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DevNation 2015 - Ethan Gafford - Integrating elastic data analysis with Openstack Sahara

Big data analysis platforms are rapidly becoming a core tool in mainstream applications development. However, while the power of these technologies is undeniable, the promise of elasticity through wide cluster scaling is often elusive. This talk will demonstrate the use of Openstack Sahara's cluster provisioning and elastic data processing features to create development, research, test, and production clusters and integrate them into a larger application.

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Wearable Tech: A Developer’s Security Nightmare

Samantha Donaldson

Web developers and IT professionals are the foundations of any quality business’ data security. However, with technology constantly changing and evolving as well as becoming more consumer-friendly, this data’s vulnerability only increases and it can often be hard to even notice how this new technology can actually affect your company until it occurs. Despite this, ignorance to modern hacking techniques does not refute their inability to transform even the smallest of devices into a weapon with which to infect or...