Install Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer using Google identity provider and Cosign

Learn how to install the Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer using Google identity provider. Once installed, explore how to sign and verify a container image using Cosign.

Now that you’ve installed the Trusted Artifact Signer and deployed its services, this next lesson will walk you through signing and verifying a container image.

In this lesson, you will

  • Configure your shell environment with the service endpoints for Trusted Artifact Signer.
  • Sign a container image. 
  • Verify the signature of the container image.

Configure your environment and verify the container image

To sign and verify a container image using your Google account, follow these steps:

  1. Switch to the namespace where you created the Trusted Artifact Signer instance using:

    oc project <namespace>
  2. Configure your shell environment with the service endpoints for Trusted Artifact Signer.

    Info alert: The OIDC issuer is set to

    export TUF_URL=$(oc get tuf -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.url}')
                            export OIDC_ISSUER_URL=
                            export COSIGN_FULCIO_URL=$(oc get fulcio -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.url}')
                            export COSIGN_REKOR_URL=$(oc get rekor -o jsonpath='{.items[0].status.url}')
                            export COSIGN_MIRROR=$TUF_URL
                            export COSIGN_ROOT=$TUF_URL/root.json
                            export COSIGN_OIDC_ISSUER=$OIDC_ISSUER_URL
                            export COSIGN_CERTIFICATE_OIDC_ISSUER=$OIDC_ISSUER_URL
                            export COSIGN_YES="true"
                            export SIGSTORE_FULCIO_URL=$COSIGN_FULCIO_URL
                            export SIGSTORE_OIDC_ISSUER=$COSIGN_OIDC_ISSUER
                            export SIGSTORE_REKOR_URL=$COSIGN_REKOR_URL
                            export REKOR_REKOR_SERVER=$COSIGN_REKOR_URL
  3. Initialize the TUF Root:

    cosign initialize
  4. Sign the container image, where my-google-secret contains the secret for your client ID from the Google Console:

    Info alert: Make sure that the my-google-secret file contains just the secret string corresponding to your client ID

    cosign sign -y $IMAGE --oidc-client-secret-file=./my-google-secret
  5. Verify the signature for the container image:

    cosign verify $IMAGE

Great. You've configured your environment. Ready to move on to the Developer's Guide to setting supply chain security e-book??

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Install and deploy Red Hat Trusted Artifact Signer
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A developer’s guide to setting supply chain security in DevSecOps