
Red Hat Developer image

Develop with Node.js in a container on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Rob Terzi

Develop with Node.js in a container on Red Hat Enterprise Linux - You can use Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Universal Base Images and application streams to develop in containers even if you are still running RHEL 7.

OpenShift Operator

Use Node.js 12 on Red Hat OpenShift today

Lucas Holmquist

Get started with Node.js 12 on Red Hat OpenShift with these quick examples showing how to deploy an application using the Node.js 12 image.


Building a Node.js service using the API-first approach

Mikel Sanchez

This article demonstrates the API-first development approach. To do this, it shows how to set up a Node.js microservice based on TypeScript by first generating an OpenAPI Specification file and then focusing only on developing the business logic. All the validations of the API are managed by oas-tools, which saves development time.

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PHP 7.2, Node.js 10, NGINX 1.14 and others now GA for RHEL

Mike Guerette

We are pleased to announce general availability Red Hat Software Collections 3.2, which adds these components to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 : PHP 7.2 Varnish Cache 6.0 MySQL 8.0 NGINX 1.14 Node.js 10 Git 2.18 Update of Apache HTTP server 2.4 These versions are available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (Devtools or RHSCL channel) for x86_64, s390x, aarch64, and ppc64le. Read more details about each component in the "New Components details" section. About Red Hat Software Collections Twice...

Develop Applications in a Hybrid World

Celebrating the builders

Harry Mower

One of the most significant shifts that developers have had to face has been the coming of age of the hybrid cloud. Cloud-native paradigms like microservices and Linux containers –and now serverless–have shaken up traditional application development practices. Modern application development in a cloud-native world requires developers to apply new tools and new ways of thinking. When we introduced the Red Hat Developer program in 2015 , our goal was to build a community and provide a space where developers...

Introduction to Istio blog series

Istio Service Mesh Blog Series Recap

Don Schenck

The past nine weeks of blog posts have introduced, explained, and demonstrated some of the many features of the Istio service mesh when combined it is with Red Hat OpenShift and Kubernetes. This, the final post in this series, is a recap.

Introduction to Istio Service Mesh series

Istio Smart Canary Launch: Easing Into Production

Don Schenck

This is part eight of a ten-week series and covers using the Canary Deployment pattern to ease code into production. Istio makes this easy while giving you several good options for intelligent routing. And you can do it all without changing your source code.

Running Microsoft SQL Server pod on OpenShift

Zero to Express on OpenShift in Three Commands

Lucas Holmquist

With the recent announcement that Node.js is available as part of Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes, I wanted to see how easy it was to deploy an Express.js app on Red Hat OpenShift. It was quite easy to go from zero to having an Express app deployed and running. I show how using npx and nodeshift.

Istio Chaos Engineering

Istio Chaos Engineering: I Meant to Do That

Don Schenck

Testing software is challenging and very important. Testing for correctness is one thing, but testing for failures in network reliability is quite another task. This article will demonstrate how Istio makes this oh so easy.


Istio Circuit Breaker: When Failure Is an Option

Don Schenck

The phrase "Failure is not an option" is tossed about with much bravado, with Istio Circuit Breaker. But the fact remains, things eventually fail. Everything. How, then, do you handle the inevitable failure of your microservices? This article will show you how.

Istio Circuit Breaker: How to Handle (Pool) Ejection

Istio Circuit Breaker: How to Handle (Pool) Ejection

Don Schenck

This is week three of a ten-week series about Istio, kubernetes and OpenShift. The series started with an introduction to Istio, and this week covers Istio Circuit Breaker: How To Handle (Pool) Ejection.

Intro to Istio blog series

Istio Route Rules: Telling Service Requests Where to Go

Don Schenck

This article covers Istio Route Rules and telling Service Requests Where To Go. OpenShift and Kubernetes do a great job of working to make sure calls to your microservice are routed to the correct pods. What if, however, you want to customize the routing?

Intro to Istio blog series

Istio: It makes a mesh of things

Don Schenck

this is an introduction to Istio. Istio helps automate the developer time to implement a feature. The combination of code complexity and code heft (i.e. number of lines of code) can put a drag on an implementation. Istio is a better way.

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Whisking Functions with Promises using OpenWhisk

Kamesh Sampath

In this blog we will see how to build a simple nodejs function that can do a reverse geocoding using GoogleMaps API.,and deploy the functions on to OpenWhisk