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The latest versions of Red Hat Software Collections and Red Hat Developer Toolset for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 are now generally available. Software Collections 3.8 delivers the latest stable versions of many popular open source runtime languages, web servers, and databases natively to the world’s leading enterprise Linux platform. These components are supported for up to five years, helping to enable a more consistent, efficient, and reliable developer experience.

Here's a quick overview of the updated development tools and collections you'll find in this release.

Updates to Red Hat Software Collections

New and updated collections in the latest release of Red Hat Software Collections include:

  • Nginx 1.20: This is a new release of Nginx, a web and proxy server with a focus on high concurrency, performance, and low memory usage. This version supports client SSL certificate validation with Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) and improves support for HTTP/2.
  • Redis 6: This release of Redis, a persistent key-value database, supports SSL on all channels, as well as access control list and Redis Serialization Protocol version 3.
  • JDK Mission Control 8.0.1 (update): JDK Mission Control is an advanced set of tools for managing, monitoring, profiling, and troubleshooting Java applications. This update to JMC 8 delivers a number of important bug and security fixes.

Updates to Red Hat Developer Toolset

Also new in Red Hat Software Collections 3.8 is Developer Toolset 11, which brings an updated, curated collection of compilers, toolchains, debuggers, and other critical development tools. Forming the foundation of Developer Toolset 11 is GCC 11.2, a new update of the popular open source compiler collection. Additional updates in Developer Toolset 11 deliver new features to C/C++ and Fortran debugging and performance tools.

In addition to the Developer Toolset, other compiler toolsets available in RHEL developer tools are updated with this release. Go Toolset is updated to version 1.16, LLVM Toolset is updated to version 12.0, and Rust Toolset is updated to version 1.54.

New collections in Red Hat Software Collections 3.8 are also available as Red Hat Certified Containers through the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. This makes it easier to build and deploy mission-critical applications using the supported components of Red Hat Software Collections for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat OpenShift environments.

How to access Red Hat Software Collections 3.8

Red Hat Software Collections 3.8 continues Red Hat’s commitment to customer choice in terms of the underlying compute architecture, with availability across x86_64, ppc64, ppc64le, and s390x hardware.

Red Hat customers with active Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions can access Red Hat Software Collections via the Red Hat Software Collections repository.

For more information, please read the full release notes.

Last updated: March 15, 2024