Securing the Software Supply Chain with Jenkins, TAS, and TPA: A Red Hat Approach

In this learning exercise, you will learn how to secure your Jenkins pipeline with Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer and Red Hat Trusted Profile Analyzer.


Our solution leverages a powerful combination of technologies:

  1. Red Hat OpenShift cluster
  2. Jenkins: Our CI/CD pipeline orchestrator
  3. RHSSO (Red Hat Single Sign-On): For identity and access management
  4. Our container registry
  5. A running instance of Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer (RHTAS) on OpenShift
  6. A running instance of Red Hat Trusted Profile Analyzer (RHTPA) on OpenShift

Step-by-step guide

Infrastructure Setup:

Before we can go ahead and implement our secure pipeline, we need to set up a few necessary infrastructure components. This process involves several steps:

1. Deploy RHSSO (Red Hat Single Sign-On)

In this exercise we will be using RHSSO, based on the Keycloak project, as our Identity provider. If you want to check out other options, look here.

You can install RHSSO by following the official guide here. Once you have RHSSO installed, please proceed with the following steps.

1.1 Create a new Keycloak resource named "keycloak" in the keycloak namespace. Use the default configurations.

RHSSO, based on the Keycloak project
Create Keycloak Custom Resource in RH SSO
Figure 1: Create Keycloak Custom Resource in RH SSO.

YAML File:

kind: Keycloak
  name: keycloak
    app: sso
  namespace: keycloak
  instances: 1
    enabled: true

Username: admin

Password: Located in a secret within the namespace called "credential-admin"

Wait for the Keycloak Resource to deploy before continuing to the next step.

1.2 Go to Networking -> Routes to find the url to access Keycloak.

Keycloak access url
Figure 2: Keycloak access url.

Go to the Keycloak console with the credentials (available in Workloads -> Secrets) stored in "credential-admin". 

We will now create a "trusted-artifact-signer" realm in RHSSO to provide a dedicated and isolated authentication and authorization domain specifically for the artifact signing process, enhancing security by separating these critical operations from other authentication contexts (we will create more later for the purposes of RHTPA).

1.3 Create a new realm

Create new realm 1.1
Create new realm 1.1
Figure 3: Create new realm.

Name: trusted-artifact-signer

Click on "Create" Button and proceed.

1.4 Create Users: Click on 'Add user' option to create a new user.

Create users
Figure 4: Create users.

Username: jdoe 

First Name: Jane 

Last Name: Doe 


Email Verified: Checked

Click Save.

Save user
Figure 5: Save user.

1.5 Click the Credentials tab and set the following values as per Figure 6.

Password: secure

Uncheck Temporary to make sure it is set as 'OFF' and then click Save.

Manage Credentials
Figure 6: Manage Credentials.

1.6  Now let us create a new client for RHTAS. Navigate to the "Clients" Sub group on left hand menu and click on the 'Create' button and use the values provided below.

Add new client
Figure 7: Add new client.

Id: trusted-artifact-signer 

Redirect URI: * Note: * is good for demos 

Enable OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant

Add client screen
Figure 8: Add client screen.
Client details
Figure 9: Client details.

The ci-builder client allows our CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins) to authenticate with RHSSO, ensuring that only authorized processes can interact with our secure pipeline.

1.7 Now let us create a new Client for the CI Builder. Use sample values provided below.

Client for CI builder
Figure 10: Client for CI builder.

Id: ci-builder 

Access type: Confidential 

Service Accounts Enabled: Checked Redirect URI: * 

Enable OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant 

Now click "Save" button at the bottom of the screen which will enable the Service Accounts tab, which we will configure in next step.

CI builder screen
Figure 11: CI builder screen.

1.8 Configure Service Account

Click on the Service Account Roles tab and then select "service-account-ci-builder" user name. Use the following values as per figure 12.


First Name: CI

Last Name: Builder

Email Verified: Checked

Click Save.

Service accounts
Figure 12: Service accounts.
Service account configuration
Figure 13: Service account configuration.

1.9 Configure audience protocol mapper

Goto the ci-builder client.

CI builder client
Figure 14: CI builder client.

Then click on the mappers tab.

Mappers tab in CI builder
Figure 15: Mappers tab in CI builder.

Click on Create and use following values as per figure 16.

Name: audience 

Mapper Type: Hardcoded Claim Token Claim 

Name: aud 

Claim value: trusted-artifact-signer 

Click Save to continue. 

Create protocol mapper
Figure 16: Create protocol mapper.

2. Deploy RHTAS (Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer)

2.1 In Red Hat OpenShift OperatorHub, install the RHTAS Operator in the trusted-artifact-signer namespace.

RHTAS operator in Red Hat OpenShift
Figure 17: RHTAS operator in Red Hat OpenShift.
  • Create a new SecureSign resource in the trusted-artifact-signer namespace, select YAML view and add following parameters in OIDC Issuer Section.  

    Create Securesign
    Figure 18: Create Securesign.
  • Set OIDCIssuers appropriately for Fulcio (replace ${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN} with your OpenShift base domain):

     - ClientID: trusted-artifact-signer
         Issuer: 'https://keycloak-keycloak.apps.${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}/auth/realms/trusted-artifact-signer'
         IssuerURL: https://keycloak-keycloak.apps.${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}/auth/realms/trusted-artifact-signer
         Type: email

Final YAML file should look like figure 19.

By setting the OIDC issuers to match Keycloak, we're telling RHTAS to trust and accept tokens issued by our Keycloak instance which we have created in the above section.

Final YAML view
Figure 19: Final YAML view.

Name: securesign
SecureSign is the productized version of Cosign (part of Sigstore), It lets you sign digital artifacts like container images.
Click Save

In this exercise, we will be using RHSSO/Keycloak as our IDP, so please set the values accordingly. Remember to replace the ${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN} with your actual cluster domain name.

3. Deploy OIDC Token Refresher

To provide an identity for the Jenkins builder, we will create a new deployment that will retrieve a new ID token routinely. Create a Jenkins Project in OpenShift and create the following pods in the jenkins namespace.

3.1 ServiceAccount purpose: This provides an identity for the token refresher process within the Kubernetes cluster, allowing it to interact with the Kubernetes API securely.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: oidc-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
Create pod
Figure 20: Create pod.

3.2 Role purpose: This allows the token refresher to create, update, and manage the secrets where the refreshed tokens will be stored.

kind: Role
  name: oidc-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - secrets
  - get
  - create
  - patch
  - update
  - list

3.3 RoleBinding purpose: This grants the necessary permissions defined in the Role to the ServiceAccount, allowing the token refresher to perform its operations.

kind: RoleBinding
  name: oidc-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
  kind: Role
  name: oidc-token-refresher
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: oidc-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins

3.4 Secret purpose: This provides a place to store the secret details.

apiVersion: v1
  OIDC_CLIENT_ID: ci-builder
  OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT: https://keycloak-keycloak.apps.${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}/auth/realms/trusted-artifact-signer/protocol/openid-connect/token
kind: Secret
  name: oidc-info
  namespace: jenkins
type: Opaque

Replace ${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN} with the OpenShift base domain and replace ${CI_BUILDER_CLIENT_SECRET} with the client secret for the ci-builder Keycloak client.

  • Go to the keycloak instance we configured before
  • Click on ci-builder client
  • Click on the Credentials tab
  • Copy the value in the Secret textbox
Ci-builder secret
Figure 21: Ci-builder secret.

3.5 Deployment purpose: This runs the script that periodically requests new OIDC tokens and stores them in a Kubernetes secret. It ensures that fresh, valid tokens are always available for the CI/CD pipeline to use when interacting with other services.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: oidc-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
  progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
  replicas: 1
  revisionHistoryLimit: 10
      app: oidc-token-refresher
      maxSurge: 25%
      maxUnavailable: 25%
    type: RollingUpdate
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: oidc-token-refresher
        deployment: oidc-token-refresher
      - command:
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          while true; do
            JWT_TOKEN=$(curl -sL --location "${OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \
            --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
            --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
            --data-urlencode "client_id=${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" \
            --data-urlencode "client_secret=${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" \
            --data-urlencode "scope=openid" | jq -r '.id_token')
            kubectl create secret generic oidc-token --from-literal=id-token=${JWT_TOKEN} --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f-
            sleep 120
        - secretRef:
            name: oidc-info
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: oidc-token-refresher
        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        terminationMessagePolicy: File
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
      schedulerName: default-scheduler
      serviceAccount: oidc-token-refresher
      serviceAccountName: oidc-token-refresher
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

Once running, a new Token will be requested every 2 minutes. Once a new token has been requested, a new secret called oidc-token will be created. Confirm the id-token property has been populated as this will be used by Jenkins.

4. Deploy RHTPA (Red Hat Trusted Profile Analyzer)

Deploy RHTPA According to the documentation.

5. Setup bombastic token refresher

The bombastic token refresher serves a similar purpose to the OIDC token refresher we created above, but it's specifically for interacting with Red Hat Trusted Profile Analyzer (RHTPA). It ensures that there's always a valid token available for communicating with RHTPA, preventing authentication failures due to expired tokens. By enabling this refresher, you have continuous and uninterrupted access to TPA services, which is crucial for ongoing SBOM upload in the CI/CD pipeline.

Navigate to the RHTPA Keycloak console from Network -> Routes in the namespace where you deployed RHTPA in Section 4.

Bombastic token
Figure 22: Bombastic token.

In the chicken realm in Keycloak, create a new Client. Name the client ci-builder (same as was created in RHTAS).

  • Flip on Authentication (Access type = Confidential)
  • Check Service accounts roles
  • Set redirect url to * 
  • Allow Oauth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant
  • Click on the Service Account Roles tab.
  • Select chicken-manager and click on "Add Selected". This will put the chicken-manager in the "Assigned Roles" bucket.

    CI-builder UI
    Figure 23: CI-builder UI.
    Service account roles
    Figure 24: Service account roles.
  • Click the username service-account-ci-builder
  • Enter an email address, check Email Verified and provide a first and last name
  • Click Save 

    Service account ci-builder
    Figure 25: Service account ci-builder.

    Click on Client Scopes tab

  • Select create:document and read:document and click on Add Selected ->, this should put both the client scopes in "Assigned Default Client Scopes" on the bucket on the right. 

    Client scopes
    Figure 26: Client scopes.
    Assigned default client scopes
    Figure 27: Assigned default client scopes.

    Now go to OpenShift Console, locate the bombastic-api-auth ConfigMap in the namespace RHTPA is installed, and add the following in the list of clients in the auth.yaml property

    - clientId: ci-builder

    issuer Url:

    scopeMappings: *keycloakScopeMappings

Make sure the issuerUrl should match the others in there

Bombastic api auth
Figure 28: Bombastic api auth.

Finally, delete the bombastic-api-* pod (you can find it in the RHTPA installed namespace) so that it will be updated with the latest updated content. The pod will deploy again automatically.

Bombastic api running
Figure 29: Bombastic api running.

Now. go back to the OpenShift console and create the following in the Jenkins namespace, the pods structure and purpose are similar to the OIDC token refresher, so the explanation is the same as before.

 5.1 Service account:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: bombastic-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins

5.2 Role for managing secrets:

kind: Role
  name: bombastic-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["secrets"]
    verbs: ["get", "create", "patch", "update", "list"]

5.3 RoleBinding:

kind: RoleBinding
  name: bombastic-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
  kind: Role
  name: bombastic-token-refresher
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: bombastic-token-refresher
    namespace: jenkins

5.4 Secret for storing Keycloak client credentials:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: bombastic-oidc-info
  namespace: jenkins
type: Opaque
  OIDC_CLIENT_ID: ci-builder
  OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET: <your-client-secret>
  OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT: https://{IDP}-{RHTPA_INSTALLED_NAMESPACE}.apps.{OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}/auth/realms/chicken/protocol/openid-connect/token
  • Replace {your-client-secret} with the actual client secret for the 'ci-builder' client you created in Keycloak
  • Replace {OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}  with your openshift domain
  • Replace {IDP} name of the identity provider
  • Replace {RHTPA_INSTALLED_NAMESPACE} with the namespace where you have RHTPA installed

If you have been following this exercise and screenshots so far, the OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT should look like this

5.5 Deploy bombastic token refresher:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: bombastic-token-refresher
  namespace: jenkins
  replicas: 1
      app: bombastic-token-refresher
        app: bombastic-token-refresher
      serviceAccountName: bombastic-token-refresher
      - name: token-refresher
        - /bin/bash
        - -c
        - |
          while true; do
            BOMBASTIC_TOKEN=$(curl -s -X POST "${OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT}" \
              -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
              -d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
              -d "client_id=${OIDC_CLIENT_ID}" \
              -d "client_secret=${OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET}" \
              -d "scope=openid" | jq -r '.access_token')
            kubectl create secret generic bombastic-token \
              --from-literal=token=${BOMBASTIC_TOKEN} \
              --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
            echo "Token refreshed at $(date)"
            sleep 300
        - secretRef:
            name: bombastic-oidc-info

Once running, a new token will be requested every 2 minutes. Once a new token has been requested, a new secret called bombastic-token will be created. We will later use this bombastic-token in our Jenkins pipeline to automate the process of uploading a SBOM to RHTPA.

6. Deploy Jenkins

In this section, we will deploy Jenkins in our OpenShift cluster, where we will bring together all the steps performed above to create a secure pipeline using RHTAS and RHTPA.

Navigate to the jenkins namespace in OpenShift.

6.1 Change to Developer perspective:

Red Hat OpenShift developer perspective
Figure 30: Red Hat OpenShift developer perspective.

6.2 Under Developer Services, click All Services and search for Jenkins.

6.3 Select Jenkins (Be sure to select the Templates type and NOT Ephemeral)

Jenkins template in OpenShift
Figure 31: Jenkins template in OpenShift.
  • Click Instantiate Template
  • Memory and Volume Capacity:  10Gi
  • Accept the rest of the default configurations
  • Click Create

6.4 Configure non root-builder Support: Running containers as non-root is a widely recognized security best practice in container environments and also adheres to the principle of least privilege, reducing the potential impact if the build process is compromised. In order to be able to build container images within our Jenkins Pipeline, a series of assets need to be configured within the jenkins namespace. Create the following pods within the jenkins namespace.

6.5 ServiceAccount Purpose: This allows the build processes to interact with the Kubernetes API and other resources securely, with a specific set of permissions.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: nonroot-builder
  namespace: jenkins

6.6 SecurityContextConstraint purpose: This SCC is tailored to allow non-root builds, providing the necessary permissions while still maintaining security. It allows running with any non-root UID and in multiple namespaces, which is crucial for building images with Podman and Buildah.

allowHostPorts: false
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
allowPrivilegedContainer: false
allowedCapabilities: null
defaultAddCapabilities: null
  type: RunAsAny
groups: []
kind: SecurityContextConstraints
  annotations: nonroot-builder provides all features of the nonroot
      SCC but allows users to run with any non-root UID and multiple namespaces for 
      nonroot building of images with podman and buildah
  name: nonroot-builder
priority: 5
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
  type: MustRunAs
  uid: 1001
  type: MustRunAs
  type: RunAsAny
users: []
- configMap
- downwardAPI
- emptyDir
- persistentVolumeClaim
- projected
- secret

6.7 Role purpose: This role allows the use of the custom SCC we created, enabling non-root builds across the cluster.

kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:openshift:scc:nonroot-builder
- apiGroups:
  - nonroot-builder
  - securitycontextconstraints
  - use

6.8 RoleBinding Purpose: This grants the permissions defined in the ClusterRole to the nonroot-builder ServiceAccount, allowing it to use the custom SCC.

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: system:openshift:scc:nonroot-builder
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:openshift:scc:nonroot-builder
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: nonroot-builder
  namespace: jenkins

7. Configure Jenkins

Now that we have deployed Jenkins in the above section, it's time to configure Jenkins settings a little bit to be able to build our pipeline

7.1 Login into the Jenkins instance by navigating to the Route and update the plugins in the Jenkins instance.

  • Navigate to the Plugin Manager, select all available plugins and install all updates 
  • Click Manage Jenkins 
  • Plugin Manager Click the "Restart Jenkins when No Jobs are Running" checkbox so that Jenkins restarts once all updates have been installed.

7.2 Create credentials associated with the container registry where images will be pushed. Ideally, no changes would be needed in the Jenkinsfile, but would instead be dynamically managed as external configurations, such as these credentials. In this example we will be using as the registry, but you are free to modify this part of JenkinsFile to be able to work with other registries.

  • Click Manage Jenkins
  • Under Security, click Credentials
  • Click System
  • Click Global credentials (unrestricted)
  • Click Add Credentials
    • Enter the username
    • Enter the password
    • Enter a unique ID for the credentials, such as registry-credentials Click Create.

7.3 Create a new Job

  • From the Dashboard, click New Item 
  • Enter sigstore-rhtas-java as the name 
  • Click Pipeline as the type 
  • Click OK 

    Create a new Jenkins job
    Figure 32: Create a new Jenkins job.
  • Check this project is parameterized and  following string parameters.

    Agent Image

    • Name: AGENT_IMAGE
    • Default value:
    • Description: Agent Image

This is the dockerfile for the agent image: (This is just for viewing/informational purposes, you dont need to paste/modify this Dockerfile)

USER root
RUN adduser -g 0 -u 1001 jenkins && \
    yum -y update && \
    yum install -y --setopt=tsflags=nodocs podman skopeo buildah --exclude container-selinux && \
    yum clean all && \
    chown -R jenkins:0 /home/jenkins && \
    chmod -R 775 /home/jenkins && \
    chmod -R 775 /etc/alternatives && \
    chmod -R 775 /var/lib/alternatives && \
    chmod -R 775 /usr/lib/jvm && \
    chmod -R 775 /usr/bin && \
    chmod 775 /usr/share/man/man1 && \
    mkdir -p /var/lib/origin && \
    chmod 775 /var/lib/origin && \
    chmod u-s /usr/bin/new[gu]idmap && \
    setcap cap_setuid+eip /usr/bin/newuidmap && \
    setcap cap_setgid+eip /usr/bin/newgidmap && \
    rm -f /var/logs/*
USER 1001

Purpose: The Jenkins Agent integrates provides an environment for executing Jenkins pipeline tasks and includes tooling for building Maven applications and container images on OpenShift without the use of root privileges.

Cluster Apps Domain
        Name: APPS_DOMAIN
        Description: Cluster Apps Domain
OIDC Issuer
        Name: OIDC_ISSUER
        Description: OIDC Issuer
Client ID
        Name: CLIENT_ID
        Default Value: trusted-artifact-signer
        Description: Client ID
Keycloak Realm
        Name: KEYCLOAK_REALM
        Default Value: trusted-artifact-signer
        Description: Keycloak Realm
Image Destination
        Description: Image Destination
Registry Credentials
        Default Value: registry-credentials
        Description: Registry Credentials
TPA Instance
        Name: TPA_INSTANCE
        Description: TPA INSTANCE Domain 

Under the Pipeline section, under the Definition dropdown, select Pipeline from SCM
        Under SCM, select Git
        Repository URL:
This is an example JenkinsFile whose detailed steps are outlined in a later section.
        Under Branch Specifier, enter */main
        Click Save

7.4 Perform a build

  • Click Build with Parameters 
  • Set the following Parameters


    OIDC_ISSUER: https://keycloak-keycloak.apps.${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}/auth/realms/trusted-artifact-signer

    IMAGE_DESTINATION: <Location_Image_Should_Be_Pushed>

    TPA_INSTANCE: https://sbom-${tpa_installed namespace}.apps.${OCP_BASE_DOMAIN}

    ${tpa_installed namespace} = The namespace where TPA is installed

  • Click Build
  • Watch build logs perform a .jar build, image build and then sign the artifacts

Once the pipeline finishes, you should end up with something similar to the following.

Jenkins pipeline
Figure 33: Jenkins pipeline.

You can view the SBOM of the generated Image in the TPA console.

RHTPA console
Figure 34: RHTPA console.

One easy way to identify your SBOM is by sorting "created on" to ascending. The below is a sample dependency analytics report.

Overview of security issues
Figure 35: Overview of security issues.

8. Deep Dive into the JenkinsFile

This example Jenkins pipeline implements a comprehensive workflow to ensure security at each step.

8.1 Setup Environment: Configure necessary environment variables and download required tools.

stage('Setup Environment') {
       script {
           env.REGISTRY=sh(script: "echo ${params.IMAGE_DESTINATION} | cut -d '/' -f1", returnStdout: true).trim()
           if(params.APPS_DOMAIN == "") {
               currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
               error('Parameter APPS_DOMAIN is not provided')
           dir("bin") {
               sh '''
                   echo "Downloading cosign"
                   curl -Lks -o cosign.gz https://cli-server-trusted-artifact-signer.$APPS_DOMAIN/clients/linux/cosign-amd64.gz
                   gzip -f -d cosign.gz
                   rm -f cosign.gz
                   chmod +x cosign
           dir("tuf") {
           sh '''
             $COSIGN initialize
           stash name: 'binaries', includes: 'bin/*'

8.2 Checkout: Retrieve the source code from the repository.

 stage('Checkout') {
           checkout scm

8.4 Build and Push Image: Create a container image and push it to Quay.

 stage('Build and Push Image') {
           withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: params.REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS, usernameVariable: 'REGISTRY_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'REGISTRY_PASSWORD']]) {
               sh '''
                  podman login -u $REGISTRY_USERNAME -p $REGISTRY_PASSWORD $REGISTRY
                  podman build -t $IMAGE_DESTINATION -f ./src/main/docker/Dockerfile.jvm .
                  podman push --digestfile=target/digest $IMAGE_DESTINATION

8.5 Generate SBOM: Use Syft to create a Software Bill of Materials in CycloneDX JSON format.

Push SBOM to Container Registry.

SBOM RHDA Analysis: RedHat Dependency Analytics is a suite of Plugins across different popular IDEs and CI/CD pipelines. You can checkout more here. Perform initial analysis of the SBOM. (Report can be seen via the Pipeline execution output).

Send SBOM to TPA: Transfer the SBOM to Trusted Profile Analyzer for deeper analysis.

stage('Generate and put SBOM in TPA') {
   withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: params.REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS, usernameVariable: 'REGISTRY_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'REGISTRY_PASSWORD']]) {
       sh '''
           echo "Installing syft"
           # Create a directory for syft installation
           mkdir -p ${INSTALL_DIR}
           # Install syft
           curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b ${INSTALL_DIR}
           # Add the bin directory to PATH
           export PATH=${INSTALL_DIR}:$PATH
           # Check installation
           echo "Checking syft installation"
           syft version
           echo "Generating SBOM"
           syft $IMAGE_DESTINATION -o cyclonedx-json@1.4 > sbom.cyclonedx.json
           echo "Printing SBOM For testing"
           cat sbom.cyclonedx.json
           echo "Pushing SBOM to Quay repository"
           curl -u ${REGISTRY_USERNAME}:${REGISTRY_PASSWORD} -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.quay.sbom.cyclonedx+json" --data-binary @${SBOM_FILE} ${UPLOAD_URL}
           echo "SBOM pushed successfully"
           echo "SBOM RHDA Analysis"
           curl -X POST \
           -H "Accept: application/json" \
           -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cyclonedx+json" \
           -H "rhda-source: test" \
           --data @$SBOM_FILE
       script {
           def bombasticToken = sh(script: "kubectl get secret bombastic-token -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode", returnStdout: true).trim()
           sh """
               curl -v -g -X 'PUT' \\
               '${params.TPA_INSTANCE}/api/v1/sbom?id=rhtas_testing' \\
               -H 'accept: */*' \\
               -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${bombasticToken}' \\
               -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
               -d @sbom.cyclonedx.json

8.6 Sign Artifacts: Use RHTAS to cryptographically sign and attest both the JAR file and the container image.

 stage('Sign Artifacts') {
           unstash 'binaries'
           // Sign Jar
           sh '''
           $COSIGN sign-blob $(find target -maxdepth 1  -type f -name '*.jar') --identity-token=/var/run/sigstore/cosign/id-token
           // Sign Container Image and Attest SBOM
           withCredentials([[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: params.REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS, usernameVariable: 'REGISTRY_USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'REGISTRY_PASSWORD']]) {
               sh '''
                  set +x
                  DIGEST_DESTINATION="$(echo $IMAGE_DESTINATION | cut -d \":\" -f1)@$(cat target/digest)"
                  $COSIGN sign --identity-token=/var/run/sigstore/cosign/id-token $DIGEST_DESTINATION
                  $COSIGN attest --identity-token=/var/run/sigstore/cosign/id-token --predicate=./target/classes/META-INF/maven/com.redhat/sigstore-rhtas-java/license.spdx.json -y --type=spdxjson $DIGEST_DESTINATION

8.7 Verify Signature: Confirm the validity of the signatures.

stage('Verify Signature') {
           sh '''
           $COSIGN verify  $IMAGE_DESTINATION
Previous resource
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