Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Technical Cheat Sheets for Developers

Technical Cheat Sheets for Developers

Emily Parish

Over the past few months, we’ve been building and releasing a variety of technical cheat sheets and we’ve been getting many requests for more. We are working on new cheat sheets every day, ok maybe not weekends, but almost every day. Here are the cheat sheets available today: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet , Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet , Wildfly Swarm Cheat Sheet , Containers Cheat Sheet , MongoDB Cheat Sheet , Kubernetes Cheat Sheet and the Eclipse Vert.x Cheat...

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio Maintenance Release for Eclipse Neon.3

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.4.4 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 10.4 for Eclipse Neon.3 are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio require a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.6.3 (Neon.3) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.6.3 Neon JEE Bundle since...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet is Here

Maxim Burgerhout

Before I came to Red Hat, I used to work for a Red Hat partner as a consultant and architect. During that time, I was involved in quite a few situations where I had to help people move from one platform to another, most often from some flavor of Unix to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. As Linux is the de facto standard platform for many development teams, it seemed to make sense to translate some of that experience into a...

DotNET Core process image

Creating Your First .NET Program on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Don Schenck

Sometimes things are really easy. This is one of those cases. There are only six steps to creating and running your first .NET program on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Install dotnet What's that? You don't have RHEL installed on your Windows PC in a Virtual Machine (VM). That's okay ... I'll wait while you install it. Just follow this video to download and install the Red Hat Development Suite . Okay, now that you have a VM, open PowerShell...

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

No cost. No hassle. Plenty of RHEL Developer Benefits

Mike Guerette

A year ago Red Hat announced the availability of a no-cost Red Hat Enterprise Linux developer subscription available as part of the Red Hat Developer Program . Offered as a self-supported, development-only subscription, this developer subscriptions provides you with a stable development platform for building enterprise applications - across cloud, physical, virtual, and container-centric infrastructures. Adoption has been excellent since then, but I was prompted (aka nudged, voluntold) to remind "non users" (yes, some of you are still out there)...

Eclipse Vert.X book cover
Cheat Sheet

Eclipse Vert.x Cheat Sheet

Clement Escoffier

Eclipse Vert.x applications are fast, responsive, resilient and elastic. Here are step-by-step details to create them.

Containerizing open-vm-tools

Containerizing open-vm-tools - Part 1: The Dockerfile and constructing a systemd unit file

davis phillips

While validating OpenShift Container Platform on a VMware platform the usage of Atomic OS was also a requirement. In the initial reference architecture, the decision was made to use Red Hat Enterprise Linux as the platform. This platform was then customized and the same packages as in Atomic were installed via Ansible and Red Hat Network. The github repo with those playbooks is here: . These playbooks will guide you from start to finish to deploying OCP on VMware...

Linux on an android phone feature image

Installing Linux on an Android Phone

Samantha Donaldson

As a web developer, being able to run a Linux distro alongside your pre-existing mobile OS on your android phone is a very enticing offer. With a fully functional Linux program in your pocket at all times, you can begin to utilize your phone for various processes including powering a LAMP server and turning the device into a portable network, troubleshooting tool, and pen-testing device. Furthermore, by utilizing LinuxOnAndroid’s shell scripts and Android app, as well as the open source...

CentOS for Work

Preparing CentOS 6.8 for Work

Sergey Iryupin

I came across Linux in 2005, it was Debian . Then followed a love affair with Ubuntu , for which in March 2009 I purchased a netbook Asus EeePC 1000. In 2010, I began to contribute to ALT Linux participating in the “ School Project ” and even became a basic256 package maintainer. The last few years my EeePC with Ubuntu peacefully rested deep in my cupboard. Then there was a chance to clean off the dust. There was a...

Red Hat Wimplicit

-Wimplicit-fallthrough in GCC 7

Marek Polacek

(See this article to install GCC 7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.) In C and C++, the cases of a switch statement are in fact labels, and the switch is essentially a go to that jumps to the desired label. Since labels do not change the flow of control, one case block falls through to the following case block, unless terminated by a return , a break , a no return call or similar. In the example below, " case...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

How to set up a LAMP stack on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

David Kittell

You have been asked to create a LAMP stack, whether you're thinking "Lamp stack, as in lights and bulbs" or "Ok let’s build a web server" this guide will help get you working quickly. First for those that do not know a LAMP stack, also known simply as LAMP, is an acronym for a Linux/UNIX server with Apache as the server engine, MySQL/MariaDB as the database engine and PHP as the primary server-side script language. These steps are based on...

Internet of things feature image

Wearable Tech: A Developer’s Security Nightmare

Samantha Donaldson

Web developers and IT professionals are the foundations of any quality business’ data security. However, with technology constantly changing and evolving as well as becoming more consumer-friendly, this data’s vulnerability only increases and it can often be hard to even notice how this new technology can actually affect your company until it occurs. Despite this, ignorance to modern hacking techniques does not refute their inability to transform even the smallest of devices into a weapon with which to infect or...

Fedora logo

ABI change analysis of Fedora packages

Dodji Seketeli

In 2016, many improvements happened in the ABI static analysis framework that is Libabigail . In this article we'll present how fedabipkgdiff , a new Libabigail tool can help Fedora users, developers and others to analyze ABI changes of libraries carried by packages of the distribution. Introduction As many of you already know, the engine used to build RPM packages in the Fedora build system is named Koji . Thus, one can get Fedora RPMs from Koji using a web...

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Edit, Compile and Debug .NET on Linux using VS Code

Don Schenck +1

One of the best features of Visual Studio is the ability to launch and debug an application from within the IDE. This is not an uncommon feature nowadays. When running .NET on Linux, however, you can't use Visual Studio as your IDE. What to do? The answer is Visual Studio Code , a free IDE that will allow you to edit, compile, launch, and debug your application from within your IDE. This post will guide you through this cycle. Note...

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Build your first app with native GCC on RHEL 6 or 7


Create your first Hello World with the native GCC C++ on Red Hat Enterprise Linux in under 10 minutes. Introduction and Prerequisites In this tutorial, you will install the RHEL native GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and build a simple C++ Hello World application. This tutorial should take less than 10 minutes to complete. The native GCC versions are 4.4 on RHEL 6 and 4.8 on RHEL 7. If you require a newer GCC version, install a newer version with the...

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Find what capabilities an application requires to successful run in a container

William Cohen

Many developers would like to run their existing applications in a container with restricted capabilities to improve security. However, it may not be clear which capabilities the application uses because the code uses libraries or other code developed elsewhere. The developer could run the application in an unrestricted container that allows all syscalls and capabilities to be used to avoid possible hard to diagnose failures caused by the application's use of forbidden capabilities or syscalls. Of course, this eliminates the...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

How to build a containerized IoT solution with OpenShift

Ishu Verma

For businesses looking to build scalable Internet of Things (IoT) solutions using containers, here is a sample project built on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform . This project implements an intelligent IoT gateway on the OpenShift Container platform. The IoT Gateway is critical for enterprise IoT as it brings intelligence, and enables key services, at the edge. In this project, the gateway application is deployed as a set of microservices inside containers on OpenShift. A software sensor sends a...

A Practical Introduction to Docker Container Terminology

The Evolution of a Linux Container

Don Schenck

(Probably, a more accurate title would be "The Evolution of a Linux Container Developer") Since .NET now runs on Linux (as well as Windows and macOS), the whole world of Linux containers and microservices has opened up to .NET developers. With a large pool of developers, a long track record of success, and performance numbers that are impressive, .NET offers a great opportunity to expand the world of Linux containers to formerly Windows-centric developers. While it’s tempting to rush in...

Creating your first ASP.NET MVC web site on RHEL

Creating your first ASP.NET MVC web site on RHEL

Don Schenck

Follow this blog post, and within minutes you will have an ASP.NET MVC website running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Yes, I'm talking to you, Windows .NET developer; you're about to double your OS skillset. Let's do this. I'm going to start with some assumptions: You are running Windows. You are not running Linux. Based on those two assumptions, we're going to: Install a RHEL Virtual Machine (VM) on your Windows PC. Start and run the VM. Install .NET...

A Practical Introduction to Docker Container Terminology

Container Images Compliance - what we built at ManageIQ to remove a security pain point - part 2

Mooli Tayer

Part 2 of 2 In part one of this blog post, we mentioned a pain point in Container based environments. We introduced SCAP as a means to measure compliance in computer systems and introduced ManageIQ as a means of automating Cloud & Container based workflows. Tutorial: Using the OpenSCAP integration in ManageIQ In ManageIQ we have been working on leveraging OpenSCAP to show container images that infringe known vulnerabilities based on the latest CVE content distributed by Red Hat. Integrating...

A Practical Introduction to Docker Container Terminology

Container Images Compliance - what we built at ManageIQ to remove a security pain point - part 1

Mooli Tayer

Part 1 of 2 "Docker is about running random crap from the Internet as root on your host" - Dan Walsh Do you trust your containers? In container-based development flows, a developer will create an image to be the base for an application. Images are stateless, read only, and they are built in layers. These layers represent everything in an application's runtime environment but the kernel, which will be “borrowed” from the hosting machine. Such layers include distribution, packages, environment...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

End To End Encryption With OpenShift Part 1: Two-Way SSL

Ron Sengupta

This is the first part of a 2 part article, part 2 (End To End Encryption With OpenShift Part 2: Re-encryption) will be authored by Matyas Danter, Sr Consultant with Red Hat, it will be published soon. This article aims to demonstrate use cases for Openshift routes to achieve end-to-end encryption. This is a desirable and sometimes mandated configuration for many verticals, which deal with strict regulations. For example, financial sectors often are extremely careful about their application security standards...

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

How to start with Containers and OpenShift for newcomers in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Petr Hracek

The document covers the initial steps that describe how to play with containers and OpenShift. The article was written together with Jiri Hornicek. Prerequisites For more information about installing containers i n RHEL, see Installation Guide - Red Hat Customer Portal Download OpenShift binaries from Releases - openshift/origin - GitHub . Extract the binaries to your / home / directory and copy them to the /usr/bin / directory : $ tar -xzvf <origin_tarball> # like openshift-origin-server-v1.3.1-dad658de7465ba8a234a4fb40b5b446a45a4cee1-linux-64bit.tar.gz $ cd <origin_dir_name> $...

Software Collections logo

Using Perl 5.24 Red Hat Software Collection

Jitka Plesnikova

Red Hat Software Collection (RHSCL) 2.3 brings new rh-perl524 collection. It includes Perl 5.24.0, which provides a number of bug fixes and enhancements over the previously released rh-perl520 Software Collection. The details about the changes can be found in 5.22.0 perldelta and 5.24.0 perldelta . The new collection adds package rh-perl524-perl-App-cpanminus , which contains the cpanm utility for getting, extracting, building, and installing modules from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) repository. RHSCL is distributed as a collection of RPM...