Red Hat OpenShift

OpenShift Operator

Using a custom builder image on Red Hat OpenShift with OpenShift Do

Daniel Helfand

One of the things I enjoy most about using Red Hat OpenShift is the Developer Catalog. The Developer Catalog is a central location where a team working with Red Hat OpenShift can encapsulate and share how application components and services are deployed. The Developer Catalog is often used to define an infrastructure pattern referred to as a builder image . A builder image is a container image that supports a particular language or framework, following best practices and Source-to-Image (...

Strimzi Kubernetes Ingress

Accessing Apache Kafka in Strimzi: Part 5 – Ingress

Jakub Scholz

In the fifth and final part of this series, we will look at exposing Apache Kafka in Strimzi using Kubernetes Ingress. This article will explain how to use Ingress controllers on Kubernetes, how Ingress compares with Red Hat OpenShift routes, and how it can be used with Strimzi and Kafka. Off-cluster access using Kubernetes Ingress is available only from Strimzi 0.12.0. (Links to previous articles in the series can be found at the end.) Note: Productized and supported versions of...

Red Hat Developer image

Announcing Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.2

Stevan Le Meur

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces version 1.2 provides a cloud developer workspace server and browser-based IDE built for teams and organizations.

Red Hat AMQ migration

Automated migration from JBoss AMQ 6 to Red Hat AMQ 7 on Red Hat OpenShift

Roman Martin Gil

Since Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform was first released, Red Hat Middleware products were provided to deploy on it and help developers to build more complex solutions. Messaging Brokers are a very important piece in most new application architectures, such as microservices , event sourcing , and CQRS . Red Hat JBoss AMQ was provided from the beginning to deploy Messaging Brokers on Red Hat OpenShift easily. Red Hat AMQ 7 is the latest version of a high-performance, scalable, and...