
Featured image: Tekton Pipelines

Getting started with Tekton and Pipelines

Cedric Clyburn

Learn how to create a Kubernetes-native CI/CD pipeline by installing Tekton, creating Tasks, and then creating your own pipeline Tekton Pipeline.

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet Image
Cheat Sheet

Kubernetes Cheat Sheet

Daniel Oh

Learn how to install Minikube, run locally on Minikube, install Kubectl, and use the Kubectl CLI.

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Spring Boot and OAuth2 with Keycloak

Kamesh Sampath

The tutorial Spring Boot and OAuth2 showed how to enable OAuth2 with Spring Boot with Facebook as AuthProvider; this blog is the extension of showing how to use KeyCloak as AuthProvider instead of Facebook. I intend to keep this example as close to the original Spring Boot and OAuth2 and will explain the changes to the configuration to make the same application work with KeyCloak . The source code for the examples are available in the github repositories listed below...