigning the search pointer a new value after each realloc call, or by making the search variable an index into the memory block that frobs points to.

It might be tempting to check whether the new pointer returned by realloc is different from the pointer given to it, or use the difference between the pointers to adjust other values. But a call to realloc makes the original pointer indeterminate and uses of indeterminate pointers are undefined. Valgrind Memcheck works too low level to detect whether a value is a (indeterminate) pointer, so it cannot warn about such uses.

But in some cases, GCC, since version 12, will be able to flag usage of pointers into blocks that have been realloced when using the -Wuse-after-free=2 warning and might catch usage of an indeterminate pointer after a realloc call with -Wuse-after-free=3.

Returns NULL on failure, but doesn't free

In the previous example, we didn't check for failure. If the realloc call fails, it returns NULL. But the original pointer is kept valid. So it is easy to get a memory leak if you assign the return value of realloc to the original memory block pointer. Even when you check for failure.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main ()
  char *p = malloc (128);
  if (p == NULL)
    return -1;

  p = realloc (p, PTRDIFF_MAX); /* So big it will certainly fail. */
  if (p == NULL)
    return -1;

  free (p);
$ gcc -g -o fail fail.c
$ valgrind -q --leak-check=full ./fail
==15619== 128 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1
==15619==    at 0x484182F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:431)
==15619==    by 0x401157: main (fail.c:6)

The correct way to ensure the memory block doesn't leak on realloc failure is to assign the result to a temporary variable and check that. Then you can safely free the original memory block.

  char *q = realloc (p, PTRDIFF_MAX);
  if (q == NULL)
      free (p);
      return -1;
  p = q;

Note that this kind of leak is hard to detect at runtime since realloc doesn't fail often. In some situations GCC since version 12 can detect such realloc leaks at compile time when using -fanalyzer with -Wanalyzer-malloc-leak.

size zero

What happens when realloc is called with a zero size? Earlier standards were not clear on the exact semantics. Specifically, it wasn't clear whether an implementation should return a NULL pointer or a pointer to a memory block of size zero (so the returned pointer value is valid and unique but cannot be used to store anything in it). And if the implementation returns NULL, then it isn't clear whether the given pointer should have been freed (since normally NULL signifies failure and the original pointer should be kept valid on failure).

On systems using glibc, like Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), calling realloc(ptr, 0) will return NULL and free ptr, unless ptr itself is NULL, in which case it will return a unique pointer to a zero-sized block of memory (or return NULL and set errno to ENOMEM if that fails).

But relying on that implementation is not portable to other implementations. And although earlier C standards said calling realloc with size zero was implementation defined, the C23 standard says that if the size argument to realloc is zero then that is undefined behavior (which effectively means it is a bug that can cause anything to happen).

Since version 3.21.0, Valgrind has had two options to help you with this. For Memcheck, there is --show-realloc-size-zero=no|yes, which defaults to yes because, in most cases, this is a mistake.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main ()
  char *p = malloc (16);
  char *q = realloc (p, 0);
  printf ("q: %p\n", q);
$ gcc -g -o zero zero.c
$ valgrind -q ./zero
==15911== realloc() with size 0
==15911==    at 0x4846A40: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1649)
==15911==    by 0x40116C: main (zero.c:7)
==15911==  Address 0x4a47040 is 0 bytes inside a block of size 16 alloc'd
==15911==    at 0x484182F: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:431)
==15911==    by 0x401157: main (zero.c:6)
q: (nil)

But if you are convinced you are using realloc with size zero correctly, then you can use --show-realloc-size-zero=no.

There is also --realloc-zero-bytes-frees=yes|no, which works with all Valgrind tools. It defaults to yes on Fedora and RHEL, which uses glibc, but might default to no on other systems.

To test how your program works against an implementation where realloc with size zero doesn't return NULL but returns a pointer to a zero-sized block, use --realloc-zero-bytes-frees=no.

$ valgrind -q --show-realloc-size-zero=no --realloc-zero-bytes-frees=no \
           --leak-check=full ./zero
q: 0x4a47090
==15919== 1 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 1
==15919==    at 0x4846A40: realloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:1649)
==15919==    by 0x40116C: main (zero.c:7)

Note that the memory block returned by realloc leaks. It is counted as a one-byte leak because the address itself is unique (even though the memory block is for zero bytes). Here you can see that the best thing to do is always call free on the result of realloc to ensure not to leak memory (since calling free on NULL is okay and doesn't do anything). Even better is to never call realloc with size zero but to call free explicitly (and clear any pointers to the memory block) if it isn't needed anymore.


realloc, together with malloc and free, is a really powerful way to manage dynamically sized memory blocks. But it has a couple of tricky corner cases to watch out for. Valgrind Memcheck will help you find various issues like using it with bad arguments, pointers that might have become invalid, and leaks of blocks that have been resized. Also, don't forget to use GCC with -fanalyzer, -Wuse-after-free, and -Wfree-nonheap-object to catch some of these issues early.

Finally, there is the almost philosophical question of what it means to have a zero-sized memory block. Since different implementations of (and standards describing) realloc answer that question differently, it is best to avoid ever calling realloc with size zero.

Last updated: August 14, 2023