java ee

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JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.0 demo

JBoss Enterprise Portal Platform 5.0--part of the comprehensive middleware portfolio from Red Hat--is designed to reduce the time and cost associated with creating, deploying, and managing dynamic web presences. A Red Hat Senior Solutions Architect directly demonstrates the way this release gives enterprises a flexible, open source alternative for building, deploying, integrating, and managing on-premise and cloud-based applications.

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JavaOne 2012: Today's Rapid Java EE Development: Live Coding from Scratch to Deployment

The myth of Java EE as a cumbersome platform is easily dispelled in this session, which aims to create a working application, from a blank repository to a live cloud deployment, in real time. It: Covers tools that bootstrap project creation, freeing you from mucking around with Maven POM boilerplate Generates a domain model and reverse-engineers JPA entities from it Automatically creates the scaffolding for tests that run in a real Java EE container, launched from the IDE Pushes it all to production on a public site Using a variety of projects from the JBoss Community adhering to and building upon open standards, this presentation can create real enterprise apps in the time it takes other sessions to click through some slides. Let's get building! Presenter: Andrew Rubinger Bio: Andrew Rubinger is an advocate for and speaker on Testable Enterprise Java development, author of upcoming "Continuous Enterprise Development in Java" and "Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1" from O'Reilly Media. JBoss Core Developer and Technical Lead of the ShrinkWrap project. Proudly employed by JBoss / Red Hat.

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Refactoring your Code with Java 8 Functional Programming to the Rescue

In this talk, we'll show how you can refactor your traditional object-oriented Java code using Functional Programming features and APIs from Java 8, following several recipes and refactor legacy code in order to make it more readable and flexible. We discuss: - How to separate concerns using Lambda Expressions - How to handle with requirement changes using first-class functions - How to make several traditional OO design patterns more concise using lambda expressions The talk will consist of a balance between theoretical concepts and practical applications. Attendees will leave with concrete knowledge to refactor their traditional object-oriented Java code to make the best use of Functional Programming features and new APIs Java 8 APIs.

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Kubernetes for Java Developers (Edson Yanaga, Rafael Benevides)

Yes, Docker is great. We are all very aware of that, but now it’s time to take the next step: wrapping it all and deploying to a production environment. For this scenario, we need something more. For that “more,” we have Kubernetes by Google, a container platform based on the same technology used to deploy billions of containers per month on Google’s infrastructure. Ready to leverage your Docker skills and package your current Java app (WAR, EAR, or JAR)? Come to this session to see how your current Docker skill set can be easily mapped to Kubernetes concepts and commands. And get ready to deploy your containers in production.

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JBoss@JavaOne 2014: The Path to CDI 2.0 - Antoine Sabot-Durand

CDI has proven itself to be a great asset for Java. The many features it provides (dependency injection, contextual lifecycle, configuration, interception, event notification, and more) and the innovative way it provides them (through the use of meta-annotations) explain its rapid adoption. This session reviews the features introduced in CDI 1.1 and 1.2 and discusses improvements planned for CDI 2.0.

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JavaOne 2015 - Rafael Benevides & Markus Eisele - Docker for Java EE Developers

Containers are enabling developers to package their applications in new ways that are portable and work consistently everywhere: on your machine, in production, in your data center, and in the cloud. And Docker has become the de facto standard for those portable containers in the cloud. This lab offers developers an intro-level hands-on session with Docker, from installation to exploring Docker Hub, to crafting their own images, to adding Java apps and running custom containers. This is a BYOL (bring your own laptop) session, so bring your Windows, OS X, or Linux laptop and be ready to dig into a tool that promises to be at the forefront of our industry for some time to come.

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Helloworld Microservices Introduction

Our Microservices Playground: 6 different microservices, each using a unique Java framework: Dropwizard, Spring Boot, WildFly Swarm, JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, Node.js, Vert.x.

Leveraging Docker+Kubernetes+OpenShift running in a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) VM. Microservices Slide Presentation Demo Source Organization Download the RHEL VM for Docker+Kubernetes+OpenShift (CDK)

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DevNation 2015 - Lincoln Baxter & George Gastaldi - Automate development with JBoss Forge

Automating tedious user tasks can increase productivity and save you money. While there are numerous tools for the continuous integration of software, many developers still rely on hand-made shell scripts, clumsy integrated development environment (IDE) wizards, or endless Google searches for generating companion project artifacts like dependency-management settings, database and ORM configuration, simple CRUD services, test-environment setup, or deploying into the cloud. JBoss Forge fills that niche in the software-development life cycle. JBoss Forge offers: A simple, modular, easy-to-grasp model for developing pluggable components that can fit in any phase of a programmer's daily life. The ability to use any programming language, database, or server you choose. An easy, testable way to define your own tools, wizards, and extensions. In this session, you will learn about JBoss Forge 2, how to extend it, and how to make commands that run on the native Shell and your favorite IDE without any code changes.

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DevNation 2015 - Christine Flood - Shenandoah: An ultra-low pause time garbage collector for OpenJDK

Shenandoah is the next step in OpenJDK garbage collection innovation. This long-overdue garbage collector pushes more of the work into concurrent threads, which substantially decreases pause times for your Java applications. As a result, you’re able to make better quality-of-service guarantees. In this session, we will take a thorough look at how Shenandoah works and the performance benefits you can anticipate from this new garbage collector.

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DevNation 2015 - Gil Tene & John Kaczala - Duct-tape-free reactive java application

What new big data cloud solutions, communications, or reactive applications could you bring to market if Java had the deterministic latency of compiled languages and the ability to handle massive heaps effectively without having to patch your architecture? Are usage scenarios involving enormous, data-generating, remote devices and event streams with low latency in your future? Would you like to continue using your experience with Java without compromising your loosely coupled architecture? How can you achieve software maintainability and architectural purity with applications that are analytics-driven, use massive data sets, require event stream data analytics and correlation and counting on server-side Java heaps to manage your in-memory cache? In this session, we’ll explore ways to use JBoss Data Grid and JBoss Data Virtualization to incorporate persistence with NOSQL technology along with bounded latency Java technology. We’ll show how these technologies allow us to address a new range of applications that were previously out of bounds due to the non-deterministic nature of Java garbage collection.

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Openshift: The Polyglot Platform as a Service - Max Andersen

OpenShift is Red Hat's polyglot Platform as a service which allow you to run a large range of services in the cloud. In this talk I will give an introduction to OpenShift, what it offers and how it works. The talk will be in two parts. The first is about OpenShift in general and how to use it from the command line and the web console. The Second part is about how JBoss Developer Studio works with OpenShift and how it both coexist and extend the experience you get with "plain" OpenShift. This part will focus especially on how well the JavaEE and mobile parts of Developer Studio works with OpenShift. The talk is intended to be practical and guided by attendees question.  Max Rydahl Andersen was born and raised in Denmark, worked on health care software systems for some time.  In that work I bumped into this small project called Hibernate and had to fix a couple of things in it to make it useful.  Since then I've been working at Red Hat on Hibernate Core, Hibernate Tools, Seam and now lately JBoss Tools and Developer Studio.

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JUDCon:Boston 2014

WATCHING LIVE? Join the chat here: For this meetup we are broadcasting live from JUDCon Boston 2014 on Saturday, June 28th. The broadcast will start shortly after 9am EDT (13:00 UTC). The event comprises of a morning of presentations followed by an afternoon of hacking. This time, we'll only be broadcasting the morning sessions. Maybe in future we'll think of a way to do the hackfest too! Here is the agenda: 13:15 UTC - 13:55 UTC Quickstart Introduction: Mobile with AeroGear 14:00 UTC - 14:40 UTC Quickstart Introduction: Security 14:45 UTC - 15:25 UTC Project Introduction: OpenShift  15:30 UTC - 17:15 UTC Project Introduction: KeyCloak Technologies we'll be covering include: * Aerogear Unified Push Server * Keycloak - Security * Apache Cordova For more details:

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Case Studies in Testable Java EE Development

For this session we have Andrew Rubinger presenting examples from his O’Reilly book, "Continuous Enterprise Development in Java". Andrew has strong roots in testing and enterprise middleware, having implement the JBoss' EJB container and also co-founding the Arquillian project. Abstract This session pulls a variety of examples in testable development from O’Reilly's Continuous Enterprise Development in Java, including a review of the sections on: • RESTful services • UI verification • Transactions • Security ...and covers other areas of the Java EE platform that have historically been branded as “difficult to test.” The session spends a lot of time in the IDE, with examples that are freely available to fork and run. Presenter: Andrew Lee Rubinger (Open Source Software Engineer and Author) Open-source engineer; Developer Advocate and Program Manager at JBoss by Red Hat, author of the upcoming "Continuous Enterprise Development in Java" from O'Reilly Media. Founder of the ShrinkWrap project and recovering member of the JBoss Core Development Team.

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CDI (Part 1): Introduction to CDI

This presentation provides an introduction to CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection), covering the basic and intermediate features. It was presented by Antoine Sabot-Durand, the co-spec lead for CDI.

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CDI (Part 2): The Advanced Features

This presentation introduces the advanced features of CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection). It was presented by Antoine Sabot-Durand, the co-spec lead for CDI. In less than five years of existence, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) has become one of the major specifications in Java EE. However, its advanced features are still not well known among the majority of the developers, who see it as a simple Dependency Injection solution. In this session, we’ll deep dive into advanced features like the CDI SPI and portable extensions. Then we'll view some examples of how CDI can be used to extend, in a portable way, the Java EE stack.

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Apache DeltaSpike: The CDI toolbox

CDI portable extensions are one of greatest features of Java EE allowing the platform to be extended in a clean and portable way. But allowing extension is just part of the story. CDI opens the door to a whole new eco-system for Java EE, but it’s not the role of the specification to create these extensions.  Apache DeltaSpike is the project that leads this brand new eco-system by providing useful extension modules for CDI applications as well as tools to ease the creation of new ones. In this session, we’ll start by presenting the DeltaSpike toolbox and show how it helps you to develop for CDI. Then we’ll describe the major extensions included in Deltaspike, including  'configuration', 'scheduling' and 'data'. Speaker Antoine Sabot-Durand is the CDI co-spec lead. He is also the tech lead of the Agorava project.

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Ceylon From Here to Infinity: The Big Picture and What's Coming

Ceylon is a new modern, elegant programming language for the JVM and JavaScript VM, designed for team work. But it's more than that, it is a full platform with modularity, an SDK, tools and IDEs. We will present Ceylon the language, the platform, and its ecosystem. You will see everything from starting a new project in the IDE to publishing it on Herd, our module repository, including using the SDK. We will also discuss the ongoing Ceylon projects such as the build system, Vert.x integration or Cayla, the new web framework. Finally we will discuss the plans for Ceylon 1.2 and further.

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Hit the ground running with BPM — a starters kit

Looking to design business processes but not sure how to get started? If this is the first you’ve heard of Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite, or you’re anxious to get started with your freshly downloaded JBoss BPM Suite, this webinar’s for you. Have no fear, the JBoss BPM Suite starter kit will: • Provide you with the details, help, and path to rules, events, and process freedom. • Show you a quick and easy entry into the world of process design. • Walk you through the contents, and what you can achieve, with the JBoss BPM Suite. • Start you off with an easy installation. • Use a pre-installed project and workshop to take you step-by-step through constructing the project from scratch. Join us for a grand tour of the JBoss BPM Suite starter kit, and learn how you can hit the ground running as the BPM expert you always wanted to be.

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What's New in WildFly 9

This session covers new improvements that will be introduced in WildFly 9: * Wildfly-core will be extracted from the codebase and the ability to assemble a server on top of it will be introduced. WildFly 9 will be provided in two versions: Wildfly Web and Wildfly Full but users will be able to create their custom packaging of WildFly. * Users will be able to shutdown the application server in a graceful manner - after the shutdown command is executed server will reject new requests and allow existing requests to finish before it shuts down. * Support for HTTP/2, a new version of HTTP protocol based on SPDY, will be introduced. * Users will be able to use WildFly as a load balancer. Consequently, it will be possible to manage the balancer with the same tools that are used to manage the rest of the domain. What is more, users will be able to use more efficient protocols, such as HTTP/2, for communication between the balancer and backend servers. An OpenShift cartdridge, which will enable users to use WildFly 9 in cloud environment, will be provided. WildFly 9 will use OpenJDK ORB library instead of JacORB.

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Apache Lucene for Java EE developers

Apache Lucene is the de-facto standard open source library for Java developers to implement full-text-search capabilities. While it’s thriving in its field, it is rarely mentioned in the scope of Java EE development. In this talk we will see for which features many developers love Lucene, make some concrete examples of common problems it elegantly solves, and see some best practices about using it in a Java EE stack. Finally we'll see how some popular OSS projects such as Hibernate ORM (JPA provider), WildFly (Java EE runtime) and Infinispan (in-memory datagrid, JCache implementor) actually provide great Lucene integration capabilities.

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Java EE Microservices with WildFly Swarm

For this session we have Bob McWhirter talking about WildFly Swarm, which is a project he founded to bring microservices to the Java EE world. == Abstract == WildFly Swarm makes it possible to wade into the great ocean of microservices without abandoning your JavaEE knowledge and experience. In this talk, we’ll introduce you to what makes WildFly Swarm similar to and distinct from proper WildFly. We will explore how WildFly Swarm can enable a microservices architecture. We’ll also demonstrate how to weave together multiple services to have a non-trivial application composed of multiple, independently-deployable services.

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WildFly Swarm Cheat Sheet

Andrew Block

In this cheat sheet, learn how to develop a WildFly Swarm application, including how to customize the runtime and configure a WildFly Swarm application.

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Five features of JBoss EAP that help you get production ready

Chris Tozzi

JBoss Enterprise Application Server 7 has been out since June, and if you build and deliver using a Java EE environment and haven’t yet upgraded to EAP7, it’s time to make the jump. Here’s a look at what’s new in JBoss EAP 7, what has changed since JBoss EAP 6, and how to get the most out of JBoss EAP 7 as your Java EE7 server. Overview JBoss EAP 7 is bassed on WildFly Application Server 10, which provides a...