Eclipse Che 7

Apache Camel development on Eclipse Che 7

Aurélien Pupier

Apache Camel development is improving on Eclipse Che 7 compared to Che 6, so you can leverage Camel, Java, and XML tooling altogether.

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9 Steps to Awesome with Kubernetes

Everybody seems to be rocking with Kubernetes! Even your favorite repos at GitHub are running on top of it. Don't be the last developer/architect to board this bullet train. Come and learn a LOT in this session about Kubernetes - from getting started to staying productive. We will provide numerous practical tips & techniques that will take you from cloud newbie to cloud native.

Overview of Eclipse Che

An overview of Eclipse Che

Doug Tidwell

CodeReady Workspaces Product Manager Stévan Le Meur takes you on a tour of Eclipse Che's features, incuding git integration and a sophisticated debugger.

Eclipse Che logo

Extending Eclipse Che 7 to use VS Code extensions

Florent Benoit

This article explains the new plugin model in Eclipse Theia and the benefits for Eclipse Che 7 developer workspaces. It also covers how the new plugin model differs from the existing Theia extension model.


Eclipse Che 7 is Coming and It's Really Hot (3/4)

Stevan Le Meur

Part 3 of 4 covering Eclipse Che 7 features. With a new workspaces model and full “dev-mode” for application runtimes—Eclipse Che the first kube-native IDE!

Eclipse Che 7 is really hot

Eclipse Che 7 is Coming and It's Really Hot (2/4)

Stevan Le Meur

Part 2 of 4 articles on upcoming features in Eclipse Che 7. This article provides a deep dive on the new plugin model of Eclipse Che 7 and VSCode compatible extensions.


Openshift Dev Spaces

A collaborative Kubernetes-native development solution that delivers OpenShift workspaces and in-browser IDE for rapid cloud application development.

XML VSCode Extension

XML Language Server and the VSCode Extension

Nikolas Komonen

Red Hat XML Extension now available on the VSCode Marketplace with schema-based support. Get syntax highlighting and checking, code completion, document folding, and more.

Eclipse Che

Eclipse Che 6.6 Release Notes

Dave Neary

Eclipse Che 6.6 is here, and since the release of Che 6.0, the community has added a number of new capabilities. In this article, learn about new features and how to get started using Che with Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift, and Docker.

Apache Camel Logo

Apache Camel URI completion: easy installation for Eclipse, VS Code, and

Aurélien Pupier

Discoverability and ease of installation of Apache Camel tooling based on the Language Server Protocol has been improved. Manual download and installation of binaries is no longer necessary! For the Eclipse desktop IDE and the VS Code environment you can now find and install the Camel tooling directly from the marketplaces for each development environment. Camel Language Server is now also available in Red Hat ! In this article, I will show you how you can install Camel tooling...

A Red Hat Summit sign on the streets of San Francisco

Red Hat Summit: An introduction to

Doug Tidwell is a cloud native set of zero-install tools for editing and debugging code, agile planning, and managing CI/CD pipelines. Installing and configuring developer tools is a major time sink; takes that task out of the picture.

Eclipse Che logo

Eclipse Che’s Plans for 2018

Stevan Le Meur

It’s been an incredibly exciting journey for Eclipse Che since the acquisition of Codenvy by Red Hat. Che 6 is the most important release in Eclipse Che history—it is a big release with more than 1,550 commits. So there’s a ton of new goodness for everyone!

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