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Tracking Huge Files With Git LFS (Tim Pettersen)

Developers love Git for its raw speed, powerful history traversal, distributed nature, and the fact that it was built by uber developer Linus Torvalds. What we don't love is the fact that, out of the box, Git has terrible support for tracking large binary files. Fortunately, developers from Atlassian, GitHub, and Visual Studio Online have teamed up to work on an open source project to solve this problem: Git LFS (Large File Support). This means researchers, web designers, game developers, multimedia producers, and all other developers who need to work with large data and rich media can move off legacy-centralized systems and start using modern version control. In this session, we'll cover the computer science behind Git LFS' internals and architecture, CLI usage, and how to build an effective Git LFS workflow for a development team. You'll leave with an understanding of how Git LFS works under the hood and some practical advice on using Git LFS with your software projects and teams.

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Wearable Tech: A Developer’s Security Nightmare

Samantha Donaldson

Web developers and IT professionals are the foundations of any quality business’ data security. However, with technology constantly changing and evolving as well as becoming more consumer-friendly, this data’s vulnerability only increases and it can often be hard to even notice how this new technology can actually affect your company until it occurs. Despite this, ignorance to modern hacking techniques does not refute their inability to transform even the smallest of devices into a weapon with which to infect or...

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Secure Development Series: Numeric Errors

Langdon White

The next secure development video is out! Come check out a quick video on the impact of numeric errors during your development process. The video covers such problems as Integer Overflows , and Array Index Errors (like Bounds Checking and Index Checking ). You can also find more information about overflows and security in general at The Open Web Application Security Project ( OWASP ). Please leave us your feedback or suggestions for other secure development topics you would like...