Red Hat OpenShift

Graph view showing issues in the mesh

Observe what your Istio microservices mesh is doing with Kiali

Heiko Rupp

The Kiali project provides observability of a service mesh and the services in the mesh. This post describes how to use Kiali to observe what the microservices in your Istio service mesh are doing, validate the Istio configuration, and see any issues.

OKD banner image

OKD: Renaming of OpenShift Origin with 3.10 release

Diane Mueller-Klingspor

OpenShift Origin, the open source upstream project for Red Hat OpenShift, has been renamed OKD. Find out what this means and see the new logo and new website. Also get details about OpenShift Commons--the place where the community goes to collaborate on OpenShift--and the upcoming OpenShift Commons Gathering.


Container-native integration testing

Raffaele Spazzoli

It can be complex to set up an end-to-end integration test infrastructure, but the process can be simplified by using an infrastructure-as-code approach. In addition, running integration tests for multiple OS/browser combinations can waste resources and time, but a container orchestrator and ephemeral workloads can help mitigate that. This article shows how to build behavior-driven development (BDD) container-native integration tests and run them in OpenShift to overcome these obstacles.


Announcing the DevConf.US 2018 developer conference

Langdon White

Registration for DevConf.US, a great open source Red Hat–sponsored community technology conference for contributors to Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and those who want to learn more about it, is now open and the schedule is live.

.NET Core

Announcing .NET Core 2.1 for Red Hat Platforms

Bob Davis +1

We are very pleased to announ ce the general availability of .NET Core 2.1 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift platforms! .NET Core is the open-source, cross-platform .NET platform for building microservices . .NET Core is designed to provide the best performance at scale for applications that use microservices and containers . Libraries can be shared with other .NET platforms, such as .NET Framework (Windows) and Xamarin (mobile applications). With .NET Core you have the flexibility of building and...

JBoss User Group (JBug) Scotland

Application Modernization and Migration Tech Talk + Scotland JBug Meetup

Eric D. Schabell

At the June 6, 2018, Scotland JBoss User Group meeting, get hands-on experience in a workshop showcasing application development in the cloud using containers, JBoss middleware, services, business logic, and APIs. Also hear a tech talk on application modernization and migration.