
RHEL Package

How to package proprietary software

Miroslav SuchĂ˝

I like to work with open source code. But it is not always possible. Sometimes you have to deal with proprietary code. And sometimes you have to distribute it. I like to distribute software as RPM package because it allows me to put together patches, post-install scripts and configuration files. But how can I create and distribute proprietary software without violating license? The answer is " nosrc.rpm ". For example - let assume that you want to distribute Oracle Database...

Python logo

How to add packages to Python 2.7 Software Collection

Bohuslav Kabrda +1

As Software Collections are getting popular, there are more and more people asking how they can build their own collections and/or extend collections in RHSCL. In this article, I will demonstrate how to extend python27 collection from RHSCL 1.2, adding a simple Python extension library. (Note that the same steps can be applied to the python33 collection.) I'm going to work on a RHEL 6 machine throughout this whole tutorial. I'm assuming that readers have basic knowledge of RPM building...

Containers Image

Dockerfiles now available for Red Hat Software Collections

Joe Orton

We recently announced that we've made available a set of Dockerfiles for Red Hat Software Collections. We are making these available since we think they may be useful to customers looking to build more complex application containers on top of RHEL and RHSCL. We don't intend the Dockerfiles to produce useful standalone images which you'll immediately put in production - the Docker images which these create are very simple containers which give you RHEL plus the basic set of packages...

GNU C library

Address and Thread Sanitizers in GCC

Dodji Seketeli

Introduction Since their 4.8 version , the C and C++ compilers of the GNU Co mpiler Collection are equipped with built-in memory and data race errors detectors named Address Sanitizer and Thread Sanitizer. This article intends to quickly walk you through the highlights of these two interesting tools. Spotting common memory access errors ... When instructed to compile a given program, the Address Sanitizer sub-system of GCC emits additional code to instruments the memory accesses performed during the program's execution...


November 2014 Developer Newsletter

Mike Guerette

In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November, which follows our Canadian colleagues who celebrate theirs in October. It's a day for families to get together and give thanks for what we have. Our Red Hat family wants to give thanks for open source, too. Can you imagine an IT world without open source? A number of UNIX businesses would be different. Same with development tools. We have so many scripting languages and other developer...

Red Hat logo

Repost: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host Beta - Tell Us What You Think

Mike Guerette

It’s been one week since we announced the beta for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host and we’re looking for your feedback. If you’ve downloaded and installed the beta, this is your chance to tell us what you think, and what you’d like to see in the product moving forward. TechValidate is conducting a short, 5-minute survey on behalf of Red Hat. Why should you participate? And there's a $500 prize drawing Provide direct, valuable feedback to Red Hat...

Containers Image

Announcement: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host Beta now available

Mike Guerette

At Red Hat Summit 2014, we announced our plans around application containers, including the upstream Project Atomic and our intent to develop a small footprint, container host based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Today, we are pleased to announce the availability of the first public beta of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host. The beta is available from Red Hat and on Amazon Web Services and Google Compute Platform. Increasingly, business applications are being constructed, not as a monolithic...

Software Collections logo

Red Hat Software Collections 1.2 - now GA

Mike Guerette

Red Hat today announced the general availability of Red Hat Software Collections 1.2, delivering the latest, stable versions of essential development tools, dynamic languages, open source databases, and web servers all on a separate lifecycle from Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The third installment of Red Hat Software Collections now includes vital open developer tools, such as GCC 4.9, Maven and Git, and, for the first time, makes the Eclipse IDE available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. In addition, Red...

GNU C library

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 GCC Optimizations - partial inlining indepth

Jeff Law +1

In this prior post we mentioned several new optimization improvements in GCC for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. It's time to dig a little deeper. In this post we will focus on partial inlining/function outlining which are part of the Inter-Procedural Analysis (IPA) framework. Function inlining is a well known technique to improve application performance by expanding the body of a called function into one or more of its call site(s). Function inlining decreases function call overhead, may improve icache...

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Comparing ABIs for Compatibility with libabigail - Part 2

Dodji Seketeli

In the first article of this series of two, we ran abidiff to compare the ABIs of the shared libraries from RHEL 6.5 and RHEL 7. In this article, we are going to analyze the resulting ABI change report that was emitted. Analyzing the results The report starts with a header that summarizes the ABI differences: Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 10 Changed (1260 filtered out), 112 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 3 Changed (72 filtered out)...

Challenges around ABI compatibility

Comparing ABIs for Compatibility with libabigail - Part 1

Dodji Seketeli

Introduction: The challenges around ABI compatibility Ensuring the forward compatibility of application binary interfaces (ABIs) exposed by native shared libraries has been a kind of black art for quite some time, due to many factors. The scope of the term ABI is quite broad, even when it is restricted to shared software libraries. It encompasses low-level concepts like the binary format, the processor instructions set used in the binary, the calling convention of the operating system on a given processor...

NGINX web server image

nginx 1.4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Joe Orton

In this post I'm going to talk about using the nginx web server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. nginx 1.4 was added as a "Tech Preview" in the v1.1 release of Red Hat Software Collections. Starting from a freshly kickstarted RHEL7 VM, here's how to get going: [root@virt-el7scratch ~]# subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms Repo 'rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms' is enabled for this system. This enables the Red Hat Software Collections repository in the yum configuration, which is available with most RHEL entitlements...

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Beyond Microbenchmarks: breakthrough container performance with Tesla efficiency

Jeremy Eder

Back story As virtualization was beginning it's march to prominence, we saw a phased approach to adoption. This is common with any sort of game changing technology....let's take electric cars as an example. Early adopters are willing to make certain trade-offs (short range) to gain new capabilities (saving money at the gas station). In the meantime, engineers are off in the lab working hard to increase the possible consumer-base for electric cars by increasing range, decreasing charging cycle times, and...

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Intelⓡ Threading Building Blocks in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Matt Newsome +1

That the "free lunch is over" may have become something of a cliche in the IT industry, but the fact is that lately, the increase in cycles per second has been mostly realized by adding more processing units rather than by other techniques. While multiprocessor mainframes and supercomputers existed essentially since the dawn of computing, this may be the first time ever that the only machines without multicore processors may be those in USB fridges and electric toothbrushes. Involute of...

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Containerize RHEL 6 Applications to Run on RHEL 7

Mike Guerette

Reposted from the RHEL blog and written by Bhavna Sarathy . What if you could run your existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 applications on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 without porting or making changes to your source code? Today, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 platform image, which allows for the creation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6-based application containers. Applications that have been developed, tested, and certified for Red...

Red Hat Wimplicit

Repost: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 Now Generally Available

Mike Guerette

Red Hat today announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6, the latest version of the company’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 platform. Nearly four years since the launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 in 2010, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 provides a stable and secure foundation that enables organizations to tailor their infrastructure for the business needs of today while remaining flexible enough to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. This flexibility enables enterprises to confidently...

PHP logo

Because Red Hatters are PHPers, too

Mike Guerette

Because Red Hatters are PHPers, too PHP is everywhere, including at Red Hat. Red Hat offers a number of options to deploy PHP and get it up and running quickly. As a PHP developer, you'll find plenty of options to keep you happy with our support of PHP applications on both physical servers and in the cloud. Read on to learn how we support PHP in Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® , and how you can get your applications up and...

Using Apache httpd 2.4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Using Apache httpd 2.4 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Joe Orton

For a long time one of the most frequent requests from users of Apache httpd on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 has been "Why aren't you shipping Apache 2.4 yet?". Well, the good news is: we are! There are actually two ways for Red Hat Enterprise Linux users to get httpd 2.4. The first is to upgrade to RHEL 7, which comes with httpd 2.4.6 natively. The second is to use Red Hat Software Collections on RHEL 6, and that's...

Python logo

Because Red Hatters are Pythonistas, too

Mike Guerette

At Red Hat, we're big supporters of Python. We code in Python and provide great tools to get your Python applications up and running. We also offer you—the Python developer—projects you can get involved in to further hone your Python skills. Read on to learn how: We use Python in Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform. We support your Python coding with Red Hat Software Collections. You can get your applications up and running in the cloud with OpenShift by...

Software Collections feature image

DevNation 2014 - Brian Gollaher - Developing Applications for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Part 1

Mike Guerette

(Part 1)In this session, we'll cover when developers should use Red Hat Enterprise Linux system tools, when they should use the Red Hat Developer Toolset, and when they should use Red Hat Software Collections. We'll describe the developer tools for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and make recommendations in context, based on the type of application and the application life cycle. Well also explain the targeted audience for the native system tools and why they are not appropriate for all applications...


Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.0 and Software Collections 1.2 now in beta

Mike Guerette

Today, Red Hat is pleased to announce the beta availability of Red Hat Developer Toolset (DTS) 3.0 and Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL) 1.2. New additions in this beta release include: Red Hat Developer Toolset 3.0. This update brings the Red Hat Developer Toolset with GCC 4.9 and Eclipse 4.4 (Luna) IDE to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for the first time and gives C and C++ developers the ability to compile once and deploy to multiple versions of Red...

Linda Wang cover image

OpenCloud2014 slides: Linda Wang - Use Cases for Docker in Enterprise Linux Environment

Linda Wang

Abstract: Linux Container as a feature has been available for hobbyist usage for a while now; however, not only 'til recently where Docker, as a container deployment technolog, help built an open source community and gain wide adoption, has provided an easy way to deploy Linux Containers on the enterprise Linux. This talk will introduce and cover the various use cases and deployment models that are available and suited for enterprise devops work environment. By Linda Wang, Red Hat Sr...


How to Create Dependent Software Collections

Marcela Maslanova

Are you fed up by enabling multiple collections, which are dependent on themselves? We were. For example, thermostat needs mongo, mongo needs v8. Enabling them looks like: scl enable thermostat1 mongodb24 v8314 bash There another reason to use dependent collections: when you are missing packages in a RHSCL collection and you want to add them. Obviously, we don't plan to package everything because some packages have high maintenance costs or they are changing too fast even for two or three...

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Automated deployment of RPM-packaged django applications with Red Hat Software Collections

Tomas Tomecek

Introduction There has been already two ( first and second ) guides which covered installing django using Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL). While very popular, none of them went far enough to show a real world deployment example. This guide will try to provide full guidance together with sample project. I chose django 1.7 (as of time writing this guide, it's still in RC) because in a couple of months, it will be used by many and in a year...


How to package initscripts and unit files for Software Collections

Marcela Maslanova

In previous articles we mentioned tips on how to package collections, but we never wrote about initscripts, which are one reason why daemons are harder to package as a collection. I've picked a short(er) initscript to show what has to be modified if you want to run your initscript in a collection. Below is the diff between the mongodb initscript and collection version of the mongodb initscript. Currently, logfiles, pidfiles and configuration files are stored mostly as in the example...