
Vert.x in action

Upcoming Book: Vert.x in Action (MEAP)

Julien Ponge

Julien Ponge's upcoming book, Vert.x in Action: Asynchronous and Reactive Applications in Java, is now available from the Manning early-access program (MEAP). Read the article for the exclusive Red Hat Developer discount code.

CloudEvent Flow

EventFlow: Event-driven microservices on OpenShift (Part 1)

Hugo Hiden +2

This post is the first in a series that describes a lightweight cloud-native distributed microservices framework called EventFlow that targets the Kubernetes/OpenShift platforms and models event-processing applications as a connected flow or stream of components. EventFlow can be used to develop event-processing applications that can process CloudEvents, which are an effort to standardise upon a data format for exchanging information regarding events generated by cloud platforms.

Red Hat Developer

Natively compile Java code for better startup time

Faisal Masood

Serverless architectures can benefit from faster startup times. The configuration demonstrated in this article shows how GraalVM can reduce startup time and Docker image size for Java-based programs hosted on container platforms such as Red Hat OpenShift Containter Platform.

Signage for the Red Hat Summit at Moscone West in San Francisco

Red Hat Summit: Functions as a Service with OpenWhisk and OpenShift

Doug Tidwell

Serverless computing (often called Functions as a Service, or FaaS) is one of the hottest emerging technologies today. The OpenWhisk project, currently in incubation at Apache, is an open-source implementation of serverless that lets you create functions that are invoked in response to events.

Street Signs for the Red Hat Summit

Red Hat Summit: Clouds today, serverless tomorrow

Doug Tidwell

Senior Director Stephanos Bacon discussed the changing developer landscape and the factors that influence it. As cloud computing becomes ubiquitous and serverless continues to grow, more changes are in store.

Moscone West graced with the Shadowman logo

Red Hat Summit: Containers, Microservices, and Serverless Computing

Doug Tidwell

You're in an IT department. How does the rest of the organization see you? As a valuable asset whose code and APIs make a difference in the marketplace, or as a necessary evil that should be trimmed wherever possible? Containers, microservices, and serverless computing can get you where you need to go.

Running Microsoft SQL Server pod on OpenShift

State of Functions-as-a-Service on Kubernetes (OpenShift Commons Briefing)

Rob Terzi

If you are interested in serverless computing / Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS) Red Hat’s Michael Hausenblas and Brian Gracely reviewed open source for FaaS on Kubernetes (Apache Open Whisk, kubeless, OpenFaaS) and discussed the pros/cons on an architectural level as well as from a UX)point of view.

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Whisking Functions with Promises using OpenWhisk

Kamesh Sampath

In this blog we will see how to build a simple nodejs function that can do a reverse geocoding using GoogleMaps API.,and deploy the functions on to OpenWhisk

Red Hat Logo

Red Hat and Apache OpenWhisk

Rich Sharples

Unless you’ve been on a complete media blackout for the last year or so (entirely understandable) you’ve likely heard a lot about Serverless (or FaaS - Function as a Service). Serverless is a major shift in the way developers build and deliver software systems - it greatly simplifies development by insulating the developer from infrastructure concerns and pushes the envelope on cost and efficiency of execution. Various groups at Red Hat have been investigating Serverless for some time now -...

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DevNation 2015 - Xavier Coulon - Using lambda expressions to query a data store

Want to take advantage of the type-safety and expressiveness of Java 8 lambda expressions to write queries that would be executed on a data store? It’s not as simple as it sounds. During this session, we’ll talk about the challenges behind using such expressions (spoiler: this includes reading bytecode). We’ll show you how to integrate lambda expressions with the latest MongoDB Java driver to submit queries in the native BSON format on the data store.