Spring Boot

Spring Boot and Vert.x

Reactive Spring Boot programming with Vert.x

Gytis Trikleris

The latest Eclipse Vert.x Spring Boot starters provide a Spring native vocabulary for the JVM reactive toolkit; learn more through examples in this article.

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Developing with odo

Jorge Morales Pou

Use OpenShift Do (odo), a CLI tool for developers, to manage application components on the OpenShift Container Platform.

10 minutes | Beginner
Pet Clinic sample application

Creating factories in Eclipse Che

Doug Tidwell

Factories in Eclipse Che are a great way to onboard new teammates. This article shows how to build and customize them.

Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes

Extending support to Spring Boot 2.x for Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes

James Falkner

Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes (RHOAR) is a recommended set of products, tools, and components for developing and maintaining cloud-native applications on the Red Hat OpenShift platform. As part of this offering, Red Hat is extending its support to Spring Boot 2 and related frameworks for building modern, production-grade, Java-based cloud-native applications.

Decision Modeling Notaion DMN

Good news: Business automation is not about SOA

Karina Varela

This article explains why business automation is key for businesses in 2019 and the advantages of using a process-driven architecture--by way of products such as Red Hat Process Automation Manager (RHPAM)--to create software.

Serverless computing in action

Part 2: Building a Serverless Service

Doug Tidwell

Take a look at the image manipulation code behind the photo booth, then look at a modern web app that uses it.

Writing better Spring applications using SpringFu

Writing better Spring applications using SpringFu

Faisal Masood

Spring has a new way to code to and it's called Spring Functional or SpringFu. This article uses Kotlin to showcase some of the benefits--such as the ability to write cleaner, more-readable code and gain more flow control--you get from SpringFu.

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Spring Boot-enabled business process automation with Red Hat Process Automation Manager

Duncan Doyle

This post described the new Spring Boot Starters provided in Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.1. Using a minimal amount of code, these Spring Boot Starters enable developers of modern, light-weight applications on Spring Boot to quickly build applications or microservices that have business process and business rules execution capabilities.

Apache Camel logo

Unit Testing for Camel Rest DSL and Spring Boot

Mary Cochran

This article will cover how to write a test for Apache Camel Rest DSL with Spring Boot. Many people find Apache Camel unit testing a big struggle to figure out.  Luckily, when using Spring Boot with the Apache Camel Rest DSL testing, a Rest Route isn't too difficult.

Running Microsoft SQL Server pod on OpenShift

Deploying a Spring Boot App with MySQL on OpenShift

Chandra Shekhar Pandey

This article covers how to deploy a spring boot app which interacts with mysql in an OpenShift Environment. We might have a requirement where we have to migrate our Spring Boot standalone project to OpenShift environment or we might have to create Docker images.

Apache Camel logo

Writing Your First Camel Spring Boot Project With the Rest DSL

Mary Cochran

Rest services are becoming more and more popular for communication between systems.  Now that Red Hat supports the use of Red Hat JBoss Fuse with Apache Camel Spring Boot, learn how you can get started with the Rest DSL and Spring Boot. 

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Configuring Spring Boot on Kubernetes with Secrets

Kamesh Sampath

In the Part-I of the series, we saw how we used ConfigMaps in configuring spring boot application Kubernetes . ConfigMaps are OK when we use simple configuration data that do not contain sensitive information. When using sensitive data like API Keys, passwords etc. Secrets are the preferred and recommended way. In this second part of the series, we will explore configuring spring boot on kubernetes with Secrets. The sources for this blog post are available in my github repo...

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Configuring Spring Boot on Kubernetes with ConfigMap

Kamesh Sampath

ConfigMaps is the Kubernetes counterpart of the Spring Boot externalized configuration. ConfigMaps is a simple key/value store, which can store simple values to files. In this post "Configuring Spring Boot on Kubernetes with ConfigMap", we will see how to use ConfigMaps to externalize the application configuration. One of the ways configuring the spring boot application on kubernetes is to use ConfigMaps . ConfigMaps is a way to decouple the application specific artifacts from the container image, thereby enabling better portability...

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Configuring Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes

Kamesh Sampath

When the developers plan to deploy Spring Boot application on Kubernetes , the first question comes to a spring developer's mind is "Can I use Spring Config server?" Spring Config server is a de-facto way of doing centralized configuration of a distributed application. Yes, we can use Spring Config server , but let’s think of some constraints that Spring Config server can have in a typical Enterprise deployment: No access to the internet from production. This means I can’t use...