
Java fat jars

How to run Java fat-jars in Docker, Kubernetes and Openshift

Rafael Benevides

In a world where agility matters, the pursuit to reduce wasted time in environment configurations is apparent in many technologies. Some techniques, such as Virtual Machines, that enable distribution of pre-configured images have existed for decades, while others like Linux containers are more recent. Even platforms like Java allow developers to package all dependencies, resources and configuration files in single JAR (Java Archive) file. What started initially as way to have executable Java classes in Java SE (Standard Edition), has...

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Create Resilient Camel applications with Hystrix

Bilgin Ibryam

Apache Camel is a mature integration library (over 9 years old now) that implements all the patterns from Enterprise Integration Patterns book, but Camel is not only an EIP implementation library, it is a modern framework that constantly evolves, adds new patterns and adapts to the changes in the industry. Apart from tens of connectors added in each release, Camel goes hand-in-hand with the new features provided by the new versions of Java language itself and other Java frameworks. With...

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Simplifying ASP.NET applications on OpenShift with the ASP.NET Core S2I Builder

Andrew Block

With recent changes the to the.NET ecosystem, developers of popular languages such as C# now have the ability to develop and deploy .NET applications across multiple platforms including OSX and Linux. This is made possible thanks to the .NET Core , a modular implementation of the .NET framework capable of supporting both web and console applications. Aside from opening up opportunities to a new pool of potential developers, .NET Core also enabled these applications to take advantage of certain technologies...

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Google joins DevNation 2016 CodeStarter with Google Cloud Platform - time to hack on Kubernetes

Mike Guerette

Join Red Hat and Google Cloud Platform for an evening for code hackers. Yes, there will be fabulous food and drink but more importantly we are going to get seriously hands-on with microservices, Linux containers (Docker), Kubernetes+Openshift and Google Cloud Platform. We will be exploring numerous microservices coding patterns and leveraging the power of Kubernetes+OpenShift for managing those microservices at scale. This session will primarily be a series of hands-on exercises but will also include experimentation time. In addition to...

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Maven mirrors on OpenShift with and without Source to Image (S2I)

James Falkner

I'm guessing if you've done enough repeated builds on OpenShift, using Maven, that you are probably aware of the " download the internet " phenomenon that plagues build times. You start a build, expecting all those Maven dependencies you downloaded for your last build to be re-used, but quickly see your network traffic ramp up while the same 100MB of jars are downloaded again and again. Even builds of a few minutes tend to grind on me, frustrate me as...

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Red Hat CDK installation in just minutes!

Eric D. Schabell

Ready to develop container application in just over 4 minutes? Since I started playing around with OpenShift in its various forms, such as Online with cartridges and then later as containerized images, nothing has gotten me more excited than the availability of the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK). This kit has made it possible to easily gain access to a full, product based installation of OpenShift as you would interact with it in application development in just minutes. While...

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DevNation 2016: Peter Larsen on Developing with OpenShift without the Build Waits

Lincoln Baxter III

DevNation 2016: Peter Larsen on Developing with OpenShift without the Build Waits - DevNation sneak peek is a behind-the-scenes preview of sessions and information that will take place at DevNation 2016. Sign up for DevNation at www.devnation.org. Learn more. Code more. Share more. Join the Nation.

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Use Vagrant Landrush to add DNS features to your OpenShift CDK Machine

Ricardo Martinelli

With the release of the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK), it’s been easier to set up a development environment with OpenShift to create, develop and test your own containerized applications, and easier evaluate different CI/CD strategies with Jenkins --- strategies that reflect your team's unique culture. However, when you want to access applications by their DNS names, you cannot do so because there is no DNS server pointing to that name. That is, of course, until now! Vagrant provides...

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3 Reasons I Should Build My Containerized Applications on RHEL and OpenShift

Scott McCarty (fatherlinux)

Red Hat has always given operations teams value in deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and that's no different in a containerized world. But, as a developer, why should I build on RHEL? Does the underlying operating system really affect me? It might if you want to: get your app to production faster work on new products, not maintain old ones avoid compatibility issues at scale (And yes RHEL is available at no cost for development use .) 1) Take...

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Integrate OpenShift and Eclipse Che for faster development

Joshua Wilson +1

Recent: Red Hat was invited to be part of Eclipse Che keynote at EclipseCon 2016 and Pete Muir gave a quick look at working with OpenShift and Eclipse Che. When we create software today , we often hit a brick wall and waste many hours because creating copies of another system is far too hard. We create copies for many reasons - a few common examples are: replicating production issues; asking another developer for help; running test suites; copying the...

Jolokia JVM Monitoring in OpenShift

Jolokia JVM Monitoring in OpenShift

Andrew Block

Cloud based technology offers the ability to build, deploy and scale applications with ease; however, deploying to the cloud is only half of the battle. How cloud applications are monitored becomes a paramount concern with operations teams. When issues arise, teams and their monitoring systems must be able to detect, react, and rectify the situation. CPU, system memory, and disk space are three common indicators used to monitor applications, and are typically reported by the operating system. However, for Java...

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API Management with JBoss Fuse on Openshift and 3scale on Amazon Web Services - Part 1

Kenneth Peeples at Shadow-Soft

Introduction A way organizations deal with the progression towards a more connected and API driven world, is by implementing a lightweight SOA/REST API architecture for application services to simplify the delivery of modern apps and services. In the following blog series, we're going to show how solutions based on 3scale and Red Hat JBoss Fuse enable organizations to create right interfaces to their internal systems thus enabling them to thrive in the networked, integrated economy. Among the API Management scenarios...

A Practical Introduction to Docker Container Terminology

10 things to avoid in docker containers

Rafael Benevides

So you finally surrendered to containers and discovered that they solve a lot of problems and have a lot of advantages : First: Containers are immutable - The OS, library versions, configurations, folders, and application are all wrapped inside the container. You guarantee that the same image that was tested in QA will reach the production environment with the same behaviour. Second: Containers are lightweight - The memory footprint of a container is small. Instead of hundreds or thousands of...

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Red Hat sessions at DevNexus 2016 (Atlanta)

Mike Guerette

Here are Red Hat's Session and speakers at DevNexus 2016 in Atlanta this week. Join us at these sessions plus stop by our booth for some good swag! MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15 Docker for Java EE Developers (ALL DAY WORKSHOP) Abstract: Containers are enabling developers to package their applications in new ways that are portable and work consistently everywhere: on your machine, in production, in your data center, and in the cloud. And Docker has become the de facto standard for...


New, no-cost course: Deploying Containerized Applications

Peter Pawelski +1

Docker has become the de facto standard for defining and running containers in the Linux® operating system. Kubernetes is Red Hat's choice for container orchestration. OpenShift, built upon Docker, Kubernetes, and other open source software projects, provides Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for the ultimate in deploying applications within containers. Learn how to deploy applications in containers using Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat®. Deploying Containerized Applications Technical Overview (DO080) is Red Hat's new, no-cost, video course that will teach you...

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Integrate Continuous Integration with OpenShift Enterprise

Peter Pawelski +1

Join us on Thursday, January 28, 2016 for a free Taste of Red Hat Training webinar: Integrating continuous integration with OpenShift Enterprise . During this one-hour webinar Red Hat curriculum manager, Ricardo Jun, will teach you how to implement continuous integration in a project with OpenShift Enterprise. You will also learn how using container images built from application source code can improve efficiency, patch-ability, and speed. This webinar uses content from our OpenShift Enterprise Development (DO290) course. Register for the...

Review of the year Top 10 Highlights

2015 Year in Review - oh what a year.

Emily Parish

2015 is coming to a close and it’s always fun to reflect on all that has changed, grown, and news that almost make you wonder if pigs can now fly. Our team has greatly expanded, the community is growing, we are now accepting content contributors from around the world...so much to pick from. As you can tell it’s been a busy year and here are just some of top highlights. Here we go and in no particular order: 1) A...

Red Hat OpenShift logo

DNS for your OpenShift v3 cluster

Luke Meyer

When you are setting up a self-contained OpenShift v3 cluster, you usually run into the problem of how to resolve host names, local cluster addresses, application routes, and external names correctly everywhere. For a production deployment, a networking engineer would typically be responsible for working this out, but if you are just trying it out, getting properly hooked into organizational DNS can be daunting if not forbidden by policy. Fortunately, if needed, you can handle DNS entirely yourself. Assumptions Let's...

Red Hat Developers logo

Devoxx is coming…

Emily Parish

It’s been a busy October and we are looking forward to an even busier November. And with that comes Devoxx 2015 and we will be there. Red Hatters will be holding 14 presentations. That’s right - 14! Markus Eisele, author of the new O’Reilly book, Modern Java EE Design Patterns , will be in the booth handing out complimentary copies* and answering your questions. Red Hat Developers is joining forces with OpenShift and JBoss to host a booth full of...

Red Hat OpenShift logo

Optimizing Twelve (12) Factor app for Red Hat OpenShift

Albert T. Wong (albert@redhat.com)

OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat was designed to be application architecture agnostic. In addition to running traditional stateful and/or legacy-type workloads, OpenShift Enterprise seamlessly provides support for modern, stateless Twelve-Factor applications. This document provides a guide on how to optimize the architecture and deployment of your Twelve-Factor applications on OpenShift Enterprise. Note: The Twelve-Factor app is a methodology for building apps in modern cloud environments. Read more at http://12factor.net/ . Factor Relationship Codebase One codebase tracked in revision control, many...

Red Hat Icon container

Repost: What’s Next for Containers? User Namespaces

Scott McCarty (fatherlinux)

What are user namespaces? Sticking with the apartment complex analogy , the numbering of users and groups have historically been the same in every container and in the underlying host, just like public channel 10 is generally the same in every unit in an apartment building. But, imagine that people in different apartments are getting their television signal from different cable and satellite companies. Channel 10 is now different for each person. It might be sports for one person, and...

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A peek behind the scenes of OpenSource.com

Jen Krieger

At DevNation 2015 , Jason Hibbets shared a behind the scenes look at opensource.com , the talent behind it, their content strategy, and the results of the overall success of the site. Why I liked it? It was great to hear more about the inner workings of the opensource.com team. Most importantly, I found it very informative with specific info on how to get involved in the community that participates in the site. Read more about it – they are...

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Asciidoctor on OpenShift

Samuel Mendenhall

Asciidoctor encompasses and builds an ecosystem around Asciidoc for writing documentation, and well, writing anything. If you want to host your own blog, documentation site, book, ect.., Asciidoctor would be an excellent choice. If you want to do that in OpenShift, that is what I'm going to help you with. Getting Started Create a Sinatra ruby gear or on the command line. rhc app create mydocs sinatra ruby-2.0 The current sinatra-example is geared for ruby 1.9 current, https://github.com/openshift/ . It...

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Shouldn't Software Governance Practices be more Descriptive than Prescriptive?

Greg Hoelzer

In the current world of DevOps, Continuous Delivery, Microservices, and PaaS many organizations want to know how Software Governance practices and requirements fit. Some of this comes from a regulatory perspective, ensuring compliance (e.g HIPAA/PHI, SOX, PCI) and auditing requirements are met. Another perspective focuses on existing technology standards, design practices, and application architecture. At the same time developers and teams are being told to be more agile, adaptable, and self-directed. How do we achieve the latter while mitigating the...

Maximize the benefits of DevOps with PaaS and application integration

Webinar today: Building Enterprise Java Apps in the Cloud

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

Thomas Qvarnström ( @tqvarnst ) is the JBoss Technology Evangelist for Applications Server and Data Grid products at Red Hat. He is responsible for various outbound technical aspects of promoting JBoss Enterprise Middleware, He has been working within software development since 1998 for many different enterprises in different roles like developer, architect, CTO etc. And you have the great opportunity to learn all about Java EE applications in the cloud on OpenShift from him and Erik Jacobs (OpenShift principal technical...