Unlocking full-stack development with Node.js

Node.js. is an open source JavaScript runtime environment designed to build modern
scalable applications. Node.js enables developers to run JavaScript outside the browser,
facilitating web development across back ends and front ends.

Explore Node.js with us

Red Hat is a leader in open source. Red Hat contributes to JavaScript and Node.js communities together with other leading technologies. This includes projects related to Kubernetes and serverless as well as our involvement in the OpenJS Foundation.

Node.js on OpenShift

Build and deploy your Node.js applications on OpenShift across clouds. Use Red Hat's recommended reference architecture.

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Serverless with Node.js

Build and deploy smaller pieces of your code a.k.a functions using serverless. Scale to zero and understand patterns for serverless applications with Node.js

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AI & Node.js

Create intelligent, efficient, and user-friendly experiences by integrating AI into JavaScript applications.

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Node.js at Edge

Built fast, responsive applications that deliver a great user experience to the end users of your applications.

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Event-Driven Node

Event Driven Architecture(EDA) is based on asynchronous non-blocking communication between event producers and event consumers that are able to release the resource consumption while waiting for the response to return.

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Node.js on RHEL

The Red Hat build of Node.js makes it possible to run JavaScript outside of a browser, offering a small size, fast startup, and high developer productivity, making it versatile in almost any use case.

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Building applications with Node.js

The Node.js reference architecture is being actively maintained by those within Red Hat and IBM who are engaged in the Node.js community, provide consulting advice and development related to Node.js for customers or have large-scale Node.js deployments.

The goal of the Node.js reference architecture is to present the team's “opinion” on what components our developers and internal teams should use when building Node.js applications and guidance for how to be successful in production with those components.

The components in this architecture are what we recommend to help internal and external customers get started based on our experience. Other components may be equally good, but these are the ones we know best.

Logging in Node.js


Logging in Node.js

Understand what tools to use for logging in your Node.js applications.

Logging in Node.js


Code consistency in Node.js

Writing consistent code and how to enforce it with a linter tool like ESLint.

GraphQL in Node.js


GraphQL in Node.js

Recommendations for using GraphQL in your Node.js applications.

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Building good containers

Recommendations based on our experience building Node.js applications in containers for deployments.

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Choosing web frameworks

Readiness probes allow Kubernetes to inspect the health of your application pod. 

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Code coverage

Learn how to measure code coverage, how to maximize your investment in testing.




Why you might want to use TypeScript and how to get started.

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Securing Node.js applications

Key elements of building security into your software development process to make robust Node.js apps.




Overview of some key areas that Node.js developers need to understand about accessibility

Understand typical development workflows when building tools and processes

Developer Tools


npm development

Recommendations for creating and publishing your modules

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Problem determination

Minimize problems in production and investigating common problems when they do occur




A look at testing in the Node.js landscape and discuss the recommendations

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Transaction handling

Completing more than a single update as an atomic unit (transaction) is needed to preserve data integrity

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Load balancing, threading, and scaling in Node.js

Managing the need for larger computational resources in your Node.js applications

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 CI/CD best practices in Node.js

CI/CD practices for testing on code check-in and the use of a container pipeline

Red Hat & Node.js

Red Hat has been an active contributor to the Node.js project and the larger OpenJS Foundation community since 2013. Our team supports Node.js and JavaScript community work in many different ways. Red Hat is working in areas that are important to our customers including diagnostics, platform support, stable and predictable releases and more, while at the same time working to ensure that Node.js is well supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift.

To learn more about Node.js and our work at Red Hat, we invite you to read through the sections on this page and the pointers to additional information that they provide.


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Get started with Node.js on OpenShift

>_ Lesson

Develop with Node.js on OpenShift

25 minutes | Intermediate

Take an existing sample Node.js application and modify it to address microservice concerns, deploy it to OpenShift, and exercise interfaces between Node.js, microservices, and Kubernetes.


>_ Lesson

Developing with odo

10 minutes | Beginner

Use OpenShift Do (odo), a CLI tool for developers, to manage application components on the OpenShift Container Platform.


>_ Lesson

Developing with Node.js on Kubernetes

10 minutes | Beginner

An introduction to cloud-native development with Node.js by walking users through the steps to create and extend an Express.js based application to leverage cloud capabilities.


Latest articles about Node.js

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What's up in the community?


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JavaScript Serverless and Kubernetes communities