Drools 7.X Happenings And Roadmap (Mark Proctor)
Do you want to catch up on the latest developments in the Drools community for the 7.x series? In this session, we'll look at changes to both the workbench and the core engine—what's available now and what's in the roadmap. The 7.x workbench has had a big usability revamp with improved advanced editors and automated deployments to the execution server. We'll look at a 'low code' example to see the authoring, deployment, and usage of decision service. This example will integrate the new forms and application directory functionality. The workbench is now highly customizable and we'll demonstrate how to add new custom editors and the mash up capability of the workbench to easily add new pages and components for your domain. The 7.x engine delivers a new hybrid reasoning capability to make it much easier to work reactively with nested objects, providing a new XPath inspired notation for list comprehension, making things much more natural for Java developers. And it now has a pluggable layer for different knowledge types, and we'll discuss and demonstrate how to integrate another subsystem such as a Bayesian Network. We'll also demonstrate the new capabilities for default and exception rules and cover pojo-rules that make use of Java 8 lambda for rules in pure Java.