
Announcing Fuse for agile integration

Announcing Fuse for agile integration on the cloud - FIS 2.0 release

Christina Lin

Today, I am very pleased to announce the GA of Fuse Integration Service 2.0. This release will make integration applications more portable, flexible and allow agile developers to react faster to business needs by supporting microservice architectures. Developers will now be able to realize the benefits of microservices within integration projects and be able to leverage integration patterns while breaking up monolithic applications and reducing the size of services pushed onto older ESB technology. With FIS 2.0, developers can now...

Camel / Red Hat Fuse

Applying API Best Practices in Fuse

Christina Lin

API plays a huge part in modern integration architecture design, a good design will allow your application to thrive, a bad design will end up on the cold stone bench and eventually vanishes. :( Well, to avoid this tragedy from happening to our APIs, there are certain guidelines that we might want to consider to follow. I know there are many debates out there on the best practice of API design, and I don't think it will ever end. It...

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Automate integration CI/CD process

Christina Lin

Red Hat Fuse Integration Service 2.0 tech preview was released a few weeks ago and as it's based on Red Hat OpenShift 3.3, which has pipeline capability on top of it (tech preview on OpenShift as well), you are able to get one step closer to a more automated and agile continuous integration. As well as, a deployment one-stop platform for us, the integration developer. For the pipeline to work on OpenShift, you need Jenkins installed and running. OpenShift uses...

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Securing Fuse 6.3 Fabric Cluster Management Console with SSL/TLS

Elvadas Nono

Introduction Enabling SSL/TLS in a Fabric is slightly more complex than securing a jetty in a standalone Karaf container. In the following article, we are providing feedback on the overall process. For clarity and simplification, the article will be divided into two parts. Part1: The Management Console Part2: Securing Web Service:including gateway-http For the purpose of this PoC, the following environment will be used. Environment Host fabric1.example.com (, localhost MacOS Host fabric2.example.com (, RHEL 7.2 Virtual Box VM Host fabric3.example.com...

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Getting started with Apache Camel and the Internet of Things

Joseph Butler

When I was first introduced to Java Enterprise Integration, the ServiceMix platform was transitioning to OSGi (ServiceMix Version 4.0). From its origins in embedded systems and mobile devices, the OSGi standard promoted many qualities that were advantageous to the Enterprise (flexible, modular, life cycle management, services, security) so under this umbrella the tenants of the stack Apache Camel , Apache ActiveMQ , and Apache CXF flourished. " Apache ServiceMix is a flexible, open-source integration container that unifies the features and...

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Microservices: Comparing DIY with Apache Camel

James Falkner

Microservices are currently enjoying immense popularity . It is rare to find a tech conference without at least a few mentions of them in corridor conversations or titles of talks, and for good reason: microservices can provide a path to better, more maintainable, higher quality software delivered faster. What's not to love? Of course there are the "negatives" and details in the implementation of microservices that can trip up even the most seasoned architect-developer, but at the same time we...

Red hat JBoss Developer Studio image

How To Setup Fuse Tooling For JBoss Developer Studio 10

Eric D. Schabell

The release of the latest JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) brings with it the questions around how to get started with the various JBoss Integration and BPM product tool sets that are not installed out of the box. In this series of articles we will outline for you how to install each set of tools and explain which products they are supporting. This should help you in making an informed decision about what tooling you might want to install before embarking...

Camel / Red Hat Fuse

JBoss Fuse Tooling released for Eclipse Mars

Lars Heinemann

We are happy to announce the release of Red Hat JBoss Fuse Tooling for Eclipse Mars. It is available now as part of the JBoss Tools Integration Stack 4.3.2 / Developer Studio Integration Stack 9.0.2. Let me highlight the most important changes only. You can see a full list of changes in the What’s New section for the release. What's in there? New Fuse Integration Project wizard One of our main objectives for this release was improving the usability and...

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Considerations for Implementing JBoss Fuse in your Enterprise

Bryan Saunders

In today's modern world, the need for enterprise integration has never been greater. Companies are looking for ways to reduce the costs of their application infrastructure and one of the ways they are doing that is by extending the lifespan of older legacy platforms. This introduces a number of problems when there is also a need for the implementation of new modern systems as well. Often times it is difficult if not impossible to make these new and legacy systems...

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Create Resilient Camel applications with Hystrix

Bilgin Ibryam

Apache Camel is a mature integration library (over 9 years old now) that implements all the patterns from Enterprise Integration Patterns book, but Camel is not only an EIP implementation library, it is a modern framework that constantly evolves, adds new patterns and adapts to the changes in the industry. Apart from tens of connectors added in each release, Camel goes hand-in-hand with the new features provided by the new versions of Java language itself and other Java frameworks. With...

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JBoss Fuse Tooling - Camel File Validation - Existing, Improved and New

Aurélien Pupier

Red Hat JBoss Fuse is an open source, lightweight and modular integration platform that allows you to connect services and systems across your entire application portfolio. And if you’re familiar with Fuse, you’re probably familiar with the Fuse Tooling that comes with Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio.

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JBoss Fuse Tooling - Support of Global configurations

Aurélien Pupier

Red Hat JBoss Fuse is an open source, lightweight and modular integration platform that allows you to connect services and systems across your entire application portfolio. And if you're familiar with Fuse, you're probably familiar with the Fuse Tooling that comes with Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio . As I mentioned in an earlier post , the 8.0.0.Beta2 version of JBoss Fuse Tooling is now available. Apart from the diagram tooling rework, there is yet another new, awaited feature. You...

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JBoss Fuse Tooling - Diagram reworked: New shiny colors! (and more)

Aurélien Pupier

If you are a developer working on integration projects with JBoss Fuse , you'll be happy to hear that the Fuse tooling has recently been reworked to provide a brighter look and feel, a more sensible, approachable automatic layout. The work is still in progress, but already available in beta. It can be installed into the new JBoss Developer Studio version 9.1.0.GA. To check out the latest features, please install the latest JBoss Developer Studio (available here ). Then follow...

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You had me at Hello, World

Mike Guerette

Our Red Hat Developers program team has just concluded a "Time to Hello World" project to reduce the time it takes you to download and install a new technology, and then get to your first "hello world" application. By utilizing multiple resources from Red Hat engineering, UX, evangelists, docs, testing, and yes, even customers, this is just one of many Red Hat activities underway to minimize speed bumps when trying a new Red Hat technology. So, is 6 minutes quick...

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

March in JBoss

Markus Eisele (@myfear)

A little late for a March review. But March was late in general. The weather didn't really pick up and we had some scheduling issues on the JBoss weekly editorial. Things like that happen, I guess. Time for me to finally catch up with all the news and releases in March. In the middle of April. My apologies. More than 20 Releases Everybody woke up from hibernation and we've seen 20+ releases of JBoss Open Source Projects and Products in...

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Using STOMP for testing Red Hat Message Servers (Part 1 - HornetQ)

Jason Marley

On my latest engagement we were asked to setup and configure JBoss Fuse Service Works, which can either be configured with HornetQ (out of box) or ActiveMQ message servers. At the moment ActiveMQ requires the Karaf container and we couldn't convince ourselves it was right approach for this client. Anyhow, for Part 1, I wanted to focus on HornetQ and how easy it is to test your message server with STOMP (in part 2, I plan similar fun with ActiveMQ)...

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Announcing DevNation Developer Conference and CFP

Mike Guerette

We are excited to announce DevNation , an open source, polyglot conference for application developers and maintainers! This event is the unification of prior developer events (JUDCon, CamelOne, and Red Hat Developer Exchange) and will be co-located with Red Hat Summit, April 13-17, 2014, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, California, USA. It is our hope that DevNation will mature into an annual event. Participants will find the familiar mix of technical sessions, labs, expert panels, hackerfests, and birds-of-a-feather...