Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform

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JBoss@JavaOne 2014: Developing Modern Mobile Applications - Sebastien Blanc

Are you a Java developer and want to develop a mobile app that connects to a secured Java EE back end, but you don’t know where to start? This session is tailored for you. This live coding session, driven by Java and using a familiar development environment, goes step by step through building a complete mobile, hybrid, multiplatform application ready to be distributed on different vendors’ stores, such as the Apple store or Google Play. Starting from scratch, the tutorial takes you through building a simple Java EE application and, from there, scaffolding a mobile web client and turning it into a native app, including Android and iOS. This is an in-depth session in which the attendees will learn concretely, and without using hipster tools, how to enter the mobile world.

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Developer Interview (#DI18) - Rafael Benevides about Docker for Java EE Developers

(Part 1)Containers are enabling developers to package their applications in new ways that are portable and work consistently everywhere: on your machine, in production, in your data center, and in the cloud. And Docker has become the de facto standard for those portable containers in the cloud. This lab offers developers an intro-level hands-on session with Docker, from installation to exploring Docker Hub, to crafting their own images, to adding Java apps and running custom containers. This is a BYOL (bring your own laptop) session, so bring your Windows, OS X, or Linux laptop and be ready to dig into a tool that promises to be at the forefront of our industry for some time to come.

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Thomas Qvarnstrom (@tqvarnst) Continuous Delivery with Docker Containers and Java EE

Technical backgrounds to a recent webinar. Learn how to achieve continuous delivery with docker and Java EE. Topics will include: A developer's introduction to docker. Best practices and recipes for docker and Java EE. How to setup a delivery pipeline for a Java EE application running on Red Hat® JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform using docker (live demo).

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Developer Interview (#DI 10) - Gorkem Ercan (@gorkemercan) about Mobile Dev with JBDS and Cordova

Yesterday evening I had the pleasure to talk to Görkem Ercan (@gorkemercan, blog) who is a Toronto based software engineer with Red Hat. has tens of years of experience working on software projects with different technologies ranging from enterprise and mobile Java to Symbian and Qt C++. He specializes on providing tools and APIs for developers. He works in the JBoss Developer Studio (JBDS) and is focused on the Cordova tooling. After my first experiences with mobile and such with the Devoxx keynote team, I thought it might be a good idea to look into what JBDS offers and if he can get me excited about it. I can tell you one thing: He made it.

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JavaOne 2015 - Jason Porter - Standardized Extension-Building in Java EE with CDI and JCA

In 2003 the Java EE ecosystem received a gift with extensions: JCA 1.5 support in J2EE 1.4. However, it wasn’t until Java EE 5, in 2006, that extensions were really talked about. In Java EE 5, we received Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI). Along with the namesake of the specification, extensions were introduced. Together we have the ability to extend the platform to do whatever we need. The possibilities of these extensions are limited only by your imagination. You’ve heard about CDI and the extensibility of Java EE 6 and seen enough to pique your curiosity. This session will sate that curiosity and give you enough information to build great extensions for your application and business.

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JavaOne 2015 - Rafael Benevides & Markus Eisele - Docker for Java EE Developers

Containers are enabling developers to package their applications in new ways that are portable and work consistently everywhere: on your machine, in production, in your data center, and in the cloud. And Docker has become the de facto standard for those portable containers in the cloud. This lab offers developers an intro-level hands-on session with Docker, from installation to exploring Docker Hub, to crafting their own images, to adding Java apps and running custom containers. This is a BYOL (bring your own laptop) session, so bring your Windows, OS X, or Linux laptop and be ready to dig into a tool that promises to be at the forefront of our industry for some time to come.

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JavaOne 2015 - Rafael Benevides - Apache DeltaSpike, the CDI Toolbox

CDI portable extensions are among the greatest features of Java EE, enabling the platform to be extended in a clean and portable way. But allowing extension is just part of the story. CDI opens the door to a whole new ecosystem for Java EE, but it’s not the role of the specification to create these extensions. Apache DeltaSpike is the project that leads this brand new ecosystem by providing useful extension modules for CDI applications as well as tools to ease the creation of new ones. This session starts by presenting the DeltaSpike toolbox and shows how it helps you develop for CDI. Then it describes the major extensions included in DeltaSpike, including “configuration,” “scheduling,” and “data.”

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JavaOne 2015 - Sebastien Blanc - Securing Web Applications: A Practical Guide

In the 1990s, the World Wide Web was just a collection of static pages with zero interactivity. Today the "new" web has a plethora of emerging frameworks and tools, simply increasing the number of threats. The complexity of software development has also grown with the need for things like single-sign-on support, LDAP integration, social identity providers, and SAML v2.0 authentication. Delegating the security logic to an external framework is the way to ensure some best practices. This technical tutorial guides the participants through all the common vulnerabilities and how to secure their applications in practice with Keycloak. The tutorial is meant for Java EE developers and has a really low learning curve.

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JavaOne 2015 - Ken Finnigan - WildFly Swarm and Netflix OSS: The Perfect Union?

So you've heard about the Netflix OSS coolness, but you're still in a Java EE centric world. Come find out how easy it can be to take advantage of Ribbon for client side load balancing across JAX-RS services! Bringing together Java EE and Netflix OSS allows us to build best of breed microservices for the enterprise without throwing away all the Java EE knowledge from the last decade.

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JavaOne 2015 - Sanne Grinovero - Apache Lucene for Java EE Developers

Apache Lucene is the de facto standard open source library for Java developers implementing full-text-search capabilities. Although it’s thriving in its field, it is rarely mentioned in the scope of Java EE development. This session shows the features that make many developers love Lucene, with some concrete examples of common problems it elegantly solves. You’ll see some best practices for using it in a Java EE stack and how some popular OSS projects such as Hibernate ORM (JPA provider), WildFly (Java EE runtime), and Infinispan (in-memory data grid, JCache implementer) actually provide great Lucene integration capabilities and how they can help resolve some modern challenges such as deployment in the cloud.

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JavaOne 2015 - Sebastien Blanc - Building a Mobile Application in 24 Minutes

Are you a Java developer and want to develop a mobile app that connects to a secured Java EE backend, but you don’t know where to start? This session is tailored for you. This hands on session, using a familiar development environment, goes step by step through building a complete mobile, hybrid, multiplatform application. Starting from scratch, the tutorial takes you through building a simple Java EE application and, from there, scaffolding a mutliplatform mobile client by using Cordova. Finally we will show how to implement sending Push Notifications from the backend to be received on the mobile client. This is an in-depth session in which the attendees will learn concretely, and without using hipster tools, how to enter the mobile world.

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2015 JBoss Red Hat Keynote Demo

For the 2015 demonstration, we really wished to stretch ourselves by creating multiple applications that the audience was to touch. To illustrate IoT (Internet of Things), we specifically fielded several hundred bluetooth beacons and several Raspberry Pi-based sensors/scanners to demonstrate how to track movement inside of a physical space (where GPS is not appropriate). We combined this technology with a mobile application (based on the announced Red Hat Mobile Application Platform) so the moving objects (people) could see their current status, their arrivals/departures from a particular room. Also, via this same mobile application, we invited the audience to submit a finger drawn sketch to claim one of 1000+ containers we launched live on stage via Openshift (based on Docker & Kubernetes)

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DevNation 2014 - Louis Zuckerman - GlusterFS & Java Video

Recent developments in Java and Gluster have given us a new way to connect these two technologies: Java 7 paved the way for file system provider plug-ins, while GlusterFS 3.4 provides a new client software interface. This session introduces glusterfs-java-filesystem, a new open source project that connects applications running on the Java platform to GlusterFS storage. Join Louis Zuckerman, founder of the glusterfs-java-filesystem project, for a deep dive into: * What it means to access GlusterFS directly from Java, and why it matters. * Writing and testing a Java file system provider. * Using file system provider plug-ins in Java applications. * Accessing GlusterFS from other languages on the Java platform (jython, jruby, scala, clojure, groovy, etc.). The presentation includes slides, a live demonstration, and Q and A. After attending the session, you'll be able to use GlusterFS in your own Java platform applications.

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DevNation 2014 - Arun Gupta - 50 New Features of Java EE 7 in 50 Minutes

The Java EE 7 platform has four new components (WebSocket, JSON-P, batch, and concurrency), three that are significantly updated (JAX-RS 2, JMS, and EL), and several others that bring significant changes to the platform. As you can imagine, a lot of new functionality has been introduced in the platform. In this fast-paced session, you will learn about 50 new features introduced in the Java EE 7 platform. @ClientEndpoint, chunk-style batch processing, @FlowScoped, @AroundConstruct, @JMSDestinationDefinition, and @Transactional are some of features the presentation covers. It explains each feature with a code snippet and provides details on where and how you can use it in your applications.

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DevNation 2015 - Lincoln Baxter & George Gastaldi - Automate development with JBoss Forge

Automating tedious user tasks can increase productivity and save you money. While there are numerous tools for the continuous integration of software, many developers still rely on hand-made shell scripts, clumsy integrated development environment (IDE) wizards, or endless Google searches for generating companion project artifacts like dependency-management settings, database and ORM configuration, simple CRUD services, test-environment setup, or deploying into the cloud. JBoss Forge fills that niche in the software-development life cycle. JBoss Forge offers: A simple, modular, easy-to-grasp model for developing pluggable components that can fit in any phase of a programmer's daily life. The ability to use any programming language, database, or server you choose. An easy, testable way to define your own tools, wizards, and extensions. In this session, you will learn about JBoss Forge 2, how to extend it, and how to make commands that run on the native Shell and your favorite IDE without any code changes.

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DevNation 2015 - Xavier Coulon - Productive Java EE and HTML5 developement

During this session, we'll demonstrate how you can be productive when building Java EE+ HTML5 applications in Eclipse with JBoss Developer Studio. We'll show you how to: Use the tools to scaffold from from an existing database using JPA. Expose the entities via JAX-RS with the integrated JBoss Forge tooling. Display the content in the browser using HTML5 + AngularJS. Automatically refresh the page templates thanks to the LiveReload integration. If time and our network allows, we'll deploy the application on OpenShift, without leaving the IDE. You should expect (almost) no slides, with an emphasis on coding and talking.

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DevNation 2015 - Arun Gupta, Thomas Qvarnström - DevOps with java ee

Techniques such as automated builds and testing, continuous integration and continuous deployment allow software to be developed to a high standard and easily packaged and deployed to test environments, resulting in the ability to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly push out enhancements and bug fixes to customers at low risk and with minimal manual overhead. What container-agnostic tools are available for testing, continuous integration and deployment of a Java EE application ? This talk will start with how to package Java EE application “operating environment” such as Operating System, JVM, Database, dependencies, and other configuration in a reusable format, such as Docker. It explains how to replicate the environment for development, testing, staging, and production minimizing the impedance mismatch between them. A quick overview of Arquillian and how it helps in a automated testing across multiple Java EE containers is shown. How functional testing, code coverage, performance and other aspects for going in to production will be discussed. Using Arquillian against Docker containers will be explained as well. Finally, configuring Jenkins for Continuous Integration and setting up deployment pipelines will show how to take an application from push-to-production and achieve almost 100% automation.

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DevNation 2015 - Gil Tene & John Kaczala - Duct-tape-free reactive java application

What new big data cloud solutions, communications, or reactive applications could you bring to market if Java had the deterministic latency of compiled languages and the ability to handle massive heaps effectively without having to patch your architecture? Are usage scenarios involving enormous, data-generating, remote devices and event streams with low latency in your future? Would you like to continue using your experience with Java without compromising your loosely coupled architecture? How can you achieve software maintainability and architectural purity with applications that are analytics-driven, use massive data sets, require event stream data analytics and correlation and counting on server-side Java heaps to manage your in-memory cache? In this session, we’ll explore ways to use JBoss Data Grid and JBoss Data Virtualization to incorporate persistence with NOSQL technology along with bounded latency Java technology. We’ll show how these technologies allow us to address a new range of applications that were previously out of bounds due to the non-deterministic nature of Java garbage collection.

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DevNation 2015 - Sander Mak - Typescript: Coding javascript without the pain

Is your JavaScript growing out of control? Would you like to add some class to your client-side development? With TypeScript you can. TypeScript is an optionally typed superset of JavaScript. It adds classes, interfaces, and other object-oriented constructs familiar to Java developers. And it all compiles down to regular JavaScript for consumption by any JS runtime. In this session, we’ll introduce TypeScript from the perspective of Java developers who also write JavaScript on the client-side. We’ll use examples and live coding to show you the power of this upcoming language. You’ll see that it's more modular, less error-prone, and more fun to code in TypeScript.

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Transaction Monitoring and Visualisation

ACID Transactions are routinely used when applications require strong guarantees as to how atomic operations, involving multiple resources, will perform in the presence of failures, such as system crashes and network disruption. Transactional middleware such as JBoss, combined with application frameworks like Java EE provide the developer with a simple means to add transactional semantics to their applications. Problems can still arise, however, for example poor transactional throughput may manifest when a high volume of transactions rollback, which can have a myriad of non obvious causes. This talk will explore the current methods of troubleshooting some common transactional issues using JBoss and introduce TxVis: a prototype transaction profiling and visualisation tool. We will discuss the challenges of its development and how it will aid the user in profiling the performance of transactions in their software and quickly isolate some commonly occurring problems.

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LiveOak: Is that a mobile backend as a service in your pocket?

LiveOak is a new JBoss Middleware project built from the ground up to be mobile friendly and cater to the needs of mobile application developers. Being lightweight and entirely RESTful allows you to hit the ground running in developing your mobile applications with LiveOak. We will provide an overview of LiveOaks' stack, what we provide OOTB to enable speedy mobile app dev, how the configuration can be modified, and our RESTful guiding principles. Then move onto an application showing how easily and quickly LiveOak can be integrated to provide the required back end. Lastly we touch on how the platform can be extended with your own services to provide additional RESTful resources.

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JUDCon:Boston 2014

WATCHING LIVE? Join the chat here: For this meetup we are broadcasting live from JUDCon Boston 2014 on Saturday, June 28th. The broadcast will start shortly after 9am EDT (13:00 UTC). The event comprises of a morning of presentations followed by an afternoon of hacking. This time, we'll only be broadcasting the morning sessions. Maybe in future we'll think of a way to do the hackfest too! Here is the agenda: 13:15 UTC - 13:55 UTC Quickstart Introduction: Mobile with AeroGear 14:00 UTC - 14:40 UTC Quickstart Introduction: Security 14:45 UTC - 15:25 UTC Project Introduction: OpenShift  15:30 UTC - 17:15 UTC Project Introduction: KeyCloak Technologies we'll be covering include: * Aerogear Unified Push Server * Keycloak - Security * Apache Cordova For more details: