Red Hat build of Quarkus

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Infinispan’s Java 8 Streams Capabilities

Samantha Donaldson

Let’s be honest: it’s pretty exciting that Infinispan now supports Java 8 for many reasons, but perhaps one of the most anticipated reasons is because of the new stream classes.

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Wearable Tech: A Developer’s Security Nightmare

Samantha Donaldson

Web developers and IT professionals are the foundations of any quality business’ data security. However, with technology constantly changing and evolving as well as becoming more consumer-friendly, this data’s vulnerability only increases and it can often be hard to even notice how this new technology can actually affect your company until it occurs. Despite this, ignorance to modern hacking techniques does not refute their inability to transform even the smallest of devices into a weapon with which to infect or...

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New vscode-java 0.0.8 release

Fred Bricon

Version 0.0.8 of the Java extension for Visual Studio Code (a.k.a. vscode-java ) has been unleashed onto the world. It's available in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace and can be found and installed directly from within Code . Highlights of this release can be seen in this screencast: Gradle Support vscode-java finally provides basic Gradle support for Java projects. Basically, you just need to open a folder containing a build.gradle file in its root and wait for the Java support...

New vscode-java

Java Language Support for Visual Studio Code has landed

Gorkem Ercan

Java language server is an implementation of the language server protocol for Java. If you recall , language server protocol provides a common way for editors and IDEs to integrate with language smartness providers. By design, all of the language tooling magic happens on the Java language server, and can provide same level of smartness to tools that support the protocol. In fact, we are working with communities such as Eclipse Che to make this server available for their tools...

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REST and microservices - breaking down the monolith step by asynchronous step

Mark Little

A few days ago I had a rant about the misuse and misunderstanding of REST (typically HTTP) for microservices. To summarize, a few people/groups have been suggesting that you cannot do asynchronous interactions with HTTP, and that as a result of using HTTP you cannot break down a monolithic application into more agile microservices. The fact that most people refer to REST when they really mean HTTP is also a source of personal frustration, because by this stage experienced people...

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Webinar: Continuous delivery with microservices

Mike Guerette

You’re invited to attend the Building enterprise applications the microservices way webinar series, a set of 3 Red Hat webinars. Read more about the entire series.

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Java and Sécurité à Devoxx France (French)

Romain Pelisse

Entre l'attaque subie par Github la semaine dernière , et le hack de la chaîne TV5 , la présentation que j'ai faite avec François Le Droff vendredi 10 avril, à Devoxx France , sur la Java et la Sécurité ne pouvait tomber plus à point nommée: Devoxx 2015-barbus-et-barbares from François Le Droff Mon comparse ayant déjà pris le temps de publier les slides, j'ai pensé qu'il serait pertinent d'ajouter un lien ici vers ces derniers, car, après tout, si il...

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Evolving a Mobile-centric Architecture: The Microservices Way

Cian Clarke

There seems to have been an explosion in the use of the term “microservices” recently. I’ve been peripherally aware of the concept for some time now, but it seems it first came to light with a fantastic collection of thoughts by Martin Fowler [1] - some great reading on the topic. This three-part post will not help you make a business case for rewriting your existing monolith as a series of microservices - for that, I’d recommend Rich Sharples’ writings...