red hat summit

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Red Hat Summit 2018: Speakers on the forefront of Cloud-Native application development

Mike Guerette

May 8th - 10th, Red Hat Summit 2018, San Francisco, See, hear, and meet speakers working on the forefront of cloud-native development. Some are core developers for Red Hat products or upstream open source projects. Some have published books. Others are working directly with developers at Red Hat customer sites.

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Red Hat Summit 2018: Develop Secure Apps and Services

Mike Guerette

Red Hat Summit 2018 will focus on modern application development. Securing your applications and services is a critical part of modern applications. At Red Hat Summit 2018 developer-oriented sessions learn how to secure your applications and services, integrate single-sign on, and manage your APIs.

Apache Camel logo

Unit Testing for Camel Rest DSL and Spring Boot

Mary Cochran

This article will cover how to write a test for Apache Camel Rest DSL with Spring Boot. Many people find Apache Camel unit testing a big struggle to figure out.  Luckily, when using Spring Boot with the Apache Camel Rest DSL testing, a Rest Route isn't too difficult.

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Writing Your First Camel Spring Boot Project With the Rest DSL

Mary Cochran

Rest services are becoming more and more popular for communication between systems.  Now that Red Hat supports the use of Red Hat JBoss Fuse with Apache Camel Spring Boot, learn how you can get started with the Rest DSL and Spring Boot. 

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Red Hat Summit 2018 to focus on Modern App Development

Mike Guerette

Following is a diverse set of developer-related breakouts, workshops, BoFs, and labs for Red Hat Summit 2018. With these 61+ sessions, we believe that every attending application developer will come away with a strong understanding of where Red Hat is headed in this app dev space.

MicroProfile specifications via WildFly Swarm

MicroProfile: Optimizing Enterprise Java for a Microservices Architecture

John Clingan

The pace of Java EE releases has been slowing and has been unable to adapt to the rapid rise of microservices. MicroProfile was created as a means to collaborate with vendors, individuals, and organizations like Java user groups in an open forum, to rapidly bring microservices to traditional Java EE developers. We moved the project to the Eclipse Foundation and have officially renamed it Eclipse MicroProfile. Red Hat is implementing MicroProfile specifications via WildFly Swarm and optimizing it for use...

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Install .NET Core on RHEL in under 5 minutes, by Don Schenck.

A lightning talk from Red Hat Summit 2017. Here is the transcription:

[00:11] I have a VM here. Let me just run the .NET command to show you. It's not there, so we're going to install .NET on RHEL. The first thing I'm going to do is become Super User, otherwise I have to type pseudo for every command and that's just a hassle.

[00:33] I'm just going to copy and paste the commands here. The point isn't that I type out every command, the point is that you see it's only a couple of commands to get it installed. The first thing I'll do is get my subscription manager attached to the correct pool of RPMs, that's the packages I pulled down.

[00:49] When you install .NET on RHEL you're getting the package from Red Hat. You're not getting it from Microsoft. We get the source code from Microsoft and then we build it to run on RHEL. Red Hat packages are, I like to say vetted. That is, we test them and make sure they work really well so you're not just pulling down software and hoping it works.

[01:12] Now I'm going to enable the repo. I've attached to it and now I have to enable it. Notice at the end where it says, "RHEL 7 Server..." There's also a work station, and there's also one for an HP [high performance] special computing thing that I'm not really familiar with. The point is you're probably going to use a RHEL server to install .NET.

[01:26] One of the cool things about the new .NET core as opposed to the old one is the new .NET is much smaller. Whereas before, when you installed .NET, you would drop in a DVD, or a CD, and wait forever for it install, and you would get 4 gigabytes of .NET. Now it's just a couple hundred megabytes.

[01:49] I'm going to YUM install this scl utils. It doesn't matter what they do. They just enable installation. Let's just leave it at that. There's nothing to do because I've done that before, but that's OK. It's better to have nothing to do than to skip the step.

[02:08] Now here's the actual install itself. I want you to notice it's just a command line and it's a YUM installed .NET core 1.1, which is version 1.1. It's going to go up to the inner webs and pull down everything it needs to install it.

[02:17] Your limiting factor here is going to be your Internet speed. Other than that, that's it for installing .NET. It really is that small and that fast. After it's installed, you have to enable it to be available in Bash. Once that's done, we'll bring it up and we'll see .NET.

[02:36] One final step here. In just a few minutes we went from not having .NET...I don't know if I can copy and paste here, bear with me.

[02:47] It's enabled. Now we should have .NET command available. There it is. We'll do a .NET new which will create a new program. The first time you do a .NET new it's going to run this little expand. That might be considered the final step of installing .NET, that's it. That's all you have to do to install .NET, that's it.

Thank you.

OpenShift Application Runtimes

OpenShift Application Runtimes

John Clingan

One question, which is often asked of me is “How do I quickly get new features into production?” This is the whole idea of microservices, to quickly move features into production. At this year’s Red Hat Summit, I spoke to this during my OpenShift Application Runtimes session, introducing it as an upcoming product. I spoke on integrating language runtimes into OpenShift and Kubernetes so that as you write Microservices you can leverage a lot of the features that are available...

Building Containerized IoT solutions on OpenShift Lab

Building Containerized IoT solutions on OpenShift Lab

Ishu Verma

As technology continues to disrupt the industries beyond the first wave (led by Netflix, Amazon, Uber etc.), the enterprises are embracing digital transformation to meet the challenge. One of the key technologies enabling digital transformation is Containers through its inherent advantages with packaging (Atomic, built for CI/CD), collaboration and runtime (lightweight, distributable, portable). At the Red Hat Summit in Boston, Andrew Block and I conducted a hands-on lab on how to build a containerized intelligent Internet-of-Things (IoT) gateway on Red...

Innovating on Developers Events

Innovating on Developers Events, Building the API Escape Room

Nicolas Grenie

It's been almost a month after the first world edition of API Escape room at the Red Hat Summit in Boston. We thought you might be interested to hear details on how we prepared this event. With the 3scale team, we often participated in classical hackathons where developers gather for 48 hours to come up with a working prototype. These were awesomely fun (!), but the outcomes of those events are quite uncertain for organizers, sponsors, and participants. You cannot...

Internet of things feature image

Building a Secure IoT Solution: Summit 2017

Ishu Verma

How do customers build an end-to-end IoT solution using commercial grade, open source products? This is the question we (Patrick Steiner, Maggie Hu and I) wanted to address with our session at the Red Hat Summit, Boston. The end-to-end solution is based on three-tier Enterprise IoT Architecture , which integrates IoT data with existing business processes and the human element. To keep it real, we not only prescribed the recipe but also demonstrated this end-to-end solution through an interactive demo...

The Twelve factor app

12 Factors to Cloud Success

Rafael Benevides

Hey, developers! Do you care about using the best practices to apply your application to the cloud? If so then you should be using The 12-factor App , which is a methodology for building software-as-a-service. Today I like to talk about the 12-factor App, which I had presented to a group at the Red Hat Summit last month. Every developer that is moving their application to the cloud will face a different environment than what they are used to, their...

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18 Recorded Sessions on Cloud Native Development - from Red Hat Summit

Mike Guerette

As I mentioned prior to Red Hat Summit, there was a whole lot of activity around the complementary aspects of microservices, containers, open source, and cloud, so I've assembled this recorded set of sessions on the topic Cloud Native Development. Enjoy! Lessons Learned - From Legacy to Microservices - The Road to Success of Miles & More , by Torben Jaeger, Matthias Krohnen (Miles & More), Serge Pagop An introduction to, an end-to-end OpenShift development platform in the cloud...

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Breaking up the Container Monolith

Brian Atkisson

Dan Walsh , of SELinux Coloring Book fame, presented on the work he and his team have been doing with containers. Dan has long been a technical leader in the container and SELinux spaces and is an amazing guy. If you take a moment to think back to the PDF format, it was originally created by Adobe to solve representing a document in a consistent way. However, that is not what made it popular and useful. The power of the...

AWS Partner Solutions Architect

Using OpenShift with AWS Services and Features

Brian Atkisson

Mandus Momberg, AWS Partner Solutions Architect, presented mechanisms to integrate OpenShift with AWS native features. Many of these concepts are covered in the Red Hat reference architecture for deploying OpenShift Container Platform 3.5 on AWS. To begin with, if you are running or considering RHEL on AWS, check out the Cloud Access Program . This allows you to convert standard RHEL subscription to cloud access licensing at a ratio of 1:2, 2 cloud VMs for every standard license. A lot...

Red Hat is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.
Article Developer Tools Overview - Summit 2017 - The Power of Cloud Workspaces - Part 2

Brian Atkisson

Part II of the Developer Tools overview follows on the heels of the introduction session , this time presented by Pete Muir and Gorkem Ercan. In this session, we are taken through the integrated Eclipse Che IDE. What is a Cloud Workspace? One of the fundamental problems with today's development methodology is that development happens on your laptop-- in a completely different environment from production. This is one of the major sources of bugs as your software is...

Red Hat is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.
Article The Gathering - Summit 2017 - Developer Tools, Overview and Roadmap Part I

Brian Atkisson

Yesterday, at Red Hat Summit , Red Hat announced . is the next generation OpenShift platform, based on OpenShift 3, for building and running applications in the cloud. It gives you complete control of your application's lifecycle, from build to production-- regardless of deploying from source or running a pre-built container. In the Developer tools, Overview and Roadmap Part I summit session, Todd Mancini, Peter Muir, and James Strachan take a packed house through an introduction to

Red Hat is an end-to-end development environment for planning, building and deploying cloud-native applications.

7 Freaking Awesome things about

Brian Atkisson

Today's announcement of Red Hat was followed by a full day of developer toolset Summit sessions. These were presented by the product development team and covered some truly amazing features. While there are too many features to cover in a single blog post, these were my top 7 items. 1. A Kanban board that is actually useful is built from the ground up for development teams to rapidly release software. This is one of the primary...

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Summit Book Signing: From Pots and Vats to Programs and Apps

Gordon Haff +1

Not everything about computers and software these days is related to packaging, but a lot is. How can users acquire software faster and run it more easily? How should software be packaged up so that we can run it wherever we like? How do we resolve the tensions between the siren song of public cloud convenience and open source freedom and flexibility? In From Pots and Vats to Programs and Apps: How Software Learned to Package Itself , Red Hatters...

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O'Reilly Authors are Heading to Summit - microservices, raspberry pi hacks, .NET and more.

Emily Parish

Red Hat Summit is just around the corner in Boston and we are preparing just a few of the many Red Hat authors for their book signings. We've given them 6 steps to signing books: Step 1: Get books ordered. Step 2: Get to Boston. Step 3: Bring a marker. Step 4: Bring a spare marker. Step 5: Show up at the right time. Step 6: Enjoy sharing your work with attendees! Ok - so we may be teasing them...